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Everything posted by BestDaneSinceHamlet

  2. Not sure where to put this but Stanford just eliminated 11 sports including field hockey
  3. 130,000 dead triggers me, including some close family friends. Ignoring science to own the libs triggers me too.
  4. So you'd take a pedophile pizza restaurant run by Hilary Clinton over say...any potential interference in our elections. Got it. (Everyone else please follow Jimbo's lead and please google Qanon prior to thinking I'm a crazy person. There is a large part of Trump's fanatic base that believe Qanon to be real. That's nuts). Steve Bannon is getting his way. Such severe distrust in the government that nothing gets done.
  5. Leaders lead. If you don't think that him wearing a mask would have influenced the governors of certain states to strongly suggest mask wearing (Florida, Texas, Arizona) and shown more caution during the holiday weekends then you don't understand how politics works in 2020. You go against Trump, you don't last long without facing the ire of the base. The same base that put most of those people in office. And... show me a list of these "thinking people" that have bonafides in political theory and criticism, heck, I'll even take a non-bias journalist, or even a traditional conservative like George Will. And leftist? What do you think Social Security is? Or the fact that we all went to a STATE university? And I would actually like to see these accomplishments. Saying "you won't agree with them" shouldn't make them any less significant if they are legitimate. But if you're only bar is "he's against the leftists" I'm not sure that makes your argument much better than say..Qanon.
  6. Many do not agree with, that may be true, but i'd love to see anyone with any authority, knowledge or savvy disagree and please support your argument.
  7. A fish starts rotting from its head. When the spread can be curtailed by 20x by a simple face covering and those in power refuse to acknowledge, or even flaunt it, we're doomed. The whataboutism is not a both sides issue. There's a real and direct causation to this cluster*** and that's poor centralized leadership. Wearing a mask isn't a freedom issue, it isn't a liberty issue. It's a common sense one. The greater good is always greater if it increases safety and saves lives (not driving drunk, seat belts, child safety and employment laws, etc.) That being said, I've talked to some pro sports folks and we agree that the one league that will probably go on would be the NFL. I don't see college football though. The NFL has the shortest career and lowest salaries on the low end of the team and these guys are more likely to want to push the envelope a little. Their earning potential depends on it.
  8. South Florida football is probably the best skill position recruiting area in the country, so this would be a HUGE area to open up. I imagine the wide-open Joe Davis style is alluring to some of those (like V'Lique) too,
  9. New Jersey also has a VERY strong Catholic league with huge football traditions that other areas don't have. (Don Bosco, Bergen Catholic, etc)
  10. From the LA Times California Gov. Gavin Newsom says the state could see pro sports return by the first week of June without fans. Interesting development, although based on Last Week Tonight's very well-researched (as always) episode, there are still some issues to overcome.
  11. In other news, 2 new offers today. One a 6-11 from Australia, the other a 6-5 from Newburgh. I’m too tired to give any more info but its on Verbal Commits today.
  12. Since Mid-March. My wife and I are both working from home, but we're doing the best we can, understanding the greater good. I'm still paying my nanny and cleaning folks their regular money, but asking they stay home until it's safer. I also am still letting my gardener and pool guy come, since they are outdoor workers and the chance of spread, according to the science I've read, is much lower outside. We're also ordering from our favorite local, non-chain, small business restaurants to do our best part for the economy and support in our own very small way. We also had a lovely social distanced picnic in Griffith Park yesterday abiding by the local public official requests, as most of my neighbors who live in this "hole" are doing. I live in a walking neighborhood on the way to a major landmark and about 90% of those walking by are wearing masks. It's a small price to pay to be able get out of the house and ensure our and those around us's safety. Thanks for asking. I appreciate your concern; hows by you?
  13. Ok, and do you know why? Or did you just read the headline? Those 150,000 undocumented workers are the lifeline of the California agricultural business; the private sector of which you speak, that makes California the largest agricultural state in the country. Without those workers, prices would skyrocket, again, hurting businesses and Americans at large, essentially "all of the workers and children that suffer." They also pay 2.5BILLION in taxes into state and federal governments and receive zero benefits in return. Those are facts from the same CNN and NBC story you just referenced. And btw, Newsom also cancelled a healthcare plan that would benefit undocumented immigrants over 65, so I guess it's not all bad news for you..
  14. Deflect and redirect? I point out facts and sources and you insult people. But keep on screaming about immigration alongside the current administration, while illegal immigrants are imported to work at a certain Florida property. Starting to wonder who cuts your grass... And if you think a spritzer is what us effete liberals are drinking these days, your reference is about as dated as your mindset. It's White Claw and rose; get it right. DP, I know I promised to stop, but dunking on his ignorance time and time again is starting to get fun.
  15. 1) I love how I have an inflated sense of self-importance when you equate having a steak in an open restaurant with an act of patriotism rivaling the flag-raising at Iwo Jima. 2) I was married in southwest Florida and its a lovely place if you don't talk politics, which I avoid out of respect. Like any state, there's nice places and bad places, but of course, let's insult the other side with our irrelevant opinion, because I'm against everything you are for...just because.
  16. Yup. Worlds fifth largest economy. What a third world republic I live in. And quoting an ex-felon (Bernie kerik) who faced an ethics violation for ...employing an illegal immigrant as a nanny doesn’t exactly drip with credibility. But please. Tell me more about fake news and disinformation.
  17. The good news is that he allowed most of the State (landwise) to start to open, including the Capitol District. So there may be hope.
  18. I thought you were going to let me have the last word. Sheesh. Homer Out!
  19. In all seriousness, I do think the politicizing of the pandemic will go down as one of the darkest and most wrong headed moves of our history. In prior times of trouble we used to band together and sacrifice for the greater good. (Ie WW2 war effort/rationing/retrofitting of factories). Now we just scream about our freedom and individual rights while others are dying (including two of my moms closest friends, so yes this is personal) instead of offering solutions. Somewhere Nero is tuning up his fiddle while people bitch about shaggy hair and takeout only.
  20. I’m always amused when the people most likely to accuse others of being snowflakes are in fact the most snowflake of all. Thanks for simultaneously proving Goodwin’s law and Darwinism. An impressive feat
  21. Worth noting this was the Cal-State system, not all the California public universities. The UC system hasn't said anything yet, so not sure if this was at Newsom's level or the Cal State level.
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