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2009-2010 Starting LineUp Projections.

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Who do you think will be the starting 5? And do you think Will Brown will go 12-13 men deep on the bench again like he did last year?


Here is my starting 5


PG: Derrick Tartt/Mike Johnson


SG: Tim Ambrose


SF: Billy Allen


PF: Will Harris


C: Jake Lindfors.



With all the Size Brown has at his disposal it should be interesting to watch what he does this season with the different line ups he could put on the floor.

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I don't think anyone can make even a semi-informed guess without at least getting a look at the new kids....there are allot of new faces.


I'm pretty sure Will and Tim will start....the rest?


Have you seen Lindfors play yet? I know Brown was real high on him last year, with his ability to step outside and knock down the J. If he's the real deal he'd be an asset on the floor stretching the defense to clear lanes for Tim and Will.

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DDS - you're touting Lindfors and Tartt - have you seen them play?


You cry about our offensive wows and yet you pencil in Allen who I think is a decent player but struggled mightly on offense last season. Have you seen him recently?


If you've seen these guys please fill us in on their attributes.


If not you must be using a OUIJA Board when picking your starters.

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I threw Allen in there because he does have some nice range from outside (ie: Siena game). And Linsford because he has the ability to stretch the D. Who knows though maybe it was all hype from Brown. But if they are playing well it wouldn't be a bad line up. There are a lot of possibilities with the players on the roster.

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I thought Gif started being more effective when Mike Johnson took over at the point.


As others have said, I haven't seen the new players enough to even throw out a wild guess. I do have higher expectations for Tartt just because of the prep year. That extra year seems to result in more polished players coming in but we'll wait and see.


I'm guessing Ambrose, Harris and Gif all start. Still not even sure where Harris will play this year - SF or PF?

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