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Posts posted by Eli

  1. Hey folks,


    I'm taking a web class at UA and decided, for my final project, to build a webpage about the history of the UA basketball program (may alter it to include other sports).


    Anyone know where I can get some good statistical information/records? Anyone have a site that stores that type of info?


    Hell, if it turns out good, I may make it public/live and maintain it going forward for statistical/historical purposes.



  2. For starters, if everything was SO specialized, we'd all be really $ienaty at cocktail parties


    Hahah. You know what I meant :P.


    llko---you didn't need to select history. Physics might have been more useful. Kidding---I agree a minor is a little outdated in todays world. However, I do think a major, whatever it may be, is enhanced by a strong liberal arts background. Communications are very important in every job and liberal arts helps develop those communication skills. At 26 you should already have a BS - MS and 5 years of work experience.


    lol. What goes up, must come down. Physics minor, complete lol.


    I got my AS and have been working professionally in my field since I was 16 (yes, got a HUGE jump start). Been chippin away at my BS doing night school and working 50hrs a week (for those of you in IT, you'll understand). But you get my general point. I'm sure some minors are useful (none interest me although I did like Civil War history, etc. which is why I chose history). In the end though, I feel that most people don't get THAT much of a benefit from doing a minor. As someone who has been on the hiring end of the interview table, I'd rather someone be specialized in one or two key areas that I am looking to hire in than dealing with someone fresh out of school with only 1% knowledge in 50 different areas (obviously exaggerating for emphasis).


    Communication is key though for sure. Nothing annoys me more at work than people who don't know how to communicate professionally, etc.




    Anyway, sorry for taking the thread off topic. My point was that our university, and the nation needs to do A LOT of work to make education good in this country again. It's lacking compared to other parts of the modern world. This is a start, but it's a drop in the proverbial bucket.

  3. With the general sorry state of science education in this country, any attempt to expand it at the State University level is a major leap forward.


    Science education? This country is behind in virtually every major area of education. Our kids are graduating high school behind their peers around the world (of modernized countries). I know people who moved here from other countries in 9th and 10th grade and learned what our 9th graders are learning, but a year or two prior.


    The entire education system needs to be re-done.


    As a current UAlbany student, I feel that we need to get people a specialization and not a 'well rounded education'. Kids are leaving school with less skills in general. They aren't good at any one thing (I have interviewed new graduates for positions). The amount of BS classes (and BS assignments that go with those classes - I need to write a paper on Roman Sculptures by monday - for example) we have to take is absurd. I already took two years of english, math, etc. at Hudson Valley and got my 'well rounded education'...why the HELL do I need to take a minor at UAlbany (in this case History). Bachelors degrees should be focused on specialization and real-world training for jobs you'll do after you graduate. What is Roman Sculptures going to do for me in life? Undergraduate (and even graduate education) has become a business in this country. Forcing a student to take a minor just means an extra 18 credits (or roughly $7,000) in the university's pocket. I have been working in IT for 10 years. I am only 26. You match me up against any new graduated in a job interview and I will walk circles around his book knowledge. Specialization and real world experience will ALWAYS trump book knowledge and limited lab work. In my opinion. Obviously some curriculums (like medicine) are a little different, but for the most part you can apply my comment to most areas of expertise.


    I have my specialization. THAT is what I am good at. EVERY class I take at UAlbany should be IT related...not calculus, not roman sculptures, etc.


    /rant...as you can tell, I hate the current education system and most people disagree with my opinion on the subject but it is what it is. Sorry for going slightly OT. Your comment just triggered a post on the subject lol.

  4. Wish Brian would have sent out an email...had no idea there was such a thing as piggybacking onto a team order. I'd seriously love some legit UA gear. I'm a Jets/Heat fan and although I have a Revis jersey...I hardly wear it. But my school (that I'm currently enrolled in) is a whole different thing. I'd wear those jerseys EVERYWHERE. Love this place (although I hate the homework that comes with :P ).

  5. Much more concerned about Coach Abe leaving. I think that Brown is truly happy with his situation, it's what he says to anyone willing to listen. His priorities have changed since the first 2 trips to the dance.




    Not to mention his family/wife always talk to us season ticket holders. Our section has gotten to know one another quite a bit and I think both of them love Albany.

  6. I suspect the (NY) has more to do with the fact that there are at least 6 cities named 'Albany' across the US from California to Oregon to Georgia and New York. The city in New York is fairly small and not well known in the rest of the country. I don't think Albany State is the reason we have a (NY).


    The 'U' is purely for locals to distinguish the high school from the universities. As you see the national media ignore it whether we use it or not.


    It's a shame people don't know their states and capitals...shame shame shame.


    As for the logo's, I like both but prefer the one with the full Dane. I am also fine with U in general. I agree that on TV or on gear it should just be Albany...but our official name needs to be "University of Albany" not just "Albany". Meaning:


    University of Florida

    University of Kentucky

    University of Memphis

    University of Pittsburgh

    University of Miami

    University of California


    Either that or Albany University. Meaning:


    Syracuse University

    Duke University


    Then on TV...we can just be Albany.


    Otherwise, I think we run the risk of being known as more of a college like LCC. We NEED to have University somewhere in the name. I do however, complete encourage getting rid of the SUNY/State University of New York business (from every SUNY school). THAT has GOT to go.

  7. We have CRAP offerings for jersey's. I've emailed Brian about this before.


    I want legit gear...not some Fruit of the Loom knockoff that is being sold (football) at the store with only one number to pick from. I want a number 3 basketball jersey (since my number has always been 3, Dwyane Wade wears 3, and because I'm a HUGE fan of DJ Evans now)...and I want a number 10 jersey in football (Drew Smith).

  8. Very proud of our guys. 3 games in 6 nights is tough...yet we hung around. Good stuff.


    I think this WILL pay off with recruiting. It has to...we've shown a lot of people some good stuff. Too bad Evans is a SR...I like him a lot. On the bright side, Hooley and Rowley will be here next year and both have tons of experience...and I think games like these really help guys like Dallas progress. He should be a good role player next year.

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