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Confidence in Iowa Connection

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It is apparent Will has confidence in Brent Wilson and Lillis. Some people might argue they aren't happy with the way they are being used in key situations. Yes, Brent had a chance to hit a big three in closing seconds of regulation and Lillis fumbled the inbound pass in overtime, but these guys are being exposed to the pressure cooker as frosh. As a result, I expect them to be all-conference-type players their junior years after we lose Levi, Lou and Zoellner.

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Had a trip this weekend so I am only going by what was reported on this board and in the papers. My beef wouldn't really be with B. Wilson and Lillis who I like alot but more with end of game sitatuions. Of our three tight conference games this year (BU twice, NU) that have come down to a last shot I really don't think there's been a decent look at the basket in any of those games. I understand it's a learning experience and all three of those shots came against experienced team but I hope we figure out how to grab one of these tight games.

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From what I've read and heard. Brent Wilson had a wide open three to knockout BU in regulation Sunday and just missed.


We all want to start winning these close ones and we're tired of the growing pains but this team is playing hard.


Lets not forget - we - for the 2nd year in a row are playing without the returning "ROY".


If we had Jamar last season we would have won 3 or 4 more conference games for sure. The same could be said this year if we had Iati there are already 2 or 3 conference games we might have won with his sniper like accuracy.


This year Iati - would have given us another significant scorer at the end of a contest, or maybe with him we wouldn't have been in those tight situations anyway.


Just speculation - food for thought!!!!


In fishing terms - the Iowa connection of Lillis and Wilson are both KEEPERS

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B. Wilson had one of the FEW...and I MEAN FEW open looks. The ball just didnt go in....not his fault.


B. Lillis, now that I understand the play more, only dribbled into the corner because he was suprised he had the ball...and he did lose the handle. He actually got a decent shot off...i was suprised he could even get it up....but those things happen.


These kids are, and look, so young...this will only weather them!

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He went to the corner because he lost the handle. The play did not go off as planned, **it happens. Lu was under the weather, which was unforunate. Great effort, no W. Officiating was not very good and we had the good look in regulation. A lot of positives to take away from an L. I guess we'll just have to beat them in the AE tourney.

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The Iowa Connection


What I forgot to mention about them is I love their agressiveness and attitude.


They do not seem intimidated at all and they are very willing to get on the floor in scrum situations.


It's nice knowing that we'll have them and Iati for three more seasons!!!!!!

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I'm a little surprised that no has commented on this earlier, but on this weekend's "Hoop Games", in the first segment, Wyland was asking Coach Brown about Lillis, and I'm going to have to paraphrase here because I don't remember the exact words - Wyland noted that Lillis was getting more minutes and asked if he was now at 100% - Coach shot him a look as if to say what an idiot you are, and noted that Lillis still wears the soft cast, that he will not be 100% any time this season, that he has trouble dribbling with his left hand and that he is hesitant to shoot because he feels he can't balance the ball in his hands properly in the shooting motion; and that his minutes are because he's an energy guy, with a high basketball IQ, and goes all out all the time, etc.


For those reasons, I was surprised when I heard he took the final shot, but the explanations in this AM's papers seem logical.

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I think Coach Brown probably felt his hands were tied.


From the boxscore Levi and Lucious were terrible from the floor(2/16). I think the object was to get Lillis moving to his right to drive (knowing Chaz Carr an excellent defender would help on "D")and kick to Jamar who evidently was open as Lillis bobbled the ball and was forced to throw up an off balanced prayer.

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I too also like the Iowa Connection. I have a growong concern regarding Brent Wilson. Offensively, he is becoming one dimensional. He is strictly a three point specialist. I would like to see him post a little more often. He needs to develop a mid range game that he can use. Maybe show the ball to the defender and use the bounce to get by and shot a 10-12 for jumper. I think he needs to add a bit more to his game beofre we label him as a future all leaguer. His game has holes.

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I think he needs to add a bit more to his game before we label him as a future all leaguer. His game has holes.


I think your absolutely right about Brent. I feel he will be a solid player for the Danes and I do believe if he adds "a bit more to his game" he could be better than just a solid player.


I also think if he had that good post up game and a mid range game he wouldn't have gotten out of the Midwest.


After this season it's up to Brent and Lillis too, to take their games to the next level "if possible". If they can and do the Danes will be rewarded in the "W" column.


What it appears they do have is heart, intensity and basketball smarts.

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I think Brent is in a tough spot. UA doesn't have anyone that can consistently hit the outside shot. The stats are very misleading - before the conference season started, UA was a very good 3 point shooting team. Even the first game against Hartford had good results from 3. Since then they have struggled.


Brent may be the only alternative. From time to time, Jamar, Lucious and Levi may make a 3 but Jamar has worked hard on driving to the basket lately and Lucious (even before the bad game at BU) and Levi have had a very tough time.


My point is that I think for the rest of this year, Brent will have to take a lot of the 3's.


Also, while Brent is 6'7/6'8, I don't know that he is a post player. I recall some of the AAU articles and I think he was pretty much a perimeter player then as well. HS games may have been a bit different as he was probably the biggest player on the court for most games.

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Brown mentioned this on the coaches show a couple of weeks ago. I thought he's worked on this the past few games and against Hartford he didn't post up but took a couple of jumpers in the paint. He also went to the hoop late in the game and got hammer by Goode.


To me part of the fun of watching college basketball is seeing players develop new skills over the course of their careers. Almost all freshman come in with holes in their game. Good players come in, work hard to get better and improve every year-Lucious working on his outside shooting is a good example. It's hard to predict who will work hard to improve and who won't and will be happy sitting on the bench. From what I've seen of them Lillis and Wilson will fill in some of those holes by their junior and senior years.

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