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Everything posted by godanesgo99

  1. I think a lot depends on what happens with the portal and how many spots the team has to fill. Unless I missed something, the team is currently full for next season, assuming Jackson ends up with the scholarship vacated by Schafer, and one of Hutch/Drumgoole leaves. Definitely Gone from Scholarship: Davis, Patel, Shafer Coming in: Margoupis, Robinson, Adnan Graduating but with eligibility remaining: Drumgoole, Hutchinson Potential Scholarship Given: Jackson If spaces end up opening, which they undoubtedly will, a player like Shane could be welcome. He is a local kid (Schalmont) and had an offer from UA years ago. I agree that an athlete transferring down from a bigger conference would be good, but the team has a lot of athleticism already, but lacks a calming influence. Someone who plays hard, but is an IQ guy more than an athlete. We need both, but the biggest issue this team had was a lack of basketball IQ. If Shane is that guy, then it would be welcome. Don't know enough about his game to know if he fits that mold.
  2. Very true. The calculus looks like this: Losing way more than we win + Scandals + Poorly thought out and executed plans and policies from the program/School + Overly negative people on the board + Aging of forum members as younger folks don't use forums, and opt for other social platforms + Bickering and personal attacks ======================= Less active message board with fewer new members and devolving conversations. The cure to this problem? A winning program. Winning cures all.
  3. LOL Bob, love how people have poor reading comprehension and don't understand humor on a web board. No where did I compare Killings to Trump. I compared cwdickens hatred of Killings to the lefts hatred of Trump. Nothing positive can be said about Killings without him trying to find any angle to make it negative. Trump never tried to do all those things, but those were things that those on the left would applaud if it was done by anyone but him. If he did it, they would say yeah but he is a racist with orange skin or something like that. I truly believe that if the court cases end with no wrong doing found, Killings goes undefeated in the AE, and makes the Sweet 16 there are those on this board that find a way to turn it negative.
  4. Dickens has Trump Derangement Syndrome, oops I mean Killings Derangement Syndrome. The irrational over the top of hatred of him regardless of the facts. There is not anything Killings could possibly ever do that has any redeeming value whatsoever. Clarification: I am not a Trump fan, and I hate using this term from the MAGA crowd, but it is true. Trump could have made the minimum wage $50, cured cancer, and brokered lasting peace in the middle east and many on the left would not be able to acknowledge anything positive because of their hatred. Dane96 has clearly spoken out against Killings and has been clear on his stance. Silly that Dickens would find a way to bash even the slightest compliment. It's funny really.
  5. While the Lady Danes are still active and a pleasure to watch, it's time to reflect on this terrible MBB season, figure out what is going to happen for next season and move on. While I'm excited to watch the ladies compete for a championship, I'm looking forward to not caring about basketball for a while. Hopefully whatever is going to happen with DK and player movement is decided quickly so the team can regroup and start working on next season ASAP. Biggest Questions: What happens with DK and the lawsuit. Is his time at UA over? I'm in the minority with supporting him, but whatever happens, I hope it's quick. Do Hutch and Drumgoole enter the portal, graduate and move on, or use their eligibility to come back? Does Beagle stay for at least another year or two? He could probably play anywhere he wants next year. Does Jackson get a scholarship and stay, or does he enter the portal? He's another one that could probably get a solid offer after the year he had from a lot of schools. Reddish had an up and down season. Showed some great growth, but had some issues and missed a few games for breaking team rules. Does he stay or look to transfer? His brother was traded to the west coast. Could he look to transfer out there? Edmead, Ketner, and Kellogg all played extremely rarely as the season wound down. Edmead and Kellogg played a lot elsewhere before coming here. Do they stay? What does the future look like for Neely, Little, and Amica? Will SEFCU arena be ready for next season? Finally: While the season sucked and was painful to watch: Thank you to the players for not giving up and playing hard till the end. Thank you to Patel and Davis for giving UA your final season. Good luck with wherever life takes you! Gonna be an interesting and extra long off-season!
