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Posts posted by haggyland

  1. @UAlbany_MBB2m

    Starters for UAlbany: Evans, Egharevba, Johnson, S. Rowley and Puk


    No Peter hooley tonight for Albany, knee injury, rowley will play but arm is heavily bandaged

    Holy Moly. How many injuries can we have...


    I don't like the sound, "Knee Injury" for our leading scorer.


    Now maybe it will make sense if I say that i don't like the fact the the medical staff thinks the knee is part of the arm...or maybe I should have show more restraint from posting again.

  2. I see we're back to the "women vs. men" narrative from last year. I admire the consistency but I'll still be rooting for both teams.


    Same here rooting for both teams and got to see both on the road this weekend


    Very fair; success is the ultimate goal.

    I was frustrated from seeing a 30 point loss to a fellow conference mate.


    Good thing I managed to show some restraint by not posting the rest of the narrative that I had written.


    And 73, although Megan played 30+ minutes in the Hartford game she has very recently missed significaNt time to injury.

  3. Similarities to the men's game in Burlington:

    1) On the road against the AE's most accomplished program.

    2) Playing in a difficult venue to win.

    3) Both UA teams coming off a trip to the NCAAs.



    1) The women take control of the game early and coast to a 17 point victory.

    2) The men keep the score close for much of the first half and then succumb to a 30 point drubbing (scoring in the 30s.)


    Yin-Yang exemplified.


    One more similarity in the games that I just noticed is that they were both played against the team picked to win the conference title...if UA is excluded from consideration.

  4. Although the women's team is healthy, which cannot be said of the men's.


    So, do I have the following equation set up poperly?:


    (1 dinged up men's center) + (1 dinged up men's power forward) = (1 dinged up women's center) + (47 points)



    Of course, if you subtract out the center position you are left with:


    1 dinged up men's power forward = 47 points



    Now I know Sam touches the ball a lot, but it seems like there could be some factors missing from my equation, and I can only hope they are figured out soon.

  5. Similarities to the men's game in Burlington:

    1) On the road against the AE's most accomplished program.

    2) Playing in a difficult venue to win.

    3) Both UA teams coming off a trip to the NCAAs.



    1) The women take control of the game early and coast to a 17 point victory.

    2) The men keep the score close for much of the first half and then succumb to a 30 point drubbing (scoring in the 30s.)


    Yin-Yang exemplified.

  6. Nothing changes in the regular season... Should just forfeit every game against uvm and sbu... This is embarrassing... To come out and look like complete and utter crap like this is shocking.


    The TU deservedly gets our criticism for lack of coverage, but if I am the reporter with that assignment I am not too eager to write about that game.

  7. OT, but not deserving its own thread: Did anybody else receive a second calendar from the UAlbany fund because the first one they sent had some incorrect holiday information?


    That seems like a pretty costly (and easily avoidable) mistake that can't be perceived well by the recipients.

  8. I wasn't to offended by it...just saying.


    I'm honestly not sure what to think.


    His data is half-bakes...like all Knight Commision reports are.

    But even with that bad comparative data, he still basically concludes that Albany spends no where near what most of our peers do.


    It is what it is though.....money is not infinite. If we're going to spend more money on football, we're going to spend less money on something else. I don't know if it's a direct inverse correlation to academic spending. Maybe it's a reallocation from something else? An improved efficiency that frees up dollars? We all know there is bloat in the SUNY system.


    The one thing I did like was McElroy and Jones's comments. Yes Pete.....we're going to spend more and we're not going to apologize for it.


    I'm with the Clackster on this one; I just read it as UA will be facing difficult decisions to find a balance between academia and athletic competitiveness.


    As Uofalbany asks, though: What is the motive? Why this, and why now?

    Maybe I can shoot him an e-mail to ask. Anyhow, it is publicity, and that's all that counts in my eye (assuming, of course, that it is not the result of indictable offenses.)

  9. Let's be realistic Haggy, this team should lose 1 more game this season until the NCAAs!


    I'm hoping, but there is definitely some work to do. Imani Tate- G was the #45 recruit at her position, and UA brought in the #46 wing...with the coming of the new year, and conference play, I would like to see some positive development there.


    BTW, I will assume you think the only other forthcoming loss is against Duke; I am still holding out hope!

  10. Lest we forget that we lost to Duquesne and Central Ct state this year. And our running game did us no good against those "lowly" NEC teams either.

    Thus my specific reference to league play. I don't mean to say this was a better team than the NEC Champion teams, those non league losses would indicate not. But, the premise still stands in the face of those who knock this years team and coaches by comparing league competition and stats from the NEC.


    We all know the CAA is a much better league, but I would argue that with Drew Smith on the team that this year's team wins 4 to 5 games.


    Look at the Wagner game last year. Sure, the Wagner players practiced all week after Hurricane Sandy tore apart their cities and towns, so there was an emotional factor at play there. Also note that Drew Smith was suspended for that game, and UA lost by 30.


    If they had a power running game this past year, I do not see them losing to Duquesne or CCSU, and they could very well have gotten wins against URI, Maine, and Delaware.

  11. My comment is not a knock on Osbourne. He's very very good. It's on the running game and scheme. OLine was soft as pudding is year.


    BTW - West ended up with over 350 yards rushing and 5 TDs. Unbelievable game for him.


    I know you weren't knocking anybody. Still, the running styles of the two backs is different. The ground-and pound, ball control offense that UA excelled at was missing all year, young/soft O-line or not...and where the hell were the screen passes that this program has historically run so well?

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