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Posts posted by madDOG

  1. Dunkin Donuts is no small operation. It has a higher annual revenue than UAlbany. This is far from an "absurd" parallel. Back to my points though:


    One is that the media doesn't cover crime victims fairly. An 18 year old shot and killed will be covered very differently if he/she is in a college versus not. One's college status should not make you more or less of a victim. A non-college student is not treated with the same shock as a college student... even if the college student is older than the non-college student. 18 year old Dunkin Donut employee versus 26 year old college "kid".


    Two, we all belong to many organizations. Why does the media focus on the person's college organization and status? That same person may be a member of Guardian Angels Catholic Church. The media doesn't report that a church member was shot. It says a college student was shot. We don't hold the church responsible for his/her safety. Is it not sad that a church member was victimized? How many organizations do we all have affliations: employer, church, municipality, social organizations etc.


    Three is that your fooling yourself to think that a college can prevent crime off campus after hours. If a college could save us from harm than every soldier going to Afghanistan should first enroll at UAlbany. UAlbany can keep them safe overseas?





    For the full-year 2011, the company had franchisee-reported sales of approximately $8.3 billion."


    lol, your original analogy was for "a" Dunkin Donuts. Singular. One location. I was not making comparisons to the corporation. Besides, it is a franchise operation and I'm pretty sure DD couldn't care less about a violent encounter at one location. Doesn't effect them in the least.


    you are also missing my point entirely. I am not saying UA can prevent 100% of crime off campus, but they have the ability to reduce it considerably, in a number of different ways, in partnership with the city, St. Rose and private developers. It is in their very best interest to do so.


    PS- why wouldn't the media disclose that he is a UA student? He is, isn't he? Why would they withhold that info? Can't blame the media for that.

  2. You're comparing the second largest enterprise in the capital region that generates billions in economic impact to a Dunkin' Donuts? I don't need to explain the absurdity of your argument, do I?


    Whether you like it or not, the violence that occurs in the city, particularly in the student section of the city, has a direct impact on the University at large. Throwing your hands up in the air and saying nothing can be done about it so it's a "fools errand" is not only weak but wrongheaded. There are lots of things the school can do (and in some ways is doing) to force change. There is no reason why the school and city can't work together to encourage private companies to redevelop and revitalize the student ghetto. Get St. Rose involved too since it impacts them as well.

  3. Comment on the T-U Albany Student Press blog complains about Albany PD wasting resources and court time on noise ordinance violations and overcharging (unlawful dealing with a child for underage drinking parties) instead of concentrating on more serious crime.



    Good letter! Reposted here:


    The police have their priorities all wrong. They are focusing on the general annoyance of off-campus parties, meanwhile the streets are overrun with opportunity seeking thugs and miscreants who prey on the vulnerable. I graduated from SUNY ALbany in 1997 and have witnessed the slow but steady decline of the Pine Hills neighborhood- which has increased exponentially in recent years as street crime and not-so-loosely organized gangs now rule the night.


    I know that the APD is trying to enforce some groundbreaking quality of life crime riddance campaign- in the mold of a certain Mayor Rudolph Giuliani- but the streets of NYC in the early 1990′s and the situation on the ground in Albany are remarkably different.


    It is my understanding that the police are, in my opinion, incorrectly charging students with the crime of Unlawfully Dealing with a Child, knowing fully well that doing so is an underhanded tactic aimed that serves no purpose other than causing a student’s family to incur a significant financial burden while jeapordizing the academic and professional futures of those charged. Noise ordinances are one thing and disorderly conduct is another, but inappropriately leveraging a misdemeanor charge is not prudent. Any good lawyer worth their salt should be able to dispose of the great majority of those cases quite easily.


    The people of Albany should be up in arms about this. The idea that the APD is flooding the courts with such felonious balonious that wastes precious legal and financial resources, while jamming up the courts with frivilous casework, is not how I want my tax money spent.