  6. NJIT did their part. We can't hit a shot. Season over. Would have been nice to finish the season with a comeback and playoff spot, but ending the season a week early and getting a chance to reflect and start figuring out next season now is fine. I can use a break from following college basketball anyway.
  7. I thought they played strong defense, hustled, and played well in the first half. Yes there were a couple failed rotations and UVM made them pay, but you just can't beat a team that is hitting everything while well contested. If you ignore the score and just watched the energy and play you'd think Albany was winning, not down 15 at the half. Obviously we were never going to win this game, but a come back would be cool. NH pulled ahead of NJIT now, so we may control our own destiny.
  8. I'll roll it and smoke it in your honor while watching the game tonight. So happy for you following UVM long before UA considered a move to D1. I rooted against their hockey team and all of Hockey East as a Clarkson/ECAC fan back in the day (80's and early 90's). We all have our backgrounds. Not covering up UA's issues, they are public and shed a poor light on the university. I wish they would go away and we'd find out what really happened, the court cases were done and we could move on: either with DK as coach, or with him fired so we can start another rebuild. The difference here is UA didn't cover it up. They suspended the coach during the investigation, then made a public announcement, issued a suspension and forced a fine. DK issued an apology. It wasn't enough in many people's opinions, but as you said, we are all entitled to our opinions. UVM hid it all and told the accuser to shut her mouth. Enough about these unfortunate incidents and lets root for a good game tonight. Win lose or draw, I am happy with the effort the team has put together to end the season. Could very easily be riding a 4 game winning streak into this final game. Beat Bing all game only to fold at the end of regulation and then lose badly in OT, beat UMBC easily, could have won at Maine without a bad turnover at the exact wrong moment, then beat NJIT easily. Hopefully those games have built confidence and they can play well tonight. At the very least the season is ending with some positive momentum.
  9. Here are the actual Womens Awards: https://s3.amazonaws.com/sidearm.sites/americaeast.sidearmsports.com/documents/2023/2/28/2023_WBB_all_conference.pdf 1st Team: Cooper and Haegerstrand 3rd Team: Hahne All Defensive Team: Hahne All Academic: Cooper and Haegerstrand None of the individual major awards like POY, DPOY, ROY, 6thPOY, NOY, COY Definitely shows a great team effort and no reliance on a single player to win. Love that the UA All-Academic winners were also 1st teamers.
  10. WOW. No matter how wrong I may be on the actions of DK, how can you equate the two events? Even if the DK situation was a million times worse than what we have been told and it really was an all out assault and brutal beating in the locker room, it is still no where close to a RAPE. DK admitted there was some inappropriate contact, paid a fine, and was suspended for 5 games. This may not have been enough in the opinion of many people here, but that is your opinion, and not everyone's. It's what the internal investigation decided on. How it is even close to covering up an accusation of a rape and administrators telling a woman, while in her time of need and who had just gathered courage to make that accusation, that she should "Shut up and let it go so it doesn't hurt the school, force a suspension of a star player, hurt the teams record and chances at the NCAA tournament, and/or reduce attendance at basketball games." Then never say anything about it publicly and cover it up, until that girl sues the NCAA and the school over the event. You make me laugh with your vendetta against our coach and failure to see the difference. Apparently you are just jealous because UVM has been winning and UA hasn't.
  11. Lol to the Catamount fans. Our coach tried to fire up players who were playing lazy and not living up to their potential. His method on how he tried to accomplish that is what has been debated. Right or wrong, he was at least trying to help his team win. No further comments on his methods and if they deserve dismissal or not. Vermont leadership, including their coaches, covered up and silenced the accusations of the rape of at least one student athlete, rumored to be more than one, by their star player, and rumored to be other players involved. Covered up a team culture of rape and abuse. Regardless of if the accusations were true or not, the school completely dismissed the accusations and told the accuser(s) to stay in her lane and not push the issue because of the potential damage to the school and the star player. The two issues are not even remotely the same. It's crazy that so far there seems to be no penalties at all for the UVM program, and everything seems to be swept under the rug.
