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Everything posted by dslyank

  1. I for one and do not hate me; it is just my opinion; I DO NOT think there should be a SPRING football season. The lost spring sports baseball, track, lacrosse, softball, etc and the end of winter sports, including the most profitable part of college athletics (NCAA basketball tournament) were NOT granted an alternate season to play in. Many of you will may argue give football a chance too recoup some of the financial losses, by playing a spring season. Other than power 5 teams; few schools make money on football. Adding Spring football just adds to the financial loses and headaches covid has already burdened colleges with. DON'T HATE, BUT FIRE AWAY! ps. I also think it is time for the NCAA to step forward with a common response and a consistent mandate for ALL fall sports at the least.
  2. I thought I read somewhere: Benson & Gattuso were suppose to hold a fan zoom meeting on 7/14; to update the community?? I guess this did not happen.
  3. Big 10; Pac 12; now conference only. Money opportunities dwindling fast.
  4. We seem to be having the SAME conversation in 4 separate threads {winter sports, spring sports, fall sports & general}, COVID 19 SPORTS 2020-2021. For what its worth I'll post my opinion here, as Lax is my favorite sport now; but perhaps all the covid comments predictions could/should be moved to "General." Anyhow, as I see it the only logical thing IMHO is for 2020-2021: Go to Conference only schedules. I know this would cost us "money" games and for BB the Mohegan-Sun exposure; but the less travel might partially compensate for the loss revenues. Anyway the revenue losses for Covid19 are going to be huge, no matter what! I think the conference only format would be the "safest." and most economical. I would also cancel football for 2020 completely, for the same reasons; too expensive to run in the time of huge financial losses and the most covid medically dangerous. And for those of you who call me a football hater you are wrong---I was @ the first club game @ University Field and a season ticket holder ever since. Just making my opinion on health, safety and cost concerns in these highly unusual times. Disagreements and ALL other opinions welcomed as always! {ps I'm still pissed the Spring Lacrosse season was canceled, so its revenge that I say cancel football--------------just kidding.}
  5. IMHO: If we must, play football; play it January and February. Start Lacrosse later {March to June}, which Scoot Marr has been advocating for years. As for freezing one's ass off or not, personally I would and do so willingly for Lax, but only grudgingly for football. So IMHO play football in the fall or NOT at all. Just my bias' showing.
  6. CAA north pod: UA, brook, new Hampshire , RI, Maine maybe add Monomuth have the beginnings of a new Northeast football conference?
  7. I sort of think the CAA proposal makes the most sense. I posted the proposal before, but will recap. All CAA teams (football excluded), will play a regional ONLY schedule. Some teams may play only in conference teams, some may play only out-of conference teams and others may play a mix. ALL teams no matter who or what mix they play will qualify for the CAA conference tournament, so ALL CAA athletes ultimately have a chance to play for an NCAA championship. The locations for the CAA/NCAA qualifying tournaments will be worked out at a later date, when regional or one location covid options are better understood. By letting each team originally stay regional/close to home playing all or NO conference opponents, with still having NCAA possibilities may give the CAA a fair chance of getting a good portion of their teams the most amount of play?
  8. I talked with Justin Brown yesterday. Told him I was very happy to make my GDAC donation no matter what, but was wondering why my seat payment had not been applied. He pretty much said what I speculated above. He confirmed ticketing etc has absolutely ZERO idea, what is going on and are holding payments to avoid or minimize having to issue credits. He claims UA is receiving absolutely NO guidance from the State, the NCAA, CAA or AmEast at this point. Seems everyone is waiting for someone to take the lead?? As an aside, CAA seems to have a plan in place for everything except football; and I did get an email from Benson asking for money, but offering no answers, except that he and Gattuso will have a video conference for fans on July 14th.
  9. Never thought I'd say this but; FOOTBALL should be canceled, or at least postponed through-out the country {NCAA & pro both.} 300+ pound behemoths standing about a yard apart breathing fire on each other; not a good covid scenario. Thoughts and DISAGREEMENTS fire back. This blog has been TOO quiet lately. Thought I'd stir things up a bit.
  10. I took the blunge and renewed football yesterday; even though I was hoping some correspondence from UA would/should have been in order by now. Interesting my GDAC contribution was accepted and processed; but the I received a note that the money for the seats would be taken at a later date. Perhaps they are hedging their bets in case fans are NOT allowed at all???? Won't have to issue seat credits and assuming GDAC donation are for keeps? If NO fans, even if NO games I would make my GDAC donations anyway; but it seems a little presumptuous, if this is what's going on??
  11. Just read in the TU that Iowa said ONLY season tickets renewed by June 30th will be considered for any social distance plan formed/allowed! That is only a week away. With absolutely NOTHING coming from UA, I am a bit concerned about being shut out of any plan UA comes up with. I have been holding off on renewal and assume many of you have also? Am I being needlessly paranoid about being shut out? Has or was there ever a "last date to renew" statement made before or since the covid stoppage? Anyone recommend throw caution to the wind--renew and see what happens? I know UA is NOT Iowa, and would prefer to wait and see a statement from them; but wonder how others are feeling?????
  12. I am a little surprised at some of the negative comments. Each to their own, but I think NJIT is a good addition and fit. Many on this blog have advocated for years for more of a New York City connection and exposure. They have new facilities [indoor opened in 2017 {seats 3500}; outdoor just opened 2019.] Gives large amounts of NYC and even die hard Long Island alumni a close place to see UA athletes in action. Also, as others mentioned a reasonable drive from Albany [count me in Bob87.] IMHO I see no negatives, am happy and welcome the addition of NJIT. Does anyone know if the fall sports women's volleyball, soccer and cross-country can accommodate schedule changes and additions at such a late date? ps. I know UA already/still has title 9 issues; but men's volleyball is a fast growing and exciting sport. Most high schools in the area offer it now.
