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vs. UVM (Wed 25th @ 7pm)

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Vermont played very good D. They are a good team. I try to stay positive because I know they are young kids but what a difference between the Rowley brothers. Sam was strong and a little nasty down low. Mike is just soft. Very soft.


I think we can come up with something to play better on the offensive end next time. We did play good D though.

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When Mike was brought in it was said he was a more athletic version of Sam and a better player. Far from it. He has had a decent year all things considered and will be missed but he's fat from the player Sam was. He misses so many gimmies and he's terrible dribbling...turnover waiting to happen each time. Stire is also questionable in that department.


Two great kids though. Gonna miss having a Rowley brother on the roster.

Edited by Eli
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Albany gave up a TON of baskets flopping and trying to take charges. Stire and Rowley are there to be enforcers. Foul the $iena out of their point guard when he gets into the paint. Nichols and Cremo on the other hand were smothered

Edited by UA'08
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My stats tracker if anyone cares:

UAlbany Wins																								
** Albany stats are the left side in each grouping **																								
Opponent	FGM		FGA		FG%		FTM		FTA		FT%		3PTM		3PTA		3PT%		RBG		AST		TO	
Penn State	30	27	61	63	49.2%	42.9%	20	18	25	22	80.0%	81.8%	7	9	14	25	50.0%	36.0%	43	26	16	9	15	12
Oneonta	        38	20	81	71	46.9%	28.2%	16	11	25	13	64.0%	84.6%	5	5	12	27	41.7%	18.5%	69	31	15	11	12	13
Brown	        26	25	52	59	50.0%	42.4%	22	21	28	29	78.6%	72.4%	6	5	14	20	42.9%	25.0%	37	28	9	13	18	8
Siena	        27	23	52	49	51.9%	46.9%	21	19	32	25	65.6%	76.0%	6	7	12	22	50.0%	31.8%	29	31	15	11	6	11
Marist	        26	25	60	51	43.3%	49.0%	21	5	28	8	75.0%	62.5%	5	11	14	28	35.7%	39.3%	34	30	13	15	9	19
Colgate	        26	23	51	45	51.0%	51.1%	19	9	26	11	73.1%	81.8%	3	11	9	29	33.3%	37.9%	29	22	8	11	10	16
St. Francis BK	29	24	61	59	47.5%	40.7%	21	7	25	12	84.0%	58.3%	8	5	17	22	47.1%	22.7%	50	21	19	12	15	8
Columbia	21	24	52	51	40.4%	47.1%	24	12	28	18	85.7%	66.7%	4	7	12	23	33.3%	30.4%	39	27	8	16	15	13
Cornell	        27	22	62	49	43.5%	44.9%	11	5	16	9	68.8%	55.6%	4	10	16	31	25.0%	32.3%	43	24	14	14	10	13
UMBC	        28	16	54	49	51.9%	32.7%	16	10	20	15	80.0%	66.7%	5	11	8	27	62.5%	40.7%	41	26	8	11	11	13
Binghamton	35	22	54	48	64.8%	45.8%	7	13	11	14	63.6%	92.9%	7	8	12	24	58.3%	33.3%	26	22	17	12	8	13
Maine	        30	23	55	51	54.5%	45.1%	17	11	22	20	77.3%	55.0%	4	6	14	14	28.6%	42.9%	34	28	16	13	11	15
OOC	        250	213	532	497	47.0%	42.9%	175	107	233	147	75.1%	72.8%	48	70	120	227	40.0%	30.8%	373	240	117	112	110	113
