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Posts posted by GreatDanes06

  1. cant wait to see that interview tonight with Marr


    at first glance i was upset with the seeding, because i believe they deserved a better game. But now that i look at it, it seems right up there. I think we can take them. Virginia has been up and down, and this team has got something in them that i have not seen the last two years that they have been their before: confidence to win


    we said it on the air, that since that cuse game, this team believes it can beat anyone in the country. Virginia is gonna get a run

  2. What i liked was President Hall was on the field after the game, and gave them a great speech congradulating them. That was awesome. Lets just say he was THRILLED they beat SB. It was awesome.


    i can tell you after the game we had about a 10 min convo with Coach Marr...myseff and Charles told him we would be back next year, and since they got the new field coming in, that we plan on doing all home games next year, and then maybe 1-2 away games if we can (ala Syracuse if we play them or something like that)...


    We said that it seemed the hook-up for us on th enew field would be there for us, which we keep hearing, so we arent worried. He told us that he hopes that todays game will get the donors out and give a little more money into the project. Apparently they only plan on putting in the field and a few stands. The big press box etc is for later. But we told him not to worry, because we would be there to broadcast the games.


    I can tell you me and Charles will do our best.


    Ill be either play by play or color man for the Womens team next year...looks like play by play...

  3. http://www.albany.edu/sports/stories.htm#golf05aetwo


    Very upsetting for the team. Hard to believe they have the best team round all year and miss it. Congrads though, 2nd is nothing to be upset with. Would have been sweet though for back to back AE Championships. You cant ask for a more perfect score for 36 rounds. Sometimes in Golf, you have a good day, while the other guy has a great day...Congrads to the Team on 2nd however.


    Likes to see what happens with this team since i believe 3/4 of them are seniors. Hope it stays around and finishes 1-2 like it has the last two years.

  4. CALL US TOMORROW AT 442-4242 (AREA CODE 518)...vent about ualbany lacrosse or anything ualbany athletics related...hell you want to go Mets, Red Sox or Yankees, will do it also. WE WANT YOU GUYS TO CALL...YOUR PART OF OUR FAMILY!!!!



  5. im not out to get anyone. I just found it very interesting. 10:45 at night and they are practicing under the lights. Everyone around campus can see them. I actually think its a good practice idea...they gonna have to play under the lights etc on that field, why not practice in those conditions.


    Exactly, im not finding out information and reporting it etc that is not known. 1,000's of people saw Coach Brown walking around with the kid, i was the only one who took it to heart so i figure i tell you i saw Brown. I have no clue who the kid was, but i saw him walking with him. Im not allowed to say that?


    Who cares...i know people on Tennessee Vols boards that have connection with parents of players, and posts stuff on the board when stuff happens. Nothing happens to them.


    I dont post stuff like that. I work for WCDB and cover the sports games, and the number one rule is if its extremley vital, like interviews etc goes threw the Athletic Department.


    If im wrong, then Alumni72 and Dane96 and anyone else who has so called "insider information" is just as guilty. How am i wrong in any of this. I love this athletic department.


    But i dont see how me posting about a practice at 10:45 at night, which i think is a brilliant coaching move on Scott Marr's part, or posting that i saw coach Brown walking around campus with what looked to be a basketball player is wrong at all?


    And if all of you think im wrong, then ill stop doing it from this point on.

  6. Hall is all over the place. There was a article in the ASP this week that talks about him going to the bars to meet the students and see how they act. He knew there was underage drinking going on, but he realized it was part of the university life. But hes trying to understand why the students are doing what they are doing...thats a good President in my book

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