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Big Purple Fans
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Posts posted by haggyland


    Below is the current list, check back on the website as they have been adding them as people contact the school to be a host.

    Viewing party locations for the Men's basketball game on March 20, at 7:27 p.m. are as follows:


    St. Maarten

    The Towers of Mullet Bay Pool Bar

    Host: Warren Winslow



    Classic... I thought Warren was kidding around about a viewing party in a St.Maarten pool.




    "Missed the Dance" is missing at least one, but I don't know what kind of emoji you could make out of an orange.


    I am thinking I might create a contest to see who can design the best "LCC" emoji.

    For a prize I can have one of the MAAC referees come to the winner's home or job to give them a technical foul.


    It already exists









    Classic. It's a little like the Stanford tree, but whereas California is known for producing the largest, highest volume trees, LCC is known for producing...well, you get where I'm going.


    This picture is awesome. The calm look on Peter's face, Coach Gattuso on the right, the announcer on the bottom left rising out of his chair while making the call. I know some of you are in this photo as well. Love it!







    I also studied that picture for a few minutes yesterday...the singular focus of Hooley really resonated; "fate" and "destiny" have been in my head all week.


    Gattuso in his UA sweatshirt is icing on the cake!


    You know you've made it when you have your own emoji, lol.



    Washington Post: 2015 NCAA TOURNAMENT EMOJI


    Show your March Madness spirit with these mascot emoji. Find your favorite team, save the emoji to your phone and text it to your friends.

    Because nobody uses their words anymore.









    I love when somebody else has the exact same thought as you upon seeing something. I am going to get a ton of play out of that emoji.

  5. This has been an amazing 24 hours. I just hope we can convert short term excitement into long term improvements.


    We are on an amazing winning streak with MBB, WBB, LAX even football at 7-5 last year. Those are your key sports but even other sports are on a streak.


    Strike while the iron is hot.

    1) More funding

    2) More donations

    3) More facilities

    4) Better conference.


    Convert these wins into long term tangible assets.


    More Donations!

  6. At the end of the women's game today the announcer commented on how impressive both UA and UMBC's bands were. When UMBC got to 10 points in the second half our band chanted "double digits." Classic!

    That is a classic chant. With games on both Friday and Saturday the SEFCU is going to be rocking when we "get the band back together."

  7. Band never got to the I..Believe..That We..Have Won chant today in Albany. The half of the band that went to Bing could've started it at the 10-minute mark of the first half.

    I love the band's energy and music, as well as the afformentioned chant, however there is one issue to which I must take umbrage. Many times when Albany has had a large lead in a game the band has started chanting "Start the buses"; I have always known the chant to be "Warm up the bus". It might be construed as potentially nitpicking an otherwise fine product, but I feel the latter chant has a much greater lyrical quality, as well as a higher historical prevalence in the athletic community.


    Hopefully the correction is made soon!


    To top off the season, Patsos got one last technical today for season totals of 9 Techs, 11 wins, and 20 losses.


    Announced attendance was 5159.

    Brutal all around... Techs made a strong run at the end but came up just short...

    Something to build on for next year. The team isn't losing any of its technicals to graduation, so they should be a preseason favorite to have similar success.

  9. Haggyland, my original post mentioned the so called goal tending. From where I sat, it seemed pretty clear. It looked to me like it was swatted off the backboard before it had a chance.


    Click, you may have been speaking Haggyland and not me, but I had about as good a look at it as a fan possibly could.


    This isn't that particular play as I put my phone away and stopped taking pics and videos but here is the view from where I sat...





    Wow, somehow I missed the "goaltending" part of your original post. As such, I formally apologize!

    I think that non-call was more suspicious because SBU had such a blatant goaltending call earlier in the game...a past history was proven!

  10. 3883 seems low to me. I have been at games that 3,000 was the official number and the place felt empty compared to that.


    A few comments:


    Reffing seemed bad where I was. They missed a travel call on UA early that led to an Ennema 3


    There was a foul on SB near the end that also had a goaltending that wasn't called. Should have been 2 points plus one instead of 2 shots. 1 point at the end in a game like that could have made a huge difference. If Albany gets that call it's a completely different game .


    Not sure what it looked like on TV, but from where I sat it appeared there was a shooting foul 'albeit a half court shot' that the refs didn't say he was shooting.


    Speaking of that not even getting a 1 and 1, I am not sure how Stony Brook managed to only have 3 fouls in the half with a couple minutes to go.


    No mention of the suspected second goaltending late in the second half? From my angle that ball certainly appeared to be on the downward trajectory.

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