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Big Purple Fans
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Everything posted by godanesgo99

  1. I'm thinking that this could be a major moment in the program, and I hope that some real information comes out soon. In my mind there are only a couple of possibilities... 1. Beagle was upset that he didn't start a few games earlier, didn't think he should have come out against Vermont when he did. Killings said the non start was a coaches decision, so it felt like it was punishment for something or trying to teach a lesson. If he stepped away because he couldn't take criticism or punishment, then good bye Jonathan, don't let the door hit you in the way out. We can't have players that can't take criticism or punishment. 2. Is there the possibility of this being similar to the Fizulich issue? Depending on the details this could be bad for DK and the nail that ends his career. Would need more details on the situation to know who to support. 3. Something is going on personally for Jonathan either mentally, physically, or within his family/close circle - and then we need to wish him well and hope for a speedy recovery. I have spoken with him a couple times and he always seems like such a a good kid. If this is the case, I send love and hope he works through whatever it is. He deserves the support of everyone. 4. He was sick of losing and not touching the ball enough and quit on the team. This option is a bad look for him in his pursuit of future basketball options. I think that until someone starts talking, it's all going to be pure speculation. Everyone is going to come up with their own thoughts and theories. With the team not winning or playing well, it's going to naturally turn to negativity and worst case scenario thinking. I hate to say it, but I hope it's option 3 and he can work through it with the support of friends, family, teammates, alumni, staff, and the #purplefam. We may post negatively after poor results but we do love and support our players. I'm sure if a player reads this board sometimes it could affect them negatively. Players need to learn to ignore comments when you hit the spotlight of D1 sports and beyond. It really pains me to be rooting for it to be a personal problem, as no one deserves that, but that is best case scenario for the program as a whole. I think this is the only reason that the lack of comment and silence from the program would be warranted. Personal issues should remain confidential, but a reassuring public comment would be helpful to reduce fan speculation. If it's 1 or 4, then that's a bad look for him, but if it's #2 the school should suspend/remove DK immediately. I probably shouldn't have posted this at all, but as fans we are emotionally attached the program and commenting is a form of therapy. I'm trying to remain positive and hoping for the best for all, but it feels like the season is over and we are only half way through conference play with the most athletic/exciting offensive team we have had in my memory. Better defense would make them a contender with the top 3-4 in the league. Without anyone over 6'7" that plays any significant time, the chances of winning more than 1-2 more games this season is extremely low.
  2. I wish Jonathan well. I'm having a hard time believing that this absence has anything to do with a dislike of teammates or the coaching staff. A player that dreams of playing at a higher level in NCAA or eventually go pro, quitting on your team midseason is a bad look and anyone giving him advice should have told him that. For him to walk away this late in the year feels like it is something off the court or personal. Either way, whatever it is with him, I hope it works out. This team needs him, and he needs to continue to perform to put himself in the best possible position to play elsewhere and in the future. Even in this era of the portal and free player movement, I still believe in #purplefam even for those who have left and maybe only spent 1 season wearing the purple and gold. I hope he figures out whatever this issue is.
  3. NM on my possession arrow question. I misunderstood the rule with the foul occuring, and the refs were correct in fixing the table. "However, any foul committed by either team during a thrown-in attempt will not result in the reversal of the possession arrow." https://www.ncaa.com/news/basketball-men/article/2021-03-31/college-basketball-possession-arrow-explained
  4. Instead of comments in the game threads, I thought this was worthy of a new thread. Any updates on status?
  5. No, the horrendous defense is obviously worrisome, but the fact remains the team was missing their best defender with Jackson out, and their biggest player. Not saying Beagle is good defensively, but the team definitely missed his size and rebounding. I asked because I am honestly curious about the rule. The scorers table switched the possession arrow and the ref told them to switch it back. I posted that question in real time right when it happened. There wasn't another jump ball, but at the time there was still a chance at a comeback and another jump ball with the arrow pointing the wrong way could have been a big problem.
  6. Why has the possession arrow not changed? UMBC was awarded the ball on a jump ball, little charged with a foul before it was inbounded. Did that void the possession change?
