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Posts posted by godanesgo99

  1. 33 minutes ago, Clickclack said:

    but a bigger guard like Rizzuto,  Champion, Holmes, Horton can play 2 and 3 and in the case of Holmes even some 1. You'll see Hutch play 4 and 3. You'll see Lulka play 5 and 4. 

    Did we sign Holmes? Is that the other player being mentioned lately as someone signing this week?

  2. 16 minutes ago, Clickclack said:

    you can't pigeon hole kids into positions... It's really 6 players for 3 positions. For instance Amica can play PG, but a bigger guard like Rizzuto,  Champion, Holmes, Horton can play 2 and 3 and in the case of Holmes even some 1. You'll see Hutch play 4 and 3. You'll see Lulka play 5 and 4. They needed to address penetration and ball handling with this class and add significant amount of athleticism. I think so far these areas of concern at least on paper look improved. You now have a plethora of guards and wings who can really attack the paint which should help keep defenses off Rizzuto and Healy. If I'm Rizzuto, I work my a$$ off shooting from long range. I have no concerns regarding Healy to be honest, that kid didn't forget to shoot, I see his value RISING on a roster constructed like this. He will run off screens all day long. 


    What we really now need is some toughness and defense inside as well as ability to clean up glass and finish (read good hands, not Lulka and Hanks hands). Get two strong bigs that can really defend and rebound and we'll be OK. Albany HAS to go back to their roots, strong defensive identity, rebounding the hell out of the ball, solid (read not wild PG) play and at least one decent wing slasher. 

    I agree with this wholeheartedly, with one exception. I am more of a traditionalist when it comes to roster formation. Have 2 players or even 4 that are sized for the 4 and the 5 just doesn't work if you want to focus on defense and rebounding. As this roster sits now, I see more of the same thing we have seen the last few years: guard oriented chuck the 3. 

    The players you put at the 3 spot are the ones that are guards, but are bigger than traditional guards and not quite big enough to bang down low. Lamb at 6'6" was really undersized as a 4 in the AE. He was strong enough to do it, but in all reality was a 3. Travis Charles was great for us, and played the 4 ok, but he was undersized for the position as well. He was great because his 10-12 footer was deadly, but he was overmatched defending most 4s. He was really a 3. I see Hutch the same way. Play him at the 4 and we lose a lot rebounding and defensively. He might do ok himself, but I bet the team rebounding and team defensive rating is down when he is in that role. 

    Get me a 6'8" athlete for the 4 and a Kirsten Zoellner clone for the 5, then we can talk about what players slotted for the 3 can move to the 4 when needed, and what 4s can move to the 5 when needed. What 2s could play the 3. Etc.

    • Like 1
  3. I think there are still 3 scholarships left if my count is correct. 2 if there is another wing signing this week as reported in this thread.

    Team still has zero bigs after Hank and Lulka.

    I am not a fan of a team that is constructed with 6-7 players for 2 floor positions (7th being walk-on Carter), 3 players for 1 position, and 4 players for 2 positions (assuming both remaining spots go to bigs).

    Hopefully whatever wing that is supposed to sign this week is 6'6" or 6'7" so they can play the 4 as well or this team will have a lot of problems down low. Especially if Lulka isn't 100% or if there was another injury.

    I would have to think that considering the current makeup, this would be an attractive situation for a big grad transfer or incoming freshman that wants to play right away.

  4. 41 minutes ago, Bball2020 said:

    I think we do all we can to help desousa find a new school, desparately need athletic bigs (most low division one schools do) . Id like to see three grad transfer bigs infuse the team. Wow with horton and anderson and Amica are guard depth is amazing now.

    DeSousa is talented and knows the system already. With his length and athleticism, he really could be the solution. I don't know why he decided to leave: maybe he sees himself as a slasher and no playing time coming. Maybe Brown pushed him out because of the lack of improvement or work ethic, maybe he thinks he could go higher, or maybe he wants to go lower and dominate. Who knows. I wish him well either way. 

    Rian Carter impressed during the PG scrimmage last year, and I could see him working his way onto the floor if he has the work ethic and desire.

    Anderson's injury is the question mark with him. 

    With the 4 current ball handlers, I actually feel pretty good about the point guard position right now, but so much depends on on health and a freshman. I wouldn't be against adding another as an insurance policy.

