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Everything posted by justdrastik1

  1. Not sure if this is legit, but noticed on twitter that: "6'2 PG Aaron Kinsey out of Syracuse, Ny has officially committed to @UAlbany_MBB" Link: https://twitter.com/Sharky_Fbc/status/591408631712743426 From some kid's account, but the guy Aaron Kinsey responded to it as well. Kinsey is brother of Jafar Kinsey who we were recruiting previously. Never heard of this kid, and looked him up and can't find anything online about him. Not sure if it's just a joke or whatever, but figured I would pass it on in case anyone else has info.
  2. Agree with reserving judgement. Whether or not we always agree with CB's decisions, he's been pretty spot on with recruiting good kids. There's always an outlier in any program, but he has a great record. Give the kid the benefit of the doubt.
  3. I just think he is a piece. I don't think he will be a major contributor or focal point. I think he will be on the level Stire was this past year. He will get minutes, but his role will be clearly defined.
  4. Great article. Interesting story. Also did not know that Singeltary had a child either. Nice group of schools including Murray St. That were recruiting Chas.
  5. What's sad/funny is that you would think having the best player in Lacrosse currently (and possibly of all-time) would help tip you over in situations like the discrepancies in rank between us and Yale/UVA, but nope. Lack of respect and preconceived notions/stigmas are the biggest challenges to schools of our size trying to rise athletically speaking.
  6. Question - I haven't been in SEFCU since I graduated. When I come back to campus, it's normally during the summer. What would be the anticipated cost behind a renovation to modernize it, add seats, scoreboards etc., versus demolition and construction of new facility? And would the renovation be plausible or is there not enough to work with?
  7. Dane96 - there's an add-on you can download to Google Chrome, Firefox etc. called Hola. It was created specifically for situations like that. You can just click a button and click on the location you want it to display. I use it to watch a Canadian show that isn't available here in the States, but it works the same way. You can be in another country and set it to show you as in the US, and it will work flawlessly. It's a very popular tool - isn't malware or spammy either. Once it's installed, it just adds a button into your browser and you can turn it on or off if you aren't using it.
  8. Looks like he was very foul prone, leading to the games where he had lower stat/minute totals - unless I am having a brain fart and pf means something other than personal fouls. I could be misreading something as one game he had 6 - technical on foul out? I was focusing more on the Mins per game, relative to fouls. Think that's a better indicator, but certainly if in foul trouble, hurts ability to go get boards
  9. http://www.bcccpanthers.com/roster.aspx?rp_id=421 Stats from this past year. Has potential - seems inconsistent. Rebounding numbers all over the place - some games with 15, some games with 4. Shoots fairly poorly for a big man. Unsure of his style - from the reel above seems that he drives a fair amount too. Some games at 50-75%, others in the low 20-30% range. Big body though - that's for sure.
  10. This. WIth Lyle being focal point of offense, I can only imagine their numbers will go up. Very nice consolation to losing arguably the best lacrosse player of all-time.
  11. At one point, I think announcers said we were down 11-7 in facebooks. We went 1-7 from that point on. Eek. Survive and move on.
  12. Very big win for program. Lucky to win that game. Hung in there when Yale had retaken the lead and had great momentum. What was up with the careless play and the decision making at the end? Ball with 60 secs, 30 secs, and 10 secs left and sloppy play. Just hold on to the damn ball and game over and instead we made it closer than it needed to be.
  13. Yeah definitely. Commentators keep mentioning how crowded it is and what a nice turnout. Side note, but we've been doing MUCH better on faceoffs. Not winning them out right, but playing physical to project and prod the ball away.
  14. Watching game from NYC through the TWC Sports Channel. Field looks great!
  15. Would be a very expensive trip. I'm sure they'd love to do it, but would have to find the $ for it. Or a rich donor who wants to sponsor them lol. So who here wants to sponsor this trip around the world? Let's not all raise our hands at once
  16. It's a discussion board. If we don't talk about things like this, there's no point in having one lol... No one is losing sleep because Wheeler Baker is leaving the program (aside from Coach, maybe). Just food for conversation. Absolutely. I was more pointing out that there is a double standard with coaches leaving and players leaving. Well, I disagree with you on that. The decision a student athlete, often a teenager makes, with that of a grown man/woman is dramatically different. At the D1 level, coaches have a finite income generation period. Most make fairly decent money, but they have a small window to provide for themselves and/or their family. Not everyone is Bobby Knight or Doc Sauers/Coach Ford. Making a jump to a higher paying job, perhaps with more years guaranteed is very different than a player transferring for a variety of reasons. Sure, jumping to a better conference or better opportunity in terms of team winning chances or exposure is perhaps the same, but factor in the magnitude of a coaches job transfer, and you can see the decisions are apples and oranges. Relocation of a whole family (kids switching schools, spouse getting new job etc). There's call it 300 +/- head coaching positions in D1. There's 4500 spots or so for players (15 per team). When a coaching opportunity comes around, especially for significantly more money, a coach needs to jump on it. Head coaching jobs, let alone high profile ones very rarely open. I would also venture to say that coaching is far more complicated and stressful - more hours, significant time away from the family, recruiting trips (to Australia) etc. Coaches tend to move laterally or vertically. Players often make irrational decisions and end up laterally or moving down a ring on the belt.