    In the end, the Pine Hills will be devoid of students and the poor year round residents who are held ‘hostage’ by said students will have a REAL problem on their hands in the form of hardened criminals and the urban decay that follows.

  4. No one said that UA shouldn't try to do something about it...but short of pleading with the City of Albany who if you haven't noticed have had a mess on their hands ranging from Albany High and other crimes around that area what would you like them to do? Perhaps they should appropriate some fund for a militia police squad to escort students off campus.


    Campus police are directly responsible for the safety of students ON CAMPUS, City of Albany is responsible for this and other areas in the City. What would you have UA do? You make it seems like UA leadership is just chillaxing saying...screw it, not our problem. When in fact they've sent NUMEROUS e-mail to students (I know, I'm a student) regarding off campus safety, they have meetings and bulletin postings around campus etc. Short of Pres. Philip strapping on an uzi I fail to see how the University is complicit in any of this.


    Two words: neighborhood revitalization.


    The city along with the school need to:


    Encourage rehabilitation, demolition, and new construction.

    Provide a diversity of housing... single-family, townhouses, condos, etc

    Improve infrastructure

    Increase the economic/assessed value of properties

    Increase public safety and code enforcement


    Will it solve crime? Of course not, but these efforts almost always result in reducing it considerably.

  5. 100% disagree. It has a direct impact to the school when hs students and their parents are deciding on colleges and they see stories of students getting shot and even murdered off-campus. You're going to tell me their first thought is "oh, it's not the schools fault"? LOL! They are thinking..."maybe I should send my kid to Binghamton". Also using the excuse that it happens everywhere so nothing should be done about it is weak.


    Atlanta is a considerably larger city and there are no student slums around the school. I know, I live there. There is also a considerable police presence and the cops reacted swiftly to that rash of violence that happened recently. Also GT has a much better reputation that UA, so parents may be willing to overlook those few instances. There also seems to be a pattern of this at UA.


    Look, the kid was an idiot...walking around in that area at 3am is not smart, but the area needs to be revitalized and there needs to be a greater police presence. Considering the economic impact of the school, and that most students come from upper middle class families downstate, I don't see why the city cant attract developer interest.

  6. I think working this closely with the governor gives a little cover from some critics who say it doesn't do anything for revitalizing the student ghetto area - which had been part of some earlier concepts. That doesn't seem to be part of State St.'s agenda, and we might not have gotten the money for it anyway.


    Another year, another student shot. This is ridiculous! Maybe they should have kept the student ghetto revitalization plan in place:



  7. This obviously sucks for us, but I suspect it will be more common place in the future with this rule.


    Plus as a football alumni, this quote says it all to me.


    "Obviously, you're disappointed -- I mean the guy is one of the best kickers in the country -- but at the same time, I've been in this long enough to say, 'You need to do what's right for the kids,'" Ford told CBSSports.com on Wednesday morning.


    "We constantly talk about family here. We call ourselves 'The Purple Family,' and if you truly believe that stuff, you have to do what's right for them."


    I think it cuts both ways though. If you respect the family, you honor your commitments.

  8. From the Alumni Association:


    Like our alumni page and we get CA$H!


    Sure, you "liked" UAlbany Athletics... but have you "liked" our Alumni Facebook page?


    For every person who "likes" us on our Facebook page, we receive a dollar from a generous donor and you get full-on access to our exclusive Alumni community. Please help us reach our goal of 5,270 likes -- enough to fund tuition for one student. Check out our Facebook page now and click LIKE asap!

  9. Just so you know, Dukes are greater than Danes and southerners are greater than yankees--just look at how many yanks want to move south. Plus better looking women, unless your in Mississippi, but I digress. :D There you go, maybe that north/south rivalry/Dukes/Danes rivalry will begin after all, hahaha!


    Oh, keep trying on the CAAZone, not sure why it takes so long.


    Northerners keep moving to the south cause it's cheap, like your women!



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