OOC Average	27.8	23.7	59.1	55.2	47.0%	42.9%	19.4	11.9	25.9	16.3	75.1%	72.8%	5.3	7.8	13.3	25.2	40.0%	30.8%	41.4	26.7	13.0	12.4	12.2	12.6
AE	        93	61	163	148	57.1%	41.2%	40	34	53	49	75.5%	69.4%	16	25	34	65	47.1%	38.5%	101	76	41	36	30	41
AE Average	31.0	20.3	54.3	49.3	57.1%	41.2%	13.3	11.3	17.7	16.3	75.5%	69.4%	5.3	8.3	11.3	21.7	47.1%	38.5%	34	25.3	13.7	12.0	10.0	13.7
Total	        343	274	695	645	49.4%	42.5%	215	141	286	196	75.2%	71.9%	64	95	154	292	41.6%	32.5%	474	316	158	148	140	154
Average	        28.6	22.8	57.9	53.8	49.6%	43.1%	17.9	11.8	23.8	16.3	74.6%	71.2%	5.3	7.9	12.8	24.3	42.4%	32.6%	39.5	26.3	13.2	12.3	11.7	12.8
UAlbany Losses																								
** Albany stats are the left side in each grouping **																								
Opponent	FGM		FGA		FG%		FTM		FTA		FT%		3PTM		3PTA		3PT%		RBG		AST		TO	
Cincinatti	20	28	48	61	41.7%	45.9%	9	13	14	20	64.3%	65.0%	2	5	14	21	14.3%	23.8%	33	34	8	16	22	10
Grand Canyon	27	29	59	69	45.8%	42.0%	15	14	21	21	71.4%	66.7%	8	10	21	24	38.1%	41.7%	36	33	10	15	13	9
Holy Cross	21	18	45	46	46.7%	39.1%	8	6	10	10	80.0%	60.0%	1	11	9	29	11.1%	37.9%	20	37	15	12	18	9
Yale	        22	22	50	56	44.0%	39.3%	9	4	10	5	90.0%	80.0%	2	11	12	29	16.7%	37.9%	31	33	13	15	12	13
Canisius	27	26	66	57	40.9%	45.6%	8	13	8	17	100.0%	76.5%	2	12	11	28	18.2%	42.9%	37	35	11	20	13	14
SMU	        21	25	51	47	41.2%	53.2%	4	13	5	24	80.0%	54.2%	7	8	23	17	30.4%	47.1%	25	33	10	14	12	10
Umass Lowell	32	33	56	52	57.1%	63.5%	8	7	11	12	72.7%	58.3%	7	12	16	23	43.8%	52.2%	28	18	13	17	13	11
Stony Brook	28	22	50	58	56.0%	37.9%	7	20	10	24	70.0%	83.3%	7	8	13	28	53.8%	28.6%	31	30	14	13	19	10
UNH	        22	25	51	52	43.1%	48.1%	18	11	25	13	72.0%	84.6%	5	14	19	30	26.3%	46.7%	31	29	8	16	6	8
Vermont	        19	22	64	50	29.7%	44.0%	10	13	13	20	76.9%	65.0%	1	3	8	18	12.5%	16.7%	43	37	8	12	10	14
OOC	        138	148	319	336	43.3%	44.0%	53	63	68	97	77.9%	64.9%	22	57	90	148	24.4%	38.5%	182	205	67	92	90	65
OOC Average	23.0	24.7	53.2	56.0	43.3%	44.0%	8.8	10.5	11.3	16.2	77.9%	64.9%	3.7	9.5	15.0	24.7	24.4%	38.5%	30.3	34.2	11.2	15.3	15.0	10.8
AE	        101	102	221	212	45.7%	48.1%	43	51	59	69	72.9%	73.9%	20	37	56	99	35.7%	37.4%	133	114	43	58	48	43
AE Average	25.3	25.5	55.3	53.0	45.7%	48.1%	10.8	12.8	14.8	17.3	72.9%	73.9%	5.0	9.3	14.0	24.8	35.7%	37.4%	33.3	28.5	10.8	14.5	12.0	10.8
Total	        239	250	540	548	44.3%	45.6%	96	114	127	166	75.6%	68.7%	42	94	146	247	28.8%	38.1%	315	319	110	150	138	108
Average	        23.9	25.0	54.0	54.8	43.4%	44.2%	9.6	11.4	12.7	16.6	81.0%	67.1%	4.2	9.4	14.6	24.7	21.5%	38.5%	31.5	31.9	11.0	15.0	13.8	10.8
Total (all)	582	524	1235	1193	47.1%	43.9%	311	255	413	362	75.3%	70.4%	106	189	300	539	35.3%	35.1%	789	635	268	298	278	262
Average (all)	26.5	23.8	56.1	54.2	47.3%	44.3%	14.1	11.6	18.8	16.5	76.0%	70.4%	4.8	8.6	13.6	24.5	35.2%	34.8%	35.9	28.9	12.2	13.5	12.6	11.9

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