  13. CAA Adopts Flexible Scheduling Model For 2021; Teams Won't Need to Play Conference Games Does NOT mention football or basketball. Maybe 2020 too late to implement this or are football & basketball exempt from "cost cutting strategies"??? If you read the full article, Inside Lacrosse says the CAA will allow teams to play NO conference games, only conference games, or multiple games against the same opponent. The emphasis will be on minimal travel and playing teams in conference or out in your immediate geography. Article does not say how conference tournaments participants will be determined? Would not be surprised if other conferences try similar formats; and IMHO feel we have NOT seen the end of some sports and teams being eliminated. THOUGHTS & OPINIONS!
  14. Assuming there is one, some major rule changes approved: The article said due to the unusual timing and loss of 2020 season; the rules ARE official; but an additional comment period "may be" allowed? Seemed contradictory, but whatever? Assuming the rule holds, the fogo rule is intended to decrease the power of the elite fogos. Face-off rule changes in the past have been bitterly fought and more than once changed or diminished before implementation. The head of the "face-off academy " said start preparing new strategies NOW, as he believes the new rule WILL be implemented in spite of MUCH debate. Also, RESET shot clock rule being held up by some schools balking over the expense of two visible clocks. How ridiculous is that; and how expensive is that anyhow? Seem most already have two?
  15. Hey Ref: You SUCK go back on the ventilator! {NY has a surplus now--plenty to go around.}
  16. Article in Inside Lacrosse today. Should probably post it there, but seemed it fit here also. Talks about the financial issues colleges face due to covid19 [and $$ issues that existed even before covid19.] He raises some possible senerios, including delaying fall sports and even combining fall & spring sports. He also talks about many of the program cuts and team eliminations already announced. {Furman cut its lacrosse program today, not mentioned in Quint's article done earlier.} Anyhow link if interested https://www.insidelacrosse.com.
  17. Who cares about FB & BB {JUST KIDDING, JUST KIDDING note I √ will be there.}; but I felt like my heart was ripped out when Lacrosse was canceled. Just as the team seemed to be turning the corner. As I wrote at the time, still hoping they have some sort of expanded FALL BALL LAX SEASON. Regardless, social distancing protocols allowing I'll be in my usual FB & BB seats and DO NOT forget Volleyball! [Bob 87 & I and a few other diehards always there--I assume alum73 also.}
  18. I made my horse racing comment, sort of tongue & cheek. Just trying to get this blog redirected to UA SPORTS and off politics. As the next several pages proved, I FAILED miserably. Obviously I am not a fan of horse racing, each to their own. I wish you luck; HOPE you win the Derby. Still think it is not a sport--a game, a hobby, an amusement, whatever; IMHO. But each to his own and I absolutely meant no offense. Do get a little tired of "Toga's" , thinking the Capital District would not exist without them. Well back to BIG PURPLE POLITICAL FORUM. My apologies too horse racing fans and anyone else I offended for trying to get this forum OFF politica.
  19. I know we are not suppose to talk politics; but hey you guys started it. Horse racing should be BANNED. Should not even be talking about it on this SPORTS blog. It is not sport. Jockeys are not athletes. Animals are abused. And speaking of lost lawn parking, the parents of the seven year old who got in trouble for selling lemonade should have been locked up. They were pumping out more trays of brownies in a day than many of the tax paying and permit paying venders did in a week. Wow got that off my chest. OK Toga fans fire back. Or better yet maybe DP will censor all this political talk and I could get the last word in. Go Great Danes-HOPE to see you soon.
  20. TU has been running a series "The Mt. Rushmore of Capital Region Sports." Pretty Ho-Hum--Yawn; top 4 cap region table tennis etc. Woke up today with Doc Saucers headlining top cap region all time coaches; coach Abe listed as one of the women top 4. Now that was MORE like it! Obviously I exaggerate when I Iisted table tennis as one of the Rushmore series and DO give kudos to the TU for keeping some sports reporters and others employed. ps. Not to give rise to the hate-him love him wars on this blog; but WHY NOT, not much else to blog about these days; but Brown & even Gattuso mentioned in the section "others considered" for Rushmore. OK guys and gals WAR ON!
  21. Has this been announced? I have not heard anything official up here? Are you just speculating??? California governor has made his state U's strictly on-line in the fall. What has the NCAA SAID about that???????? Original NCAA said no students on campus--NO ATHLETICS?? Are they sticking to that??? Pac 12 power 5 loses a lot of TV revenue if so and "Rose Bowl?"
  22. Seems to be a stretch? Shot in the dark? Any BIG = a pig in a poke?? THOUGHTS/OPINIONS?
  23. If the nurses and doctors and other first responders thought this there would be a lot more dead people. If grocery store clerks thought this there would be a lot more very hungry people. It was meant as a joke read: "In the Bleachers" comic 4/27/2020. Of course he should do what is best for himself; but if everyone did SO, well pretty sad world IMHO.
  24. All this blabber from TD that I'm going back to Yale no matter if I play lacrosse or not; appears a lot of hot air to me now. Don't know the young man and have no inside info what-so-ever; but the. way he left UA and now the way he got back into Yale lead me to believe with TD it is all about "I." quote from comic "In the Bleachers" 4/27/2020 {I tried to copy it here but file too large.}
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