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Posts posted by madDOG

  1. I think it perpetuates the "Albany (NY) footnote that we always get in the press. IMO, I think it should just be a simple and clean "ALBANY", No U, no emphasis on NY.


    Like Rutgers. They don't jazz it up with New Jersey, or a U....and people know who they are.


    Two counterpoints

    1. We needed the (NY) to differentiate ourselves from Albany State in Georgia (DII team). I'm not sure it matters anymore so it doesn't bother me whether people use the NY or not.

    2. We have nowhere near the history nor the academic reputation that Rutgers has. We need to latch onto something other than "Albany"


    1- We need to grow beyond the (NY) footnote. Properly marketing the ALBANY name (and winning!) will naturally get us there.

    2- Again, marketing it properly and winning will establish history and name recognition. Rutgers is just one example.

  2. The response I've been getting to my one man e-mail campaign from several politicians has been basically...they continue to divert funds from UA. When we (local politicians) ask for increase in state aid for critical maintenance of facilities etc. they point to look how much we gave NANO...no more for the CD.


    Um, yeah...exactly.

  3. Let's be honest here people, what has the Nano College done for UA in these areas?


    US News rankings: Little to no improvement over the past decade and we're still trailing our SUNY brethren.

    AAU accreditation: Despite the massive investment in Nano over the past decade we still don't have AAU accreditation.

    Endowment: Still severely trailing our SUNY peers despite all the patents accrued by Nano over the past decade.

    Academic funding: We've had to cut several liberal-arts programs, our student/teacher ratio isn't so great and we're begging the state for a massive influx of cash for campus improvements. Billions flow into Nano for their complexes.

    Overall awareness of UA by top students all over the country: Students who are interested in Nano are finding their way here obviously but in New York... Bing, SBU and Buffalo continue to attract higher quality undergraduate students on the whole. In the region... Rutgers, UConn, Penn State, and UMass are all way ahead of us.


    Bottom line is that Nano hasn't benefited UA as much as you think, at least in the areas that matter most. It's more symbolic than anything. Either it hasn't been leveraged properly, or it was just never set-up to impact the university as a whole. My guess is the leaders who signed of on this recommendation believed that this was true, or else they would have fought to keep it.


    The sky isn't falling. We have RNA, we have Business, we have Social Sciences. We will continue to do what we do with or without Nano.

  4. We do have the RNA Institute, which really just got started...and it seems no other University is really focused on that side of genetics research. It has the potential to be huge.


    There is also that SUNY 2020 or whatever project that we're getting what, $300 million for?


    Trying to look on the positive side of things here. I can't image the UA officials voting FOR the split did so unless they truly believed it was a benefit. We don't know the terms of the split yet...it could work in our favor in ways we just dont understand yet.

  5. I don't think anyone is using that list to make a decision on where to go to college for an MPA program. Pinterest posts, really?? Why does this list even exist and who cares?


    I agree that UA could do a MUCH better job of marketing itself in many ways (Academic and Athletic), but as a Marketing Professional..and as someone who does this for a living and has launched several new and emerging brands...GOOFY is typically not a very good brand strategy. Maybe it will earn you some endearment points in the short-term, but it will get old fast and eventually work against you.


    The best college teams have very simple logos. Oregon, Arizona, Georgia, LSU, Syracuse, Michigan, Wisconsin..I could go on and on. If I had my way, I would eliminate the U from UALBANY and keep everything else the same. That U just pisses me off. It looks weird to me.


    Oh, and I do want a real Great Dane at games. That would be rad.

  6. We've discussed updating the logo in the past. I'll dig around for the thread.


    I wouldn't mind the Penn State approach...something like this:



    or this!!....damn, someone took our mascot??????????????????????????




    I think we just got outclassed by a high school

  7. Kind of disappointed with the UA logo at the top of the scoreboard to be honest. For some reason I thought this was going to be more involved, but it's just a "painted on" logo with a ton of white space around it. Am I wrong in thinking this was going to be different? Looks cheap IMO




    PS- agreed on the lower level. Needs some colored risers or something!

  8. Egomaniac is right, but he has built a world-class institution from nothing in a very short period of time. Give the guy some credit here. We have benefited enormously from him.


    He's butted heads with UA in the past on various issues (athletics spending included, obviously), and wants to break free because he feels that UA is holding Nano-Tech back from becoming the next MIT or Berkeley. SUNY is not well represented in the upper echelons of higher learning and here is a chance for Cuomo to get it there. All of this makes perfect sense from that perspective.


    What I don't understand is why they aren't leveraging Nano to propel the entire university to that level (ala UT Austin). Kaloyeros has no connection to the school as a whole and that is a problem. The lack of leadership at UA over the past several years certainly didn't help.

  9. Personally, I am very offended about sitting on bleachers after supporting UA all sports for over forty years and have given over $25,000 in donations and ticket purchases. Just because I give a couple hundred short of someone's arbitrary goal I am assigned to the bleacher creatures, with NO regard to loyalty and past contributions. Maybe I can afford a couple hundred more, but I refuse and in fact I am seriously thinking of reducing my involvement.


    I think you are looking at things the wrong way. Agreed that perhaps they should have instituted a loyalty program, but the athletics dept is taking a huge step up and needs to charge top dollar for premium seats to fund the programs. The fact that they can get it means they are moving in the right direction. Get a Stadium Chair http://www.stadiumchair.com/ and call it a day. There is no bad viewing angle in this place!


    So pretty please, with sugar on top...keep supporting the f**king program! :)

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