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Any thoughts on how we will be this year? An 8-3 record would be a GRAND SLAM Homerun.


1) Must have a winning record...which means we can't lose a confrence game. Which would mean an NEC title.

2) We need to beat Monmouth...2 years in a row with heart breaking loss's is too much to handle.

3) Need to make a program statement with a win over Fordham! Hofstra, UMASS, and Maine are gonna be to much for us.


Keys are D must be as good if not better then last season(especially against the pass). New QB's must develope and Mike Wall will be key to spreading opposing Defenses. TE must emerge. Not sure how good our backs are going to be. I know they are as good as all the backs that pre dated Gary Jones. I doubt we will have another player of that caliber again. Although if you possess a player of this caliber the NEC is all but won. Jones brought 2 titles to Albany. Deveren Johnson brought a title to Sacred Heart. etc.

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I would take 7-4 in a hearbeat. It will be difficult to win any of the non-conference games with a new QB and a new TB. That said, if the QB can throw the ball, they may have a chance.


I would guess 6-5. They lose all the non-conference games and one conference game (playing at Central will be difficult after Hofstra and UMass.


Will be interesting to see the offense with Rossomondo as Coordinator. I taped the Hofstra game last year and DP sent me the Stony Brook game from 2 years ago and it was amazing how intricate the O line blocking schemes are. I wonder if he will add a new layer of complexity to the offense in general. If so, how long until the kids figure it out.

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it can't get anymore complicated than the 80 different formations Frank Derrico had installed. If anything I'd expect it to get simpler all together. Find the plays that work and stick to them, escpecially with a young team.

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It depends on how good the backs are. When Derricco had Gary Jones the Offense was simple and predictable...the fact of the matter it didn't mean a thing. The D new Jones was getting the ball 85-90% of the time. They just couldn't stop it.


When the talent is not at the level of a Jones or they don't have a passing threat they have to be more calculating which I am sure they will be this season. We have been a running team for so long we can really fool some people this year if our QB situation works out. In the years they had Gmelin and Phyllis they really had teams guessing...I guess we were more balanced.


Rosso's blocking schemes were very complex, so I am assuming his Offense will also be.


When the dust settles it comes down to our 11 against their 11, it is really not all that complex. The tougher team wins every time. We need to be very physical as in years past.




I don't think much of Central, I don't care that they were 8-2. If we execute 2 of our missed FG against them we beat both Central and Monmouth...making it a totally different season. The loss to RMC was INEXCUSABLE...we had the talent last year to be 7-4....Coaching was part of the problem. Just one man's opinion.

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