    Current Grades:

    PG: B (could be an A or C depending on health and how Amica plays)

    SG: A

    Wing: B (could be an A, but I expect a Hutcheson Sophomore Slump)

    PF: D (could be as high as a B if Lulka is healthy, but there is literally 0 depth)

    Center: D (Could be a C, but Hank still needs an offensive game and there is literally 0 depth)


    The fastest way for me to be excited for the team next year would be for the news to come out the Anderson is healthy with no restrictions and the team to sign an athletic 6'8" or 6'9" big and a center that can play 20 minutes a game. 

    • Like 1
  5. Here is what I see currently:

    • Guards
      • Handle the ball, penetrate, run the offense
        • JoJo Anderson (Injured last season)
        • Rian Carter (Walk-On - Injured last season)
        • Will Amica (will be a Freshman)
        • Jamel Horton (JUCO Transfer)
      • Shooters
        • Cam Healy
        • Antonio Rizzuto
      • Wing/Combo
        • Trey Hutcheson
        • Sam Shafer
    • Forwards
      • Power Forward
        • Adam Lulka
      • Center
        • Brent Hank
    • Breakdown
      • Freshman - 1 (Amica)
      • Sophomore - 2 (Hutcheson / Shafer)
      • Junior - 6 (Carter, Horton, Healy, Rizzuto, Lulka, Hank)
      • Senior - 1 (Anderson)
      • Available Scholarships - 4 (3 if Carter gets a ship)

    So with 3 or 4 scholarships left, it is pretty obvious what the team needs at this time: BIGS!

    Current Options for Bigs:

    • Convince deSousa or Doherty to return
    • JUCO Recruits - Offers to people 6'6" or taller
      • Simeon Kirkland - 6'10" (VC says PF)
      • DeMarcus Morris - 6'8" (VC says SF)
      • DeAndre Robinson - 6'6" (VC says SF)
      • Meikkel Murray - 6'6"  (VC says SF)
      • Jakorie Smith - 6'6" (VC says SF)
      • Arecko Gipson - 6'6" (VC says SG)
      • Isaac Chatman - 6'6" (VCC says SG and 4-stars)
    • HS Recruits - Recruits to people 6'6" or taller
      • Shane O'Dell - 6'6" (VC says SG)

    The recruiting team really needs to step up and find some bigs! In my perfect scenario: deSousa stays to play the 4, We get 1 skilled Grad transfer, 1 skilled JUCO, and 1 HS recruit all bigs. 




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  6. We had 3 straight NCAA appearances, then we were the favorite but got upset by Hartford, then made it to the chip with a talented young team. Underachied the following season, but was still really good. Should have beat Louisville.

    During this time, the UA fanbase got used to having sky high expectations. That 2017 team would have run this current team out of the gym. 

    The real question is: Does Brown figure it out and make this team a contender next season, or are we in a new reality of not being one of the top teams in the conference and needing to accept it.

  7. The team could not stay healthy at all this season. There is no reason to run anyone off. That's not a reputation the school wants or needs. I'm still a believer in the core of this team. 

    Anyone have any news if Doherty will return or what his situation is? Is his name in the transfer portal?

    If he doesn't return, 4 open spots is more than enough to get a few bigs and another ball handler.

  8. 2 hours ago, Bball2020 said:

    If healey was healthy maybe, but fast and clark equal turnover nightmares.  Leaves the roster at:








    run out or come back mandatory better





    out or graduated







    per brown they will add two veteran guards so that means they must be adding at least two more bigs to fill vacancies.

    You mention Shafer as leaving a few times in this thread, but I haven't seen it anywhere else. Is this confirmed?

  9. 5 open ships before any additional departures, 1 commit so far. (Amica). That's 4 new players already needed. (3 if Doherty ends up returning)

    Possible additional departures include: Shafer (outside of this board, I've heard nothing of him leaving), Lulka (I've read he might graduate early). 

    No reason to run anyone off. While I'm disappointed with this season, I still really like the core of this team. Grabbing another 4 year kid, a grad transfer, and 2 athletic JUCO kids to fill the 4 remaining spots could be more than enough to fix this teams woes if they can stay healthy.

  10. Should seriously be looking to recruit over every player every year. Thats what top teams do. You should never ever be satisfied with what you have. You get the best, longest, most athletic players you can land regardless of position.  Playing time sorts itself out.

    Brown needs to make sure everyone on the team knows that their spots aren't safe, and they need to work hard during the offseason - not only on strength and conditioning, but on flexibility, health, and stretching. Too many people forget those 3 things and then end up with back, leg, and shoulder problems. He is recruiting the best and longest he can find at anyposition and bring them in, as he needs to win now as its the last year of his contract. He needs to allow people to walk that wont ensure health next season.  

