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Everything posted by dslyank

  1. AGREED; but I still feel @ some point UA/State will be announcing limited in-person attendance. {HERE'S HOPING anyhow!}. Also, anyone know the status of the AmEast contract with ESPN3 & ESPN+ ????????????
  2. Why are there 7 in the north and only 4 in the south? Even if Towson had not bolted it would make 7-5? Why is Delaware in the north? Should be 6-6 or 6-5 without Towson.
  3. [doll--duke outdoor lacrosse league; even post scores & standings on their web site.] Article in IL how Duke is using in-house scrimmages to add competition and fun in lieu of fall ball. Not really new, since Duke generally does NOT like to face other schools in the fall. But it another article, North Carolina is using a similar approach this fall. NOT saying UA should emulate {all though those are pretty good programs to imitate}; but it would be NICE to hear that UA lacrosse is out on the field these days. Anyone hear or see anything going on??
  4. IMHO, I would NOT be surprised if other teams DO join Towson in opting out. Unless Towson has some underlying other issues; this could be the beginning of a wave across FCS???
  5. The article hinted or at least sounded to me, that a normal Spring schedule is hoped. Getting the format for fall and winter in-order and perhaps reduced in some cases with the goal of being able to normalize Spring sports and schedules. Perhaps I am reading it entirely wrong; but I hope the goal is reduce conflicts with spring sports to compensate them and insure they get a full season?? Remember @ this point they have already lost the most because of covid. Thoughts/opinions about lacrosse and other spring sports.
  6. America East posted schedule "FORMAT" today on ualbanysports.com: Sounds like we will play Vermont only @ home OR only on the road? Likewise entire league no longer home and away? Similar format for volleyball. Looks like soccer and field hockey playing reduced schedules? Indoor track canceled.
  7. I guess only if the player chooses to stay longer? Good Luck trying to figure it all out!
  8. Eli polish up the edit button. NCAA as of this AM granted an extra year of eligibility to ALL winter athletes. Now spring, fall, and winter all included. Coach Brown glad for players who don't have to consider redshirting and don't have to worry about how many (if any) games are played or canceled this year; Coach Mullen does not know where the money is coming from; Coach @ LCC refused to comment--more questions than answers @ this point; and Benson sent out an email today asking for MONEY {of course} without a single event played or even scheduled yet 2020-21. ps I did email Nate Mason [ticket director ] to get an update on tickets etc. He did say absolutely NO fans in the stands until January 2021 and still working on distancing and seat spacing. New ticket vender should be in place in about two weeks and all season ticket holder info saved and an email will be sent to all season ticket holders when the site is up.
  9. OH come-on; Do you really think it was Benson's idea. All/most credit goes to Scott Marr. OK give Benson a + or so for saying OK we'll give it a try.
  10. Just saying most or at least many agree the basketball program has NOT been very successful the past few years. I personally would like Brown to receive a new contract; IMHO he has earned the right to stay @ UA as long as he wants. But some NEW blood/direction to me seems NEEDED. I personally like Yati; feel Jared is just NOT a good coach; and heard some upsetting news about Pelletier. Just trying to figure out if true or not. Also, I am NOT trying to put someones livelihood in danger. Didn't know I had that sort of power. But whether true or not, Pelletier would be my choice to open up a spot for some new blood; and good luck to him elsewhere. Same with Jared. UA basketball needs something and I simply have expressed my opinion of a couple of spots that could be improved upon; for the benefit of the program.
  11. I thought the get rid of Jared on his birthday, might have gotten a little more backlash. So, I'll stoke the coals a bit. I actually lied when I said he should be the first to go. Jared IMHO just takes up space; has not really done anything to cause him to lose his job; but IMHO has not really done anything to add to the program. So here it goes; the first to go should be Pelletier. Not that he has done anything (that I know of) to undermine the program; but I heard a rumor from a source that should KNOW: that Josh did not want to take the job @ UA in the first place and does not like Coach Brown and never has. Some might say that a different perspective is good and a coach should NOT surround himself with YES men. I actually agree with that statement, but wonder about reluctant part and the do not like part. I will say this, I heard the rumor this past season. I had a hard time believing it to be true. However, even though I am calling it a rumor, the source presented it not as a rumor, but as FACT. The source being close enough to Pelletier to KNOW; but perhaps I took it out of context or heard in-correctly. I have been very reluctant to post this, because I've struggled to believe it. Anyhow, I thought I'd throw it out there. Maybe someone can say, it is total nonsense and/or convince me one way or the other.
  12. Many have commented that Coach Brown needs some new blood and some different perspectives with his assistant coaches. IMHO Jarred should be the first to go. Nothing personal and I do wish him a happy birthday! Just do not believe he ever added much to the program as a player or a coach.
  13. Ticket Portal still not working? For anyone trying to get renewals resolved {to ensure seats for what may be LIMITED covid spread seating;} not happening I guess??
  14. You are certainly welcome to your opinion. Just asking who do you think: dictated a complete indefinite shut down and ordered Benson to punish ALL athletes for the digressions of a very few??????????? And who if not Benson, can open practices?