  12. Does UVM play their roster with intention of resting their best to stay healthy for the playoffs? Would they rather play UA for a second consecutive game at home, or see NJIT come to town? Is it possible to beat UVM twice in a week with both games at Patrick? Absolutely love watching March basketball when its win or go home. While this is still regular season and still February, it will be the second straight "March" game for UA.
  13. Looks like Beagle has the ROY locked up. What other players have a chance at awards for the season? Men: ROY: Beagle All-Rookie Team: Beagle obviously. I think Jackson has a shot after starting all conference season (minus Senior night) 1-3rd teams: Beagle and Drumgoole probably have a shot at third team. Not sure anyone else has a shot. POY/DPOY/COY no one on UA Woman: I haven't watched enough. Anyone have predictions?
  14. Team played well today. Patel with another big game. He is either on fire or just off. Either way, I love his hustle. Jackson played extremely well as well. I like his how game is developing. Gotta watch the replay on ESPN when I have a moment. I thought that attempted dunk went through the hoop and that play should have been and one. Absolutely hate it when teams try to run down the clock when up 13-15 with 6-7 minutes left like UA did tonight. It always ends up with a forced shot at the buzzer. Team needs to keep playing their game. I'd rather a team get a good look with 10-15 seconds left on the shot clock then a forced shot at the end of the clock. Always seems to end in a miss or a turnover and allows the other team to claw back. Maybe with under 3 minutes to go that's the move, but with 6 minutes left it never works. I don't think they ever let it get back into single digits late, but they were up 20 at one point. Now off to Vermont where they will attempt to do the impossible... Win at Patrick in two straight games in under a week.
  15. So guess it is senior night now. The conversation started because there was no mention of it being senior night before. Happy to have watched them all play. To the two with eligibility left: would love to root for you for another season. Win or lose, you are all still #purplefam to me. Even if you move on to try your hand elsewhere. No matter what happens: good luck in the real world.
  16. Just went back amd found it in the recruiting thread. Forgot you went back and edited and said that you were wrong on Drumgoole and Hutch. Assumed Trey would be gone, but had forgotten Drumgooles red shirt. My fault for having selective memory lol. Not a big deal. I shouldn't have called you out on it. It doesn't really matter where stuff comes from when it's fans all guessing on the future and hoping for the best for our team. I hope that we win this NJIT game, and beat UVM to sneak into the playoffs, but even if that happens I doubt we beat UVM twice in a row, so it might actually be best for the future of the program if NJIT beats us, the UVM game is meaningless (beyond my JOKE of having bragging rights of being one of the only teams in the country ending the season on a win), and the off season can begin. Having an extra week or two of rest for the players and to start the business of preparing for next season might be good. So many questions. What happens with DK and the lawsuit. Who stays and who leaves will be directly related to that. It wouldn't surprise me for a second if 100% of the team enters the portal. Even the players with no intention of leaving. If it were me, I'd do it with the caveat stating that I don't want to leave but I need to explore my options until the status of the coaching staff and athletic department are settled. Either way, even the most negative of us on this board still want the best for the future of #purplefam and the program, even if we have differing opinions of what needs to happen to get there.
  17. 2 graduating and/or out of eligibility (Patel/Davis) plus an open spot when Shafer Left = 3 open scholarships for next year 3 commits in Robinson, Margoupis, Adnan 1 Walk-on that deserves a scholarship, but could already be on a "ship" do to financial aid and NYS State School programs So the team is already basically set for next year, until transfer season begins. Biggest questions in my mind: Do Drumgoole and Hutch return for their last year of eligibility even if they graduate? Someone on this board told me earlier in the year that they were both done after the season (May have been Dane96, but I could be misremembering) What happens with Amica after 3 lost injury seasons Does Ketner stay after not seeing the floor in weeks? Does Marcus Jackson try to get a Scholarship and enter the portal if not offered by UA already? What will become of Little and Neely after missing the year with injuries? Will they recover well? Does Reddish look to transfer? His brother was traded out west. His time has seemed to be in flux. I believe that we will win this game against NJIT, but fail to make the playoffs after losing to UVM in the final game. I think we will start learning the answers to some of those questions within minutes of the final buzzer in Burlington.
