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Everything posted by UA1882

  1. Right on Doles, but he can leave after this year. He would have his degree (masters I think). Thats why I put him in that category. Will be interesting to see what happens. Need to finish this season but there at least appears to be some talent.
  2. Something that has been on my mind is that it appears we are not doing much recruiting. I may be way off but I believe this year is a free year . Which means everyone is eligible to return . You wonder if Brown has convinced most if not all of the rotation players to return . (Taylor, Doles, Champion). They would have the rest of this year and all summer to gel. Could be a very good team next year. I very well could be way off but that would be interesting.
  3. When things are going well this team is very good . When things are not going well this team is very bad. Looks at this games this team has won, then turn around and look at the games this team has lost . We will not be a good team until we can win the games when we don't play very well .
  4. "Can't win if you can't put the ball in the basket " tell that to seina last night. Haha . Kind of a big game today . Need a spilt to maybe get to the top half of the conference.
  5. Not a terrible second half . They did not role over and die. However, they can't win a close game. Can't get a defensive stop when needed. The theme of the season .
  6. Very very poor start. Back to no execution. Throwing the ball up. 1 on 1 basketball . Terrible.
  7. All the games are big from now on . This game is about execution, rebounding, and making the unselfish play . These guys play strong, slow basketball. This is not last weeks shadow defense. If we execute, we win . If not we lose.
  8. Mine did not work as well . But I fully expected that. Very very sad.
  9. Hutch needs to shoot 1000 3's this week . With Healy coming back we should be peeking at the right time. If Hutch is playing the 5 and can knock down some threes then we can really space the floor. With the players we have now it should not let them play Healy really close, allowing him to see some opening looks .
  10. Hutch will play a little because of our lack of size . Healy is still playing his way back and I believe will play a nice roll. Anderson is absolutely lost and will not play much . They are taking their time with Amica. Apparently the head injury was relatively bad and they want to make sure he is ok .
  11. We played a lot better . But they play little defense. Next week will be the test to see if we turned the corner. We play that soft hedge on defense and it drives me nuts . I may be by design but against the better teams they will eat us alive . Nice balanced scoring should give us confidence going into tough games next weekend.
  12. So if we win today. A big if... sweep binghamton and Maine. Spilt with everyone else, that I believe puts us a 11-7 in the league. I think that would be acceptable. Want better but that would not be too bad . It starts with a win today.
  13. Another terrible terrible reaction. I don't name call or put people down but again wrong . He never said that. U just thought that. WRONG! I could say u must support burning police stations and taking over cities... but I believe you don't (most responsible people dont) . Just don't put words in people's mouth and excalate the situation. That's the problem today. Disagree with someone and do something about it . But don't spread things that may not be true please.
  14. Don't wanna take away from the game but.... Isn't it funny with someone has a different view then someone else .. you get a post like this... this is exactly what my last post was about. He is just saying he doesn't support it . Nothing wrong with that. Its an Opinion. Right or wrong. I say do what you want. But respect the other side. You wanna kneel great. It my right not to support it . And vice versa. If you like the kneeling give more !!!! But posts like this is the problem with this country. Its saying "IF YOU DONT LIKE MY POINT OF VIEW, GET OUT" That's wrong .
  15. Last year I was 100 percent with you . I really really was. And I 100 percent agree everyone should stand. But at this point the moral compass of this country has gone sideways. We are soft, take offense to everything, want something for nothing, don't care about consequences, on both sides... How is it ok to take over a city or a police station?.... (never heard anything really negative about that) both sides are wrong .... I will also not be sending anything more . But I'm glad the coaching staff all stood. Young adults are impressionable. I give them a little pass. I will continue to support the team as long as the coaching staff stands. However I will be donating the minimum . As for the game , the team played better . NJIT looks to be a poor defensive team . Our defense is pretty terrible too . However I hope this is the start to better play . Get Healy back into the mix and start to win some games.
  16. Good game . Any win is a good win. Hopefully we come out playing hard tomorrow and get another win.
  17. Did not work out for sure . But at least that's an excuse . No excuses here . I even have my doubts that Healy ever returns to form . I hope he does, and if he does we will see if its a different team.
  18. If we take a step back and look at Siena. (They are suppose to be a pretty good midmajor.. good attendance ... facilities...) They have been terrible for a decade. There are very few schools at our level that are good year in and out (Vermont). That being said I refuse to accept below mediocrity. In my opinion (and we have said this several times ) JC transfers is no way to build a team . If we were starting all freshman, that's one thing. But we are starting several upperclassmen . I think a healthy Healy could be deadly . Antonio has been awesome. We do have better pieces this year. I would not play him until he is 100 percent . Not this play a game and sit out 2 ... I will try to reserve judgement until Healy is back . (It will be hard ) . But I think they can be pretty good .
  19. A really bad team beat a really really bad team . Brown not calling timeout on either late possession was another coaching mistake . 20 year coach continues to make mistakes. A healthy Healy will help but not sure how much.
  20. Some observations (Facts) -St Joe's is terrible. All they do is drive and look to dish . They want nothing inside . They would not finish in the top half of the AE. -Trey is not a D1 player (Yet). Very slow, can't shoot, can't pass, can't defend . -Doles is a good player. A times union article stated he might wanna play 2 years after this. He would be awesome if he does that.
  21. Our defense is atrocious. Defense is all about effort . Coaching brings effort ... enough said .
  22. Dickens.... your confused. Nobody is saying anything. You need to relax and enjoy the win .
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