  15. If not Benson's than WHO? He is the man at the top. It was his announcement and IMHO his decision. Even if a committee involved, he has/had the ultimate say. If you are thinking the indefinite suspension came down from President Rodriguez, I humbly disagree. IMHO it is NOT his style to dictate. He certainly was involved and said the parties must stop; but I 100% do not believe President Rodriguez dictated a complete indefinite shut down and ordered Benson to punish ALL athletes for the digressions of a very few. It is simply NOT the way President Rodriquez works! And IMHO, it is typical of Benson's take the easy way out approach.
  16. I believe the 10/14 date refers to full team practices--full compliment of coaches. Even prior to covid, teams in all sports allowed to begin FULL practice @ some specified date specific to each particular sport. Some sports like football & lacrosse have FULL practices fall & spring. But all sports allowed to have modified practices with various restrictions and # of participating players & coaches allowed. Never been able to figure who & what can practice when & for how long with how many. But @ UA right now; whatever IS allowed is NOT being allowed; due to Benson's mandated covid "PENALTIES." He universally applied restrictions to all athletes in all sports; even though the numbers of offending parties was small and the % of positive cases overall within NCAA guidelines. As I said before, time {PAST TIME} to get sports up and running. With restrictions, testing , masks and social distancing guidelines in place of course.
  17. This ain't your 20th century NCAA's. Most student athletes are on campus 11-12 months of the year (and I suspect true even in later 20th.) They practice year round, take extra classes off season so easier to compete in-season, are in the weight and conditioning rooms, undergoing physical therapies and nursing injuries, and more. There is a spring football season and fall ball for lacrosse for a reason. College sports is a full time job. Spring sports especially (due to weather) barely have enough days to compete; yet alone prepare. A pitcher in MLB needs a minimum 45 days to prepare. College baseball no different and even more problematic; since they don"t have all summer and most of the fall to actually compete. Track, tennis and other spring sports have the same/similar issues. Winter sports and other indoor competitions have a little more flexibility; but also need/are on campus 10-12 months a year. My point Benson and company need to lift practice restrictions NOW. I am NOT saying ignore covid and social distancing. Find a way to make it work! Most college and high schools across the country have. Professional sports and as cw said even LCC has made it work. What the H∑££ is the matter with UA?????????
  18. BIG MISTAKE IMHO!!!!! FBS football playing coast to coast. Lacrosse NEEDS to get back on the fields facing opponents ASAP. The have already loss nearly a full season. In a separate survey of coaches only moderate optimism about having a SPRING 2021 season. Article did not really identify coaches surveyed; but Duke head coach who did vote positive, said he was not sure why so many were only moderate or below. I also do not understand coaches being so pessimistic? Isn't it a BiG part of their job to build hope, confidence and positive attitudes in players?
  19. Agree with everything CW offering. Except, I personally WOULD feel comfortable going to a football game TOMORROW-- with seating spaced out, masks and all social distance guidelines enforced. Numbers across NYstate continue to be excellent and even @ UA covid #s are by no means threatening IMHO. Of Course, what teams we bring in and how to protect UA athletes is another matter; but me personally I'm READY and believe me when I say I have a # of pre-existing conditions and would NOT attend anything I did not feel save at.
  20. Can we open practices NOW? At least for those programs and athletes following all pandemic guidelines. Of the 40 or so {or is it 80 or 120--The county keeps reporting different figures}; I believe only 4 or 6 or other SMALL number are confirmed covid infected athletes. Even if my numbers are wrong {nearly impossible to get anything accurate --"personal privacy issues".}, the %ages of affected cases at UA well below guidelines. The Big Ten having a fall football season; and the numbers in the Midwest FAR exceed New York.
  21. I Googled this and did not find anything UA related? What exactly am I looking for? Someone named Doc Benson involved in a massive opioid scheme?
  22. I hope they do not lose previous commitments, payments, donations and rollover tickets. Also "POINTS" history important for parking and other benefits. Not trying to be negative, but just with so much up-in-the air and unknowns, does not seem a great time to be making changes?
  23. Has Benson suspended this blog also? Nobody has anything to say? Haven't seen a single comment since Sunday.
  24. My point was not to praise Cuomo. He certainly made his mistakes with the covid crisis. Not to name names or get political; but he handled the crisis far better than the leader/s in the White House and by the looks of things, far better than most other governors across the country. The crisis is/was pretty much un-precedented and everyone stumbled their way through it; including people in power, medicine and the public in general. But I digress: My point is we have learned, data and best practices dictate: masks, social distancing, testing, tracing and isolation are our best defenses until medicine and vaccines catch-up. Some people still seem to doubt these defenses or refuse to follow out of ignorance or personal freedom issues or {readers free to choose a reason for non-compliance}. Many college students think they are invincible, would rather party then get an education or play sports. Maybe they are just being youthful rebels, we've all been there. But society has rules and laws to protect the general public for the good of ALL. Those rebelling or just being stupid or refusing to follow such rules, need to face the consequences. My point in this long winded tirade is, punish the violators NOT EVERYONE. In New York we have reached a point and the data supports this that MOST people ARE following the proper protocols. In NY which UA falls into, MOST have suffered {some more than others} 7+ months of this covid pandemic and have made sacrifices and followed the rules to reach a point where we can/have gotten this thing under control {data proven}. It is NOT OVER, but we certainly reached a point where MOST PEOPLE following the rules, should NOT be punished for the digressions of a few IDIOTS {readers feel free to replace/ignore this adjective.}
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