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Posts posted by godanesgo99

  1. 15 minutes ago, UA'08 said:

    But if they were battling for first would this be a thing. Good job on Becker honoring his scholarship all four years. Dominating the America East with one less a scholarship than everyone else. I’m ok with WB honoring no ones scholarship next season!

    I'm pretty sure he got a waiver to have an additional scholarship just like we did last year with Starks career ending injury (with us bringing in Jerotic at the last minute - who redshirted then left)

    • Like 2
  2. Last game of the regular season. Team is on a slide going into game 30 at home vs. SBU. A loss there gives this game 0 value. A win might make this important for a home game in the playoffs (unlikely) .


    Starting the thread for this game early to share this article...


    Feel good story: UVM will start star recruit Josh Spiedel who was hurt in a car accident before attending UVM. He was never able to play again, but UVM honored the scholarship. Will Brown and John Becker have agreed to allow Josh to score the games first points. UVM will then allow UA to score to even the game, and Josh will come out.

    Hopefully UA will start Fruscio and let him get the first UA basket.

    • Like 4
  3. I've never said be nice to, or defend Will Brown. He is paid pretty solid money to produce a winner for the school and the fans. It's been half a decade since we have seen that.

    In bad times, the coaches and the staff deserve to take heat. They are to blame for everything that goes wrong. Everything.

    In good times the players get all the credit. They are on the floor, they executed the plan, they played the games.

    That's athletics. I tend to trust WB because of the past success and having a team that is in the top half of the AE almost every single season for the last 15+ years, but 5 straight without a significant win means he will get the heat and deserves it.

    I do have a problem with bashing the players in the bad times. They have what they have and do what they can. The coach didn't put them in a position to do better. Didn't recruit enough other players. Didn't design the right plays. Didn't sit them when they needed to sit them. Didn't draw up the right plans. It's the coaches fault 99% of the time. The 1% it's not, it's the ADs fault for not advising the coach the right way.

    Players might have an off night. Might make bonehead plays. Might royally screw up or miss an easy shot at crunch time. That's the coaches fault.

    The players aren't getting paid, and are part of the family. Talk about when they messed up. Say you think we would be better off with French playing if that's what you feel. Say the bigs need to get better hands. There is a line though that shouldn't be crossed unless you are talking about the ones at fault: the coaches.

  4. I know they weren't banned. Both got pissed off at other people (including me) for asking them to keep the ultra negativity off the board. So instead of either ignoring it and going about their way, or listening to the requests and being a little less critical and insulting, they decided to just walk away saying they are done posting. That was their choice.

    I do miss the analysis and what sometimes feels like insider info, but the tone has been lighter and more pleasant. The post volume has gone down, but you are seeing posts from newer names. So far it's been a net positive in my mind.

    Hopefully when they decide to come back the board will have more active users and the environment will be more constructive than "XYZ isn't a D1 player" 

  5. 3 hours ago, Bball2020 said:

    Its well understood posters on here do not like the coaching staff, to be fair, make sure when they win and play well you blame staff as well. To be honest, I bet the staff is disappointed in the effort of the guys too but its a long season, if blamed for losses blame them for Ws too. I think Ua is lucky to have Coach Brown and after 5 conference titles and possibly the worst facilities in the league, what he is producing is still solid. Albany is lucky to have Brown and his staff.  Should the bottom seven teams fire there coaches too guys or just the third place team? And for what reason the new facility? The endless money being pumped into program, Albany is lucky to have Brown. Assistants dont win or lose games lets be real just trying to bring some perspective to the posters who. Live and die with every win and loss. Long season!! Most small schools struggle for years, albany is lucky to always be consistently good especiallly with their facilities being so poor. Its a forum, bash the coaching staff, but seriously there in third place and Brown is a hell of a coach. How many other teams  at the lowest level would lose There two best players as juniors and be in the mix two years later and still have people complaining meanwhile playing in a gym out of the 1990s without parking.

    Not all of us blame the staff, but when things aren't going well you go to the top. The leaders take the blame and the players take the glory.