  17. It's a discussion board. If we don't talk about things like this, there's no point in having one lol... No one is losing sleep because Wheeler Baker is leaving the program (aside from Coach, maybe). Just food for conversation.
  18. No one is faulting a kid for transferring. But the reality is, no one likes transfers. No one likes to lose talents/assets. Student athletes are free to do whatever they would like - they don't owe the school anything, but we often question their reasoning, especially when they are renouncing their right to play a year of basketball. I think it's more of a frustration when a lot of a coach's planning is contingent upon having certain guys in certain spots, and then poof - it's altered. Same thing is applicable to coaches. A lot of the times when coaches transfer though its for higher profile/higher paying jobs. So it isn't really comparable. If a coach changed jobs, and had to sit at home for a year and not coach, we would all question his decision.
  19. Very true. From what I've seen from Baker at UA, and also from highlight reels, he's run and gun - pull the trigger at will. Not the way it is necessarily in D1, especially not UA.
  20. I don't think Baker's situation had anything to do with CB's status. I just think he realized he wouldn't get a significant upgrade in minutes until his junior year and that wasn't okay with him - right or wrong. He potentially wants to be closer than home, and face it - Albany isn't for everyone. Brutal winters. I'm sure being from MN he is familiar with it, but students from NYC often have a hard time adjusting to Albany, so to each their own. There's always additional factors - loved ones, bf/gfs, love interests that play a role that we aren't normally aware of. McKay's situation is different. Perhaps he realized that after next year, Pete won't be there and he will be the only Aussie. Plus, it is REALLY far from Australia. Couple that in with a few factors and who knows. I think this year we will be very good. Same team minus Sam (who was a horse for us), but with an extra year of rhythm and development. It's the following year I'm very concerned about. Look at last year for example, Sam/Pete were scoring. They continued that in the following year. As a team we have struggled to score - it's been our biggest challenge over the last 8-10 years. Our defense has always been fairly solid, but offense has been a challenge. Remove Sanders, Pete, and Singletary from the mix and who will score? While I hope Cremo is a stud, it's a huge question mark.
  21. That's betting on a lot of development in all of those guys. Aside from Charles and Cremo, we know what those can do at this point. Question is how much can they elevate their games. They've all shown promise. My main issue is that Dallas and co. won't be the focal point this year. We're then asking them to jump into big minutes and big production. It's a big leap, especially where the whole offense will change etc.
  22. He has to sit out a year though, correct?
  23. I graduated in 06, and have been back 3-4 times to visit, mostly passing through and walking around when in Saratoga for the weekend. The campus previously always had this depressed, overly concrete and grey feeling. However, the campus had really undergone some subtle but noticeable changes, with new modern buildings popping up all over the place. Mix that in with some good marketing, and a blooming athletics program across many sectors and its bound to continue to grow. No reason why we can't become the premier SUNY school, and premier SUNY college experience at a minimum.
  24. McKinley was released from his LOI. This is common knowledge. However, an ESPN article came out stating that Geremy McKay is xferring. There has been no reference by anyone about this. It has not been mentioned anywhere, including player, coach etc. So the speculation (on my end) is that perhaps the author of the ESPN article mistakenly put McKay instead of McKinley due to somewhat similar names, and mistook LOI withdrawal for xfer as well). Otherwise, he is xferring, but how would this random writer know and no one else? And people have heard mixed stories. Plus, he's an Aussie, which we've had a lot of success/good track record with etc.
  25. Are you confusing Kyle McKinley (is not on our team now, would have come in 2015 is from Minnesota) with Germey McKay (is on our team now as a redshirt and from Melbourne)? The ESPN link above in the thread shows Geremy McKay xferring from UA. It ranks top 25 xfers, and then has a much larger list - also lists Baker etc.
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