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Posts posted by Eli

  1. I try to go easy on the kids but the adults leading them are absolutely fair game as they are paid a LOT of money to deliver. I don't talk about their physical traits but I absolutely will trash their ability to do their jobs. 

    At the same time, don't want to get trash talked? Don't suck. Simple as that. 

    I know first hand that UA AD staff read our forum as I was asked point blank to paint a positive picture and be supportive in exchange for free parking passes in the SEFCU lot for the CCSU football game. I told them much the same thing: I will be positive when the product on the floor/field calls for it and that won't pretend like $iena don't stink otherwise. I still got the parking tickets but I made it very clear to them that it may be best if they don't send me anything if it makes them uncomfortable to help a long time die hard fan out with some parking passes. 

  2. 2 hours ago, alexfamous said:


    Any one have photo updates?

    I will be in Albany this weekend/week. I doubt I'll be able to see anything but I may risk it and try to get a peek through one of the doors or something. Unless the area is completely closed off. Not going to be jumping any fences for this peek lol. 

  3. 3 hours ago, classof95 said:

    It's gonna be -7 degrees on Friday night. Miracle on ice!!

    This reminds me of the championship game in Burlington that me and my, at the time GF now wife, went too. Man it had to be like -20. But we had THE BEST pizza at American Flatbread Burlington Hearth right next to a cracking fire where they make the pizzas. SO good.

    I'm going to be in Albany next week for a funeral and I'm not necessarily looking forward to the brutal cold. I was hoping to get an early flight on Saturday to catch UVM give us a beat down but alas I will be in the air and will miss this loss.

  4. 55 minutes ago, godanesgo99 said:

    Partially Disagree. Reddish is having a pretty good season as well. I like the core of Reddish/Beagle/Neely/Jackson for next season assuming they all stay. 

    Little and Amica deserve a shot as well. Not sure if either can be anything after all these injuries, but both profile well. Drumgoole is listed as a Sr, but I think he has a year left if he wants it. The rest of the team seems like bench/role players at the moment. 

    Hutch/Patel/Davis are all definitely gone due to graduation/eligibility. There are 3 recruits already signed for next season.

    That leaves: Edmead, Ketner, Kellogg, and Drumgoole to make a decision on. There is an open scholarship from when Shafer left, so if that goes to Jackson, there are those 4 potential spots to find some talent that wants to help win with a brand new SEFCU arena. Hopefully Drumgoole stays, leaving space for 3 transfers.


    My mindset:

    Beagle / Jackson / Reddish / Neely / Drumgoole seems like a strong starting lineup. 

    Bench: Little / Amica / Adnan / Margoupis / Robinson

    Questions / Open to Transfer and recruit over: Ketner / Kellogg / Edmead

    I'll show loyalty to Amica and Little as neither have had a real chance to prove themselves and both took a chance on UA. 


    Your perptual positivity in the face of DAMNING evidence saying otherwise is...I'm not sure if commendable or crazy lol.

    You want 75% of this team back? WHY?

  5. 2 hours ago, jimbo said:

    Considering that the AD gave an extension to Galoser, he’s probably considering a bonus for this guy. Loser + suspension + lawsuit + criminal charges …. That’s bonus material right there. And “Allegations Swirling” is up to 26 pages. That’s got to count for something. 

    This thread has more pages than like the last 10 game threads combined. Maybe 15.

  6. 18 hours ago, dslyank said:

    Again you are assuming him quilty without hearing the facts or know what witnesses say or not say (as far as I know no one on this blog has the facts). Perhaps the suspension was simply a pre-deal so an innocent person could go on with his life? The prisons are full of people who take a deal for a shorter sentence rather than face what is often a biased system. Perhaps DK was suspended for not reporting an incident when he never felt or even knew “something happened.”

    Not saying any of this is the case? Only saying let’s hear the witnesses & get the facts before saying “something happened.”

    FYI Ron was responding to me because of my comment that Benson didn't act appropriately in light of what was said to have happened so I don't think Ron was assuming guilt. I am. My opinion of course.

