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Posts posted by godanesgo99

  1. Definitely fills the teams biggest need with size. Looks like he only played 5 games last year. I am guessing he was injured? 

    Started 10 games as a freshman, and came off the bench as a sophomore. Only averaged about 11 minutes per game throughout his career.  "Per 40 minutes" and "per 100 Poss" stats actually look pretty good. Probably won't be a star as the CAA isn't that much of an upgraded league, but I have to imagine he would be a huge help to the team if he is healthy considering the current roster construction. UA is probably pretty attractive to him considering there is nothing to stop him from getting lots of playing time except himself. 

  2. Anyone have any updates on the last ship? A couple interesting offers out there....

    DeMarcus Morris, 6'8" PF and Christian Hinckson, 6'7" SF are the two most likely targets on verbal commits, but it seems that VC doesn't seem to have as up to date info this season.

    Grad transfer Taurean Thompson might be my top target based on who is publicly immediately eligible in the transfer portal, but some other interesting names are: Kodye Pugh, Gorjok Gak, and Jeriah Horne. All of those guys would probably go higher, but any of them could make an impact in the AE.



  3. I haven't renewed my season tickets yet out of fear it would be cancelled and I wouldn't see a refund. That said, if games were happening and fans could go, I would renew and go. I'm not as afraid of the virus as others, and they wouldn't open for fans if it wasn't at least partially safe. I would distance, and would wear a mask if it was recommend, (it gets cold in the stadium anyway) but that is to keep others safe more than me. 


    As far as keeping politics off the board, I agree wholeheartedly, but there are times when politics intermingle with sports and the conversation is very relevant. Just have to keep it to how the politics affects the teams and the university, and not this politician sucks and that one correct.

  4. I was bored and drinking last night reading up on some of the commits this year. CJ Kelly seems really interesting to me. Great background in High School and a connection to Brown. He didn't overly impress at Norfolk and it's not like the MEAC is a power conference, but he seems to have some major upside potential. Not a fan of the fact that one of the only non-conference games that he didn't score in was against LCC in his year at Norfolk, but I digress.

    Is this the new Brown MO? Look for guys with high upside with injury issues and hope they heal and return to their previous form? I am a gambler by nature, but this has been very risky the last few seasons.

    Anyway, reading up on some of the new blood, it's hard to not be excited for the possibilities in a Lambless AE and a gutted SBU. 

    Find us a "big" big and this team may be a surprise success.

  5. 18 hours ago, Dane Pound said:

    Shaker was a freshman last year so he'll only be a sophomore. Still that's a lot of juniors.

    Was thinking the instant transfer rule better be a lock. Otherwise our only other incoming front court player (Gates) would have to sit a year.

    I could have sworn he was a Redshirt Freshman last year myself. I was pulling my data from verbalcommits, and they have him listed as a sophomore, which is why I put him there. Either way, he still has 2 or 3 years with the program if he sticks. He has talent and was highly touted out of high school. If he can come back from injury at 100% healthy he really could be a wildcard and make an impact.

    Right now, he has me thinking of Phil Flory. Flory could never recover from injury, and I don't think he played anywhere last year after leaving us. So sad from being a Marquette commit to a walk-on who got some PT at Seton Hall, to a lost season at UA with more injuries, to not playing, although I think he has an offer from a D2 school now. Hopefully Schafer can be 100%. 

  6. As of 4/29


    • Champion
    • Anderson


    • Kelly
    • Shafer
    • Horton
    • Healy
    • Rizuto
    • Gates
    • Hank
    • Lulka


    • Hutcheson


    • Amica

    12 Scholarships Used - 1 Remain


    • Anderson
    • Amica
    • Champion


    • Healy
    • Rizzuto
    • Horton


    • Kelly
    • Shafer
    • Hutcheson


    • Lulka
    • Gates


    • Hank


    My observations:

    • Desperately need another big. Hutch and Kelly could play the 4, but both are more suited and sized for the 3.
    • Team will likely play much smaller this year with such a talented guard heavy lineup. I'd love to see either Hank develop further in his rim protection or another 6'11 or 7 footer to be recruited - but that is probably only a wild dream at this point. I wouldn't be so afraid of the teams size playing 4 guys under 6'5" if there was someone who could consistently block/alter shots at the rim.
    • Next off-season will be huge. Only 2 graduating, but the majority of the team will be moving into their senior year. We can assume that there will be a transfer or 2 like always, or even the early graduation of Healy or Lulka, but getting 4-year players next off season will be of the highest importance. They can have one year on a senior laden team then the show will be theirs. 
    • Like always, on paper, the team looks talented enough to be very deep and have playing time issues, but I say that every year and it always comes down to a rotation of 7-9 players
    • Team can withstand a few injuries to the guards, but if a big goes down for extended time it will be a rough season
    • On paper, I will guess that the team gets no love in the pre-season nationally and starts the year in the #200 range. Exceeds those expectations and finishes around #140.
    • Will be picked 4th once again in the AE, but finishes 2nd or 3rd. Has a realistic chance to win the league with no Lamb at UVM (who still ends up being picked #1 pre-season) in the championship game played at Patrick once again.
    • The above can change in the blink of an eye if the team can find a play now talented big that is 6'9" or taller, but those are few and far between
    • Thanks 2
  7. Hinckson would be a great get. I think I read he is 6'7" but is listed as a guard. He could probably plug in to the 4 slot pretty quick, but I think he is more of a 3. Would help, but definitely would not help the major lack of size that this team has for next year right now. 