    People seem to have soured on deSousa, but he hasn't been right since landing on his ankle wrong and missing time. He was playing hurt just like the rest of the team for at least the last month of the season. I think Hansen may have been the only player that didn't miss significant time or attempt to play while still under 80%. 


  11. 11 hours ago, Bball2020 said:






    Is Shafer leaving? That would be sad, as I thought he had a lot of promise. Didn't get much PT this year, but was also injured all year. He should know the system already so he would have a leg up on any other new guys. 

  12. 40 minutes ago, Dane Pound said:

    Sorry to hear about the back pain 99. Even our fans are hurt this year. What the hell!!!

    I have no idea about the where the injuries came from. I'm sure most guys lobby to come back and assume they'll be better soon. 

    Depressing to look back that. We were 6-3 went Healy got injured and then went 1-6 in the next 7 games to finish the season. This thread would probably have had a different title had that not happened.

    Thanks for the concern. MRI tomorrow and hopefully a cortisone shot instead of surgery. I can't do surgery now with how busy I am now

  13. 53 minutes ago, Clickclack said:

    He'll be fine... A dude like that doesn't forget how to shoot. 

    I'm sure he will be fine, but if you looked at his numbers over the last few games there is clearly something wrong. This thread is about blaming the coaches or the players for the underperforming season. I posted to float the idea that the trainers did something wrong. If I was healthy, I could do better than 1-18 from 3 or whatever Healy sis the last few games. 

  14. I know Healey has been hurt for a few weeks. I remember there was debate if he should sit for a few games to get healthy. I think it started before the second Hartford game. He played in hopes of keeping a higher seed. I can't help but think that it was a waste ending with a 7 anyway. Would we have been better off giving him a few weeks off and bringing him back for the playoffs? Is the decision on the training staff?

    Who do we blame for all the injuries this year? Were they freak, or can the training staff be to blame? 

    I am currently going through some back issues and a pinched nerve. It's painful. I've learned to walk through it, and when it loosens up I can even run and dribble a little, but I tried to shoot during my 5th grade teams skills contest to compete against the kids, and it really affects my shot. I'm no marksman, but I can normally drain a bunch in a three point contest, I couldn't get any arc and I did horribly. I have to imagine if what Healy is going through is anything like what I am, it would really hurt his shot.

  15. 10 minutes ago, UAalum72 said:

    Haven’t watched the replay, but did Rizzuto’s foot make contact and trip him? At the court I didn’t see any hand or body contact

    I wish the ESPN app allowed slowmo instant replay, but I don't see any contact at all. Looked like Rizzuto tripped when reaching and fell, and foreman stuttered a little when he couldn't reach the pass which I think caused the foul call. I've watched it a bunch of times and I don't see it.

    Doubt it would have made any difference in the final result, but getting the ball back down 3 with 11.8 left would have at least given them a slight chance to tie it at the buzzer.

  16. I just watched the ending again, and i still do not see contact by Rizzuto on the full court pass. If anything he brushed him as he tripped, but certainly not enough to call a foul. Am I crazy? Should have been a turnover with it being UA ball with just under 12 seconds remaining and down by 3.

    The only thing I can think may have happened was the Brown told the ref we were going to try and steal the inbound pass and if we couldn't get it they would foul immediately. If the ref had that instruction, they may have called the foul on any contact.

    Rizzuto clearly did not impede the SBU player in anyway. It amazes me how they call that but ignore far more contact in normal defensive situations.

  17. We can play with and beat last night's SBU team, but the thing that surprised me the most was how much better shape they were in physically than we were. Not only more athletic with ups, but just appeared to spend more time in the weight room.

    I can't get over how poorly Healy has shot the ball over the last 2 weeks. Seems flat and off.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the team plays well and makes it to the AE championship game, or even wins that game and plays in the PIG. That said, I also wouldn't be surprised if we get blown out in the first round of the playoffs by 20+. What team shows up? The one that scored a 100 against UML and outside of a freak half court shot at the buzzer played even with UVM for the first half, or the one that didn't score double digits in the first 15 minutes against UMBC and looked overmatched against Bing, NH, and at UML? 

    Such a strange disappointing season. Hopefully it is just a sophomore slump from everyone, as expectations should be high again next season.

    Re: Hanson, where has that been all year? Kid was balling yesterday. There was one play in the second half where he burned by his defender at the wing and was at the rim so quick that if you blinked you missed it. 

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