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Posts posted by haggyland

  1. I am watching the America East feed of the lady Danes vs. UNH game. While the video is so much improved, I don't really understand why there is no play by play. This team is undefeated and are basically blowing out their America East opponents. It seems to me that the university has to find a way to do better.


    Forgot it would be free on AE TV.


    Yeah, looking at the team:

    1) Graduated four senior starters.

    2) Has only one senior on the roster.

    3) Is red-shirting a Top-50 small forward.

    4) Has one impressive recruit signed (Tiana Jo Carter), with one more scholarship to give.

    5) Is handing the other undefeated-in-conference team a beat-down not seen since UA was on the receiving end of it up in Burlington (up 35 points with 12 minutes to go.)


    Little to worry about here.

  2. MsGDG, you seem like a knowledgeable and enthusiastic supporter of the UA hoop program and I have no problem with your positive, “glass half full” appraisal. I don't think the current state of the Siena program has anything to do with the trajectory of the UA program since Jamar graduated. I use Jamar as the touchstone because we squandered the opportunity to leverage the success he brought to the program. Some programs havea special player who not only wins while he is there, but also transforms the program going forward. Contrast our performance "post-Jamar" with Vermont's performance "post Coppenrath". Before Coppenrath played for UVM, the Catamounts were a perennial losing program and a frequent doormat in the AE. From 1970 to 2001 (32 seasons) UVM never won more than 16 games and had a losing record in 25 out of 32. Since 2001 (Coppenrath's freshman year), Vermont has won 20 or more games 10 of 12 years, with 8 AE championship game appearances. Clearly, the success of the Coppenrath years raised the UVM profile, which was used by Lonergan to land better recruits (Trimboli, Blakely, Voelkel, etc), and perpetuated Vermont's success. We have not come close to replicating that kind of sustained excellence in the AE. I am realistic about the UA program...there are structural limitations (especially the bball budget-which is low major for sure) which make it hard to move up. The hoop budgets for teams in the CAA are substantially higher than ours. Hoop budgets in the A10 are 2-3 times larger than ours. That may continue to be a challenge down the road, but there is no reason why we should not win 10-14 games in AE conference play year in, year out. Injuries, JUCO's who don't pan out, bad calls by refs, and all the other micro-explanations can no longer be used to justify a sub-.500 conference record in the AE. Six years ago, I thought the balance of power had shifted from UVM to UA. I thought every home game would be like the Big Purple Growl by now. The reality is that very little has changed. I still enjoy going to games, will still support the team in other ways, but the program seems to be stuck in neutral for the foreseeable future.




    To speak in cliched terms, as I mentioned to somebody the other day: The ship is not sinking, but it doesn't appear to be headed to an exotic port of call either.


    I still am not sure what to make of our backs. Lawrence Power and Andre Martin were two frosh with some credentials. I think Ryan Spellman will see some time in our offense, which I believe will go back to ground and pound. I think Spellman is a tough kid.


    So, part of the red-shirt group? I am going to have to look back at those names and refresh my memory.

    Still, Osbourne ended up second team CAA, right?

  4. Powell is a beast. I'm seriously impressed by this class. Wow.


    And Gattuso didn't even have a full recruiting season. He had a couple of trips and they had recruits on campus this weekend for the final push.


    Holy Cow.


    This program is going to get competitve quick (hopefully)!

    What they need is a nice power back like the "evil empire" got with Coker from Iowa...unless I missed something?

  5. Defense disappoints in the second half and gives up more than twice as many points as in the first half. Still, the Danes hold on for the victory, 87-50.

    You must be disappointed with our 25 turnovers, too.


    But for once did we get enough from the bench for you?



    I noticed that Royals didn't start, and her assists to turnover ratio was much worse than Rosario, who got the nod, so it seems to be an issue of note.


    Regarding the bench, I would like to see Tate's FG percentage improve. I am trying to get back into town for the Maine game on Saturday, but it is going to be close...I would like to see what kind of shots she is taking.

  6. Same webcast in the same gym as last night but much better watching tonight. Women up over 20 at Lowell.


    No video for me but I checked the score and I see that the Lady Danes are up 25 at the half.

    Now that is how you should treat a team transitioning to D1!


    And I don't feel comfortable saying "Lady Danes"; this tean should just be referred to as the "Danes" as they are doing a much better job of representing the school (on a basketball scoreboard, at least.) Both teams are comprised of quality individuals.

  7. Should have just sat Rowley and rested him!


    I think that if one of the themes is that regular season success isn't of critical importance because of the existence of a post-season tournament, that you have done very little to create a winning culture.


    It's not important when losing... moving target...


    Exactly. And when we rationalize losing to protect our own selfish interests we do the program a major disservice.


    I think it is OK to say we stunk, when we stunk!

  8. Not sure what hurts more the UVM loss or this one. UVM wasn't even close, we just had zero heart... and this game .. just shaking my head. Embarrassing loss.

    Umm I don't even think its a question.


    I would actually say the UVM game. UML was a good team to transition to D1, with some wins under its belt.

    The UVM game was a blow-out (after a similar one the year before), where the offense scored in the 30s!!!...against a program that we have earned the respect of.

  9. The AE is considered really awful this year. Brown saved his job last year, I think. May have been bad for the future of the program. Sorta like having a mid-level quarterback. You're not good enough to win the big games, but they aren't bad enough to suck. This program will be .500 barring an amazing recruit. They won't win it on coaching. Say what you want about a coaching style like Patsos, but those guys are starting to play better and I'm pretty damn sure that guy will not accept complacency.


    Careful...with talk like that you won't get invited to the Christmas party.

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