    Also, wouldn't he have to sit a year? We need a big or two that can play now. 

  8. There is a lot of discussion on what the best course of action is, and no not all science agrees. We actually need people to get sick and recover right now, we just need it to happen slowly so we don't overload the healthcare system. Social distancing is good, but this wear a mask everywhere and avoid everyone will do more harm than good - unless we want to stay with everything shut down until a 100% effective vaccine is available (at least a year from now, if ever)

    It's called "Herd Immunity" look it up. Learn about it. Once "herd immunity" is reached, the spread of the disease will quickly die down and eventually stop. If we do not get to herd immunity, we will have a second outbreak as soon as social distancing is relaxed. This is why you see the opposite in Sweeden right now. Distance those vulnerable, and encourage the healthy and strong to be out in the world and get sick!

    • Herd Immunity = (r(0)-1) / r(o) 
    • If covid-19 has an r(0) of 2 - then we need half of the population to have immunity for us to be considered "safe" as a county
    • if covid-19 has an r(0) of 3 - then we need 2/3 of the population to have immunity to get to "herd immunity"
    • The USA has 330,000,000 people.
    • According to current estimates, COVID-19 has an r(0) value of somewhere between 2-3
    • This means we need somewhere between 150,000,000 and 200,000,000 million Americans to have immunity to reach "herd immunity"

    How does someone get immunity?

    • Get vaccinated - unfortunately current estimates are that we are over a year from being able to have a vaccine tested and mass produced - if it is ever solved
    • Get sick and recover

    We need people to get sick and recover while protecting those at risk of serious complications from getting it since we don't have a vaccine in sight. 

    The problem is that the virus is pretty fast. Without social distancing we would theoretically get to the 150,000,000 to 200,000,000 cases pretty darn fast - but our healthcare system would crumble under that much volume all at once. People would die that shouldn't. People that could easily be saved and cured would die because of lack of healthcare resources. This is why you always hear "slow the curve". We need to get 200 million people to get it and recover so we can fully open everything up again and not completely kill the economy - but it can't happen all at once. Slow the curve.

    If we do social distancing too well: like closing everything down and forcing people to wear masks everywhere the go we will never get to herd immunity without a vaccine. This means keeping everything shut down for another 12 months or more. That will kill the economy and potentially harm as many people as the virus itself. 

    With overboard social distancing and masks we could potentially slow the virus to a crawl. We could get a false sense of security that things are safe and we can open everything back up. If we aren't at the stage of "herd immunity" when that happens, because Trump forces it or because everyone thinks it is safe, we will very quickly have another major outbreak and very quickly need to shut everything down again.

    Sorry for the long post, but the current reaction is really pissing me off in how overboard it is. It is causing the shut downs to be longer than they should be, and it is increasing the risk of another major outbreak within weeks or months of everything opening up again.


    Sorry for the long post. This whole thing is just pissing me off more and more each day. 

    • Like 3
  9. I could see fall sports delayed or cancelled, but honestly, if we as a country aren't back to normal by the time winter sports start practice we will have much bigger issues than college sports. We will be in the great depression 2.0 and it will be bad. Very bad.

    Like more people suffering and potential deaths than the virus could kill if every American caught it type bad.

    • Like 4
  10. 1 hour ago, Clickclack said:

    So far only Amica, Horton, Kelly, and Champion are committed...leaving 2.  6 left...Clark, Hensen, Lauderdale, Doherty, DeSousa and French. 

    Wow. I must being seeing things. I wrote Hansen as gained, but I meant Holmes. I could have sworn I saw someone just post today that he had signed. Looked back and either the post was gone, or I imagined it. I thought I saw a post that looked like the Kelly post.

    Oh well, pass me another beer.

  11. Hmm


    Clark, Lauderdale, French, deSousa, Doherty, Hansen


    Amica, Horton, Kelly, Champion, Hansen

    That would imply only 1 scholarship left, unless someone else is leaving that I am unaware of. 

    Going back to my depth chart from a a few pages ago, we had 9 scholarship players and a walk-on: meaning 4 available ships. The team has added 3 since then. Math means only 1 remaining, unless we get 14 for some reason instead of the normal 13.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Clickclack said:

    Good post except I don't agree with the chuck and duck the 3 assessment. Last year they had no one to drive the ball other then Clark. I think you'll agree this roster at least on paper looks very different in that regard. 

    I guess that is my assessment simply because there is no capable depth at the big position. Penetrate and dish is great, but if the other team isn't concerned about that dish going to a big for a dunk or layup, or assumes the pass will go through the bigs hands, the other teams big can converge on the penetrating guard. This ends up in a circus shot layup, blocked shot, turnover, or a dish out for a 3.

    Clark and Nichols both attacked and penetrated. We gave them crap on this board for desicion making, but in reality, that's really all they could do. The other teams converged on them forcing the silly shots and bad passes because there weren't real capable bigs that the other team was concerned with offensively.

    Teams need balance on the floor. They need the other team to be concerned with at least 4 of the 5 guys on the floor, if not all 5 or penetrating will lead to what you saw from Clark and Nichols.

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