    My point is that DK f'ed up no matter how you slice it or dice it. He's the adult. I don't agree with anyone on here that is putting 100% of the blame on Fiz (hell, even more than 10% blame). He has some blame for waiting so long, etc. etc. sure...and maybe he had a wink wink agreement with DK about a roster spot which lead to him waiting so long that DK then reneged on (we don't know)...but people here are seemingly super eager to sweep this under the rug and blame the kid instead of holding the ADULT(s) accountable. I don't just don't get that and never will. DK getting a slap on the wrist (as someone said probably for not reporting rather than the contact itself) is a joke. The fact he was able to pick and choose the games he would miss is laughable.

    It shouldn't matter whether the contact was a closed fist, a poke in the chest or a tickle of the taint...it was inapproriate contact. DK and UA admitted as much.

    I'll put it bluntly: I'd like DK fired for cause so we can try to salvage whats left of this dumpster fire of a basketball program. The fact that people want him 'exonerated' and therefor in the coaches seat for another couple of years is baffling lol. Ya'll are a glutton for punishment.

    This was a regretable hire and I'd much rather have a mediocre/stagnant ~.500 Brown roaming the sidelines with a first round playoff exit over whatever the hell this is. This is a complete and utter embarassment.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, dslyank said:

    Luke isn't the issue here, it is UA and DK 

    DISAGREE 100%. Luke is absolutely the issue for many reason. If he WAS assaulted in any meaningful way he should have reported right away. I can list other reasons like no corroborating evidence & more. 
    Also the statement that DK was ready to be fired has NEVER been confirmed by a single source. If Fiz had an issue with the coach, team or school why wait months to report. And only AFTER he assumed or found out he had no future at UA. Spoiled grapes 100 % . I hope he doesn’t det a dime and hope UA & coach are exonerated. (Everyone except Benson of course. )

    Sorry, I guess I meant that Luke is LESS of the issue here. DK is the adult. He should have self-reported immediately. He didn't. Benson should have taken action immediately. He didn't and waffled (or whatever the term I'm looking for is). The ADULTS have more to do with this whole mess than the immature kid.

  8. 9 hours ago, godanesgo99 said:

    I'm still of the opinion, that if it happened they way I understand that it happened, DK has nothing to show remorse for or to apologize further for. 

    Wish there was a way to know what really happened. Like players that witnessed it telling their side of the story. 

    Will witnesses be called to testify? This would go a long way to helping me form a better informed opinion


    Is Luke looking to get paid? Maybe. Waiting so long, etc. is definitely fishy and clearly he has an axe to grind and wants to ruin DK.

    But DK was GOING TO BE FIRED before the 'community' (laughable) made Benson keep him by pressuring him (or he'd likely be labled a 'RaCiSt' for axe'ing a black coach for hitting a white player - again, laughable). CLEARLY DK had done f'ed up. BAD. He drew blood for petes sake! And he didn't report anything. Whether or not Luke continued to push this, UA should have handled this when it happened but neither DK (self-reporting) or the Univesity (following through with the axe) did the right thing. Because of THAT, the university and DK deserve everything they get. Luke isn't the issue here, it is UA and DK.

    I don't understand your stance...

    • Sad 1
  9. 12 minutes ago, Dane Pound said:

    It looks like Hamlet Tibbs might only be at Notre Dame for a season. Mike Brey announced he'll be retiring and they're having a fairly awful year - a couple of games below .500 and at the bottom of the ACC. They were swept by Boston College this year - YIKES!

    I kinda forgot Cam Healy was still playing college basketball but he's averaging over 6 points a game at Southern Utah who is in second place in the WAC.

    CJ Kelley is having a great year at UCF. He leads them in assists, steals and is second in scoring. UCF is 13-6 with a home game against #1 Houston next week.


    RE: Cam, man, what a flashback indeed. I just had a FB memory come up yesterday from the game where he scored a UA record 41 points and we hit 100 pts as a team in that game. FB said it happened 3 years ago.

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