    While I miss Eli and click and co posting on the board for the additional commentary and input, I dont miss the negativity. It's been decidedly more readable here even through the bad times.

    At UA we expect a winner. That's what we want the fans to expect, and that's what we expect the coaches and administration to expect. If we aren't #1 in the league, we will complain. I like it that way. 

    We have great talent. We can beat any team in the league if we are on. We have a proven head coach. We have a proven history. I wouldn't be surprised to see a 4 seed UA get hot at the end and go to the dance as a PIG.

    5 years without a real competitor for the chip wears on the fans. We want a winner, and we get pissed when we don't have one year after year.

    The biggest problem I have with the staff is that they are all Brown disciples. There are no real dissenting voices.

  6. On 2/9/2020 at 2:15 PM, HOF2013 said:

    Can't read the TU article without a subscription but I agree with your comments.  Wonder if Ron John will be ready to go??  Glad the practices have made them work and been demanding.  Fundamentals baby - name of the game - in every sport. I love that they are faster, from what I've seen with very crisp passing, and aggressiveness from the Poles and Middies and Wings.  Can't let up.  BTW Syracuse and Maryland had close games the other day.......... Our Coaches are VERY excited waiting for the season to start. I assume players are too.  They all have a lot to show all of us and themselves after last season.  I sense great disappointment over last year and maybe a huge chip on the shoulders..... which is a good thing I think.

    Download the duck duck go browser. It is designed for privacy and it doesn't allow the site to know how many articles you have viewed.

  7. Kid is 100% effort, and seems to be truly a great part of #purplefam. I watched the video from the OP again, and while him talking about not getting a chance because of who he was behind him in high school was inspirational for kids to watch, I found it interesting that he spoke about the need to play more under control even back then.

    He has come a long way as a player. I hope he can get a chance to show what he can do in the post season this year when the team pulls the 3 games in March trick we all expect from Brown :)

    • Like 1
  8. 5 hours ago, UA'08 said:

    Again who’s been out for long periods of time besides Lulka and Anderson? My question is why do they feel the need to start Hank every game. Start Hansen.

    I think we are where we are. Healthy or not this is how the team would have been at the beginning of the season if everyone was healthy. .500

    You can just look at who was out for a long period of time, you have to look at who is playing through injury as well.

    DeSousa missed a full game and was limited in a few

    Clark has played through Injury.

    Healy has missed a game and a half and played through injury

    Rizzuto has only been healthy the last few games.

    Hutch has been injured and playing through pain all year. 

    Lulka/JoJo you mentioned

    Has there been a game where we have been at full strength (minus JoJo) all season? Has there been a game where there has been even close to a team at 75%? I don't think so.

    Hopefully by playoff time.

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, UA'08 said:

    Another 9-7 season here we come 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Not sure who you think we will lose to among Maine, UMBC, NH, and UML, but I am thinking 10-6. The team will go 3-1 against those 4 teams and beat SBU or UVM in round 2 and finish 10-6 right where most preseason polls predicted. Will probably end the season at 18-15 or if we are lucky 19-15 right where I said in the preseason would be the minimum they would finish (although I think I thought 23 or 24 wins was where they would actually finish). 

    Getting to 18 wins might actually be an over performance to preseason expectations if we knew back in October that the team would have this many injuries and missed games.

    • Like 1
  10. No reason to speculate. Just realize that if he had to leave school for a personal or family reason, I think he has to be removed from the roster. Hooley stayed on the roster because he was still enrolled at the school and from what I heard was still doing school work during his absence (hearsay). 

    He may still be part of the team, but not an official student at the University. We won't know more until the team says more. 

    I have been excited to see him reach his potential in purple and gold. Time will tell.

    • Like 1
  11. A few new offers showing up on Verbal Commits...

    Anyone know anything about Isaac Chairman? Looks like a 4 star recruit Campbell transfer that would have 2 years left? 4 star recruit with his only other listed offer being Detroit?

    Had offers from Standford, Murray State, Auburn, Little Rock, and UAB out of High School. 

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