  18. Hutch received an additional year of eligibility with COVID (as did all players) - This is his 4th year, but he still has one left. Drumgoole is the same situation. Could be seniors scholastically, but are juniors scholarshipwise. Davis and Patel have none left that I am aware of.
  19. Zane Adnan's Bullis team wins the IAC champ. Video in the article shows him draining a three and has some comments from him at the end. https://www.dcnewsnow.com/sports/local-sports/bullis-wins-iac-basketball-championship/
  20. Interesting with no senior night. Davis and Patel are the only real Seniors, so I guess it makes sense with those 2 being grad transfer 1 year only players. Have to imagine that even though Hutch and Drumgoole are only Juniors eligibility wise, this is probably both of their last years. I'd love to celebrate Hutch's time in purple and gold. It had ups and downs, but he earned our praise through his toughness and grit. Drumgoole has only really had 1 year thanks to injuries, but was really the centerpiece of this year's team. His analytics aren't great, but my guess is that's from forcing too much and needing to carry the team. The numbers are down because of a few cold games, remove those and his numbers are incredible. I'd love them both back. Maybe no senior night means they are both returning?
  21. No comments from Twitter land. But he has been getting good mentions before this incident. I wonder if DK or anyone with ties to UA will comment on it.
  22. Looks like the story is getting international attention, with UAlbany mentioned in some of the stories. There are dozens of news organizations that have taken it up. Here are two: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/college-basketball/article-11763283/Camden-high-school-basketball-player-PUNCHES-rival-mid-game-sparking-massive-court-brawl.html https://www.inquirer.com/high-school-sports/new-jersey/camden-dj-wagner-eastside-basketball-altercation-20230216.html Tons of other articles, but nothing talks about what happened in the lead up. I really doubt that any player, especially one with a college scholarship to play D1 basketball, whether it be to Kentucky or UAlbany would be dumb enough to punch another player in the middle of a game without some sort of backstory. No matter what the backstory is, it's unacceptable for it to happen on the court. Tensions can run high, and yes players have a right to defend themselves, but I hope there is a really good explanation for what happened. The absence of an acceptable backstory should result in UA having an additional scholarship opening up now. Kid looks talented, and someone I was looking forward to watching develop. While I like players that stand up for themselves and play rough with an edge, not sure I could root for someone that would lose their cool on the floor on physically assault another player. Ironic coming from me, who has defended Killings locker room behavior if the incident played out the way I understand it. Not to rehash the other threads, but I'm ok with physicality and pushing and things to fire you up, but I'm not OK with a punch or intentionally injuring someone. I'm ok with Jackson guiding Sullivan into a hard foul because of his trash talk, but I'm not OK with a punch to the face. No idea what backstory could possibly justify it. Not sure anything could justify it. But I hope there is something I'm not thinking about.
  23. I'm not going anywhere close to that far as saying thugs. Some of the Ts and other issues this year weren't nearly as bad as you make them seem. Refs are calling a T this season for stuff that has been a normal part of the game for years. Hutch got a T for saying a play was "all ball". Apparently you can't ever question an official on the floor without a T. "Words" after dunking on someone is part of the game. I think Ts are up all over college ball. I saw some other footage of this event and it does look like the kid setting the screen seems to be trying to hit Robinson first right before the punch. There is another video from this game that shows a lot of bad blood and physicality throughout the entire game (then the video glitches and cuts out the 18 seconds I posted in the thread. Definitely going to need to do some interviews and intense investigation into the event before we want this representing UA.
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