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Posts posted by McFan

  1. These announcers are even worse than the last guys...


    They were talking about Stire's contribution last year and then somehow segwayed to '12 points against San Francisco University'...what? When did we play San Francisco? lol. Did they mean St. Frances PA which is the game after LCC?

    I think they think USF is San Fran. rather than South Florida.



    That idiot Winston down at Florida State was accused of RAPE!!!! (far more serious) and theft. He continued his career at FSU and now is in the NFL. I bet dollars to doughnuts this kid will be back in the fold. It was a stupid mistake and he deserves a second chance.

    And I hope we never emulate FSU or any other program that turns a blind eye. Albany develops men and women...we should not be developing them to think they are above the rules. That's a huge problem with millennials in the work-force today. HUGE.



    I have to say that these latest developments have been disturbing and I am really curious as to the real reason behind these moves. I understand Twyman and Wells - but hope that we get some real answers about Baker and McKay. There was a strong need for McKay and the opportunity was there for playing time. Perhaps it was as simple as the fact that he was very close with the Aussies on the EWU team and not so much with our guys - who knows, but it certainly is a dramatic change in schools and geographic zones. As for Baker, I honestly think he was good enough to possibly get into the starting rotation next year(certainly no hard and fast rule that the seniors get priority over the underclassmen) - either way he would have gotten a decent amount of playing time on a very good team and then have 2 years left to really be a large cog in the wheel. Now if he stays at the same DI level, he has to sit out next year - which puts him exactly where he would have been if he had stayed.


    Which brings us to the question raised earlier : does any of this this have anything to do with Coach's status? why are we hearing nothing on that front? why has nothing been finalized? an unsettled situation can't be good for recruiting.


    The bolded statement is why I think he really left because he wants to be closer to home so his family cna come to more games and experience his basketball career. Now if he ends up in the south somewhere or out west then I will question this a little more.


    One other point is that he doesn't "lose" a year of eligibility if he transfers. He still would have to earn the time (here or wherever he ends up) but if he thinks next year is less minutes than this year it might be worth sitting one year to get three years of playing time.

  4. Here's the thing, I do agree that he would probably see 10 min or so a game next year (barring an injury). I do think he'd be seeing serious minutes the following year and his Sr. year...and of course it would be dependent on where he or Cremo would play (e.g. PG/SG...or maybe wing for Cremo if he got stronger). And I also firmly believe if this is about playing close to home...I get that more than ANYTHING. It's his choice, and I respect that choice.


    But, with respect, this whole thing about it being tough to adjust to time...I really take some issue with, but that is a personal choice/preference. Every single DI player was pretty much the stud of their high school...or region. A kid who came up with me at Albany was a stud PG at Archbishop Malloy, a NYC powerhouse. Yep, he was a role player at DIII Albany. Adelphi's Head Coach, David Duke, also came up to Albany...transferred to NY Tech...and was a star player at another Queens powerhouse high school. Look at a guy like Brian Connelly. He tore it up in NJ...in a decent league...averaging nearly a double double. At Albany, he was a glue guy who averaged, what, 9 points a game?


    This level of hoops is truly outstanding (Division I). At some point, you will no longer be the man. And I think too many kids just give up too easily...and are afraid to go out their and A) work their tail off even more to make the Coach say, "Shoot...I have to find a way to get this kid minutes"; or b ) accept a role...and be a part of something great...instead of having your ego stroked.


    And let me say, I have no idea what goes on in the mind of anyone but my own, so I can't speak nor do I want to speculate why a kid makes a decision. But if Baker ends up at USD or UND (two schools I think would really want / need him), I get it. It's a 4hr drive for his family to come see him play, and they only get three more years to watch.

    I get it that everybody on a D1 roster was the man, or close to it and In the end maybe it is to get close to home. I don't know the other two guys but I'm not sure the Connelly comp works. Baker was what 25+/game in HS his senior year and was probably the focus of every defense out there. I'm assuming he had the ball all the time and freedom to do with it whatever he wanted. I think that makes the adjustment harder than for a Connelly type.

  5. Depending on where he ends up it could make a lot of sense. The same guards plus Cremo next year most likely results in the same or less playing time. That was just under 14 a game. Now that's not too bad except I would guess in the games where Hooley was available it was much less than that. For a kid that was "the man" in HS that sucks.


    Aren't we in Columbus?


    Yes...man I've had a tough time today. I'm looking at the ESPN bracket quickly and it had Charlotte right under us...for some reason I thought that was the game location lol. Still, gonna be expensive.





    The tournament as one of the greatest sporting events but having the announcement this close always makes flights $$$$. Especially from a small airport to a small airport.

    Yeah, cheapest flight I see is $500 not counting rental car and hotel. Sorry, gotta pass this up.


    I agree. I'm usually quick to make the trip, but it's really pricey. Not ruling it out. Let's all suck it up and do it!!!


    I didn't even see close to $500. Considering driving.



    See above...$500 was to CLT (Charlotte). For some reason I thought we were in Charlotte (shrugs).


    Got it. That's why Charlotte was high on my hopeful list. I saw some for a touch under $500 a week ago. Columbus is close to $700 for the cheapest.

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