  7. Can anyone point me to the source of this negativity from Beagle? Things feel like they have gotten very negative very quickly, and I haven't seen anything about his comments or if it was just an injury. Did I miss something outside of what was posted on this board?
  8. If they changed the rule, why is Edmead still sitting? I thought I read they were investigating changing it but hadn't yet. Haven't heard that lately, and frankly I'm too lazy to look now, but I thought this was just discussed a few weeks ago in the football transfer thread that the rule hadn't changed, unless football is different than basketball in that way.
  9. I'm not at all negative about this team, yet. While they definitely have their issues and areas that need improvement, they are still the most entertaining UA team to watch in a while. They've shown, when healthy, that they can play with anyone in the league. Barring a huge collapse and tumble, there is no reason they can't squeak into the 4/5 game in the AE playoffs (possibly at home even) and have a shot at dancing with a few good games in March. I mean they are just as likely to collapse and have to play in Burlington in the first round, but I doubt things could get that bad again.
  10. Thomas and Marshall would both need to sit a year if they transferred unless they got a waiver. Edmead didn't get a waiver even though he was transferring back to his previous school, so unless they graduate this year, my guess is no transfer for them.
  11. Just to be the opposite, I would rather see an 8pm start time. Games starting at 6PM on a weekday would be impossible to attend with working until 5pm. My kids sports practices dont typically end until 5:30 or 6:00 on weeknights either, so earlier start times would mean I could never attend. I would end up cancelling my season tickets. Weekend games being earlier are fine by me, but again, night is always better for me - and my kids. Earlier might be better for really young kids, but any kids 10years old or older are normally fine with a 9pm end time.
  12. Team played better defense yesterday really, the offense just didn't get in any flow. It feels like that much of the team considers always going for the steal good defense, and they are getting a ton of them, but might be over committing on the attempts which if they miss is leaving someone wide open for an easy shot or layup. I love the aggression, but without solid rotations and good backup, it makes them look worse than they are. This almost always comes down to positioning of the bigs. It's like we have some strong individual defenders, but no team defense. Coaching can fix that.
  13. Any updates on Reddish? I haven't looked in the papers or anything. He hurt his ankle or something last game and he went out, and haven't heard a peep since.
  14. And to balance it out, here are the offensive efficiency rankings. Our team is pretty good offensively, so that could explain how we put up so many points against the best rated defense....
  15. It's not my opinion. It's Massey rankings and other analytics sites opinions on defensive efficiency. I never said Bryant was better than UML. I said that Bryant was ranked the best defense in the league. You too are free to have your own opinions but the numbers are what the numbers are. Using the Bart Torvick site for this image because that site is free, but you will see similar numbers on all of the other sites and rankings out there... In order of defensive efficiency: The original question is the same... What happened where Bryant could go from a team with below average defense causing them to under achieve last year, to being ranked the best defense in the league this year with the same basic roster makeup?
  16. Analytically they are, even after allowing 89 to us, and it isn't close.
  17. Unless it's changed, the concessions have nothing to do with UAs revenue. Last I knew UA gave a contract and get a flat fee regardless of sales. The department makes the same amount from concessions if they sell $100 or $100,000 worth of food and beverage during a game. The only motivation the department has to improve concessions is if it starts to affect attendance, which I believe that is has. As far as the courtside corner goes, I don't know what the donation amount required is to get access to it, but I don't qualify. I chose cheeper seats because I like the location better than the more expensive seats. I've had 4 Tix in the same basic spot for over a decade. I've made additional donations each year for at least the last 5, but my per year number is still relatively small, so I can't get in there. I guess it would be nice to access it, but the vast majority of fans can not. The $iena options with terrible quality is 100% harming attendance. I'm happy to spend money buying food and drinks at each game, but I can't because the options available are terrible.
  18. Bryant's Achilles heel last season was their defense. They played none. With basically the same roster this season they are the best defensive team in the conference (analytically) and it doesn't seem close. What changed? How did their new coach change their mentality?
  19. Honestly, I thought we played with them just fine and had a great shot to win... until Thomas and Jackson went out of the game with 4 fouls each and Marshall picked up his 4th but had to play less aggressively. Basically had to play the last 10-12 minutes with hands tied.
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