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Posts posted by madDOG

  1. Since this topic has seemed to have veered officially off-topic...I'll give in. I honestly think we should create an off-topic forum for stuff like this, but I'm not running the forum so whatever.


    <morning rant>


    You're missing the point. It will cost them dearly in the big run because of this law. The tickets will still be sold in Indiana for any F4 games etc. However, big businesses are pulling out of plans they had for expansion into Indiana, i.e Salesforce, and a slew of other companies.


    It's a statement to hit them where it hurts the most - economic expansion, jobs, etc.


    That is irrelevant. IMO, good riddance. There are many other companies who will move in if they haven't already (Chik-Fil-A, etc.).


    How come, or rather since when is, diminishing the economic/religious rights of people of one group okay as long as it's in the name of 'progression' of some other groups rights? If we're all about 'rights to the people', then how is this even an issue? It's asinine. It's not like the entire state of Indiana is telling the LGBT community to leave the state, they are just saying, "If one business doesn't want to sell to you, fine...walk down the block and hit up their competitor who is willing to sell to you." The only group this is hurting is the people who refuse to sell to LGBT's...it's hurting THEIR wallets. Religious people in Indiana aren't being violent towards LGBTs. They are simply not accepting their money. In a free enterprise system, how can ANYONE tell someone when and why to sell goods/services? You sell it to whoever you want to sell it to. But no, the LGBT's want everyone to know and scream from the mountain top that it's not fair. It's stupid. Society today, with all of it's 'political correctness', is really something...something ridiculous..


    There was a family in Oregon a year or two ago who owned a bakery. They refused to make a wedding cake for an LGBT couple. After a battle in court, they were fined $150k and had to close the doors to their business. How on earth is that fair? There was probably a few other bakeries within a 20 mile radius that couple could have gone to. The LGBT community took away their source of income and means of supporting their family. Sure, just like "they can go get another job", LBGT's "can go to another bakery."



    Here's the thing, if you own a business that serves the public then you shouldn't be allowed to discriminate that public in which you serve. Simple as that really. If your religious views are such that you can't bake a cake for someone, then you probably shouldn't own a bakery in the first place.


    No private business exists in a vacuum.

  2. A question to ask is whether or not someone is willing to sacrifice the two practice courts and indoor track surface to build a true basketball arena with more stationery seating like SBU did.

    Do we have courts in the phys ed building? Can we upgrade the bubble for indoor track? What do they even use that thing for these days?

  3. and my price was a little low. Looks like it is a 7 figure investment for the full 3D. Doesn't mean you couldn't forgo 3D and just use some cool projections.


    I think this idea, while cool, is probably a little far fetched considering other more prominent needs :)

    Here is a CNN report on the technology:




    Love the social media aspect...showing live twitter and instagram feeds on the court from people at the game. pretty neat. of course something like this is probably way out of our league $$ wise, but it goes back to making the game more of an event. people need to have an experience that is beyond just watching a game

  4. That is what I love most about our athletics program. Not just success in one or two sports but success ACROSS THE BOARD! What they have built in such a relatively short time since going D1 is nothing short of a friggen miracle. Better yet, they are all great kids and represent the school with class. Keep it up and imagine where we'll be in another 15 years!

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