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Posts posted by haggyland

  1. We used to play that way. Gary Jones, David McCarty, Drew Smith....we need to get back to that.


    I could easily make the argument that Drew Smith graduating had as much of an effect on this team's record as any factor.

    He was good for four yards on every play, and kept our defense off the field. Of course, I didn't think his graduation would contribute this much to the type of season we just witnessed (especially in terms of win-loss record), but for me it stuck out all season...even though Osbourne is a good back, that had a good year.


    ...And I suppose Fiacchi regressing didn't help much either. Let's hope that the "Jumpsuit Brigade" is ready to get this program to new levels of excellence.

  2. I think a close loss will draw alot of attention to our Women and those doubters out there will have their eyes opened.


    Just my opinion.

    Purdue is ranked #23 and Duke beat them by over 20. A strong showing would do a lot. Look at what it did for the Vermont men's team.


    That said, we probably shouldn't overlook the Q. They are a better team than their record.


    I guess that I am slightly skeptical that any of today's sports reporters are going to dedicate that much attention to women's basketball to fill out spots 1-25 with due diligence. Still, my doubts have been proven wrong countless times before.


    Easy solution is to beat Duke, but like DP said, do not overlook the Q...that is the arguably the best non-Duke opponent left.

  3. A win aganinst Duke or atleast a very strong showing may get the women some AP Top 25 votes, even a loss verse Duke will help their RPI especially because it's on the road.


    Do you think the voters will really pay attention to a close loss, or do you think when it comes to deciding who will get their 24th or 25th vote that most of them just look at records?

  4. Women's RPI drops to #68 despite the blemishless record.

    Men's RPI has jumped up to #105.


    It should be interesting to see how that plays out, but conference play should hurt the RPI less for the women than for the men, because they are playing in a comparatively more competitive league.

  5. The fact is they are playing a total schedule of patsies so far, there best win was against Marist who was without their pre season 1st team All MAAC player, if it wasn't for the Marist game the SOS would be closer to 300 then its present 224.


    Marist SOS is 3 that's why they get so much respect from the voters.


    Sorry, I guess I worded that in a confusing manner. I meant to say that "although they are playing a schedule of patsies, that it is not like they are squeezing by in the last minute."


    I wish Marist all the health in the world now that the game is behind us!

  6. Look at St Joe's (SOS 18) and Bowling Green's (SOS 132) schedule they each have (I think) 1 vote for the Top 25.


    UA (SOS 224) will have to start scheduling better if they want National Recognition in the AP Poll.


    UA should end this season with only 1 maybe 2 losses which should get them in the TOP 5 of the Mid Major poll and then they should start getting votes for the AP Top 25. If they beat Duke they'll open some eyes and pick up votes or if they get to 13-1 they should start drawing attention, right now they haven't even played a team with a winning record.


    So true, but it is not like the team is playing patsies and squeezing by in the last minute...this team is winning handily every time.


    And while I realize that considering margin of victory could result in teams running up scores, I would have thought that at least one of the writers would have considered the team for a vote by now....Like you said, they might only end up with one or two losses heading into conference play.


    Beat Duke and those votes will come!

  7. I wonder what the long term 5-10 year plan looks like...they are paying great money for a coach. Wonder if they are shooting for something more then FCS. This pay scale speaks volumes.


    One of the few times when I have heard McElroy mention aspirations for an individual program is when he said he wanted women's basketball to reach an Elite 8.

    Personally, I think he should be more vocal about pushing for the progression of all programs, instead of just admiring how one coach is making things grow.


    (Of course I might just be hearing only what I want to hear...)

  8. http://www.timesunio...sor-5049709.php


    A few things:


    1. Glad Gattusso wants Ford around the program; It's important. I'm not sure Keeler could have handled that situation, and I believe Ford would have felt uncomfortable being "out-and-about" with one of the in-house candidates.


    2. It's clear to me Keeler has not changed considerably. He seems to be falling out of favor at the MAC schools and the most damning to me is the statement by Ford that he wanted some who put the kids first!


    3. Glad Ford is truly supporting this hire (he would have publicly no matter what); It's clear to me from his statements that he had considerable input into the decisions.


    I really think this came down to Coach Rossomondo and Coach Gattusso.


    Seems accurate on all accounts.


    So, how does $230K "rank" in the world of FCS football?

  9. Speaking of Duke..our game is sandwiched between contests against #1 UConn and #5 Kentucky. Probably the most favorable situation possible.


    I was looking a that schedule, hoping Duke might be worn out, or looking ahead...Almost worth a drive down.

    Quinnipiac on the 15th should easily be the best remaining regular season home game.

  10. Why is it that UA uses its non-con to work out its rotations, but other teams use it to build their RPIs?


    Like Stony Brook?


    I don't know..seemed to work pretty well for the team last year.


    Fair...very fair.

    But maybe a program that has three NCAA bids shouldn't look at Stony Brook as something to emulate...Keep Building!

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