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Posts posted by haggyland

  1. I figured with so much weekend work that some of us would come running to the site. MsGDG has done a fine job, but I was also over there today, so here is an upload from my perspective:




    It looks like the timestamp on my camera was not working, so it downloaded them at different positions than when I took them, but:


    1) T&F west side.

    2) Horizontal pieces for the upper level.

    3) Gratuitous shot for Bob87.

    4) Purple flashings on the ticket booth.

    5) Back of the stadium, with new upper level supports.

    6) Underside of the upper level of the tower.

    7) Purple flashings on the back entrance.

    8) Retaining wall with new upper level supports in background.

    9) Close-up of scoreboard supports.

    10) T&F old lighting footing; new footing in foreground.

    11) Eastern retaining wall.

    12) Different view of horizontal pieces.

    13) Windows on Eastern side of the tower walkway.

    14) T&F northwest retaining wall.

    15) Swamped retaining pond with stadium view.

    16) T&F looking towards the Science Library.

    17) University Field!

    18) Upper level supports; lower level handrails.

    19) Both T&F retaining walls.

  2. BTW - just to reiterate what this means......we have a company that has agreed to purchase the naming rights.


    Just the like the stadium, a RFP doesn't go out on something like this until you know what you'll get in return.


    This is great news, IMO.


    Seems like informal agreements would be in violation of the NYS Procurement Lobbying Law, but I am not a/the lawyer, and I have forgotten if the SUNYs are even subject to the PLL.

  3. Haggy I think we're in the same mindset on this issue - blind faith is all we came have because their is nothing of substance to give us true faith.


    MsGDG put a further scare in me....


    No Taxes in New Zones




    As someone who works in state finances and knows how strapped we are for cash.. I don't see how this will work...it's a nice thought but if we can't pay our current bills because we have no cash...I dunno. The things this Gov comes up with.. anything for positive ratings. But the reality of paying actual bills vs. his gimicks will eventually catch up to him.


    I am just tired of all this fiscal doom and gloom (even if it is the reality.)


    I want to be more like Ray Kinsella in Field of Dreams, and just have an overpowering vision that things will work out.


    Darn reality!

  4. If the losses mount, an eventual increase in funding is more likely to come about than a step back down to a less competitive conference. I just hope that the funding is enough so that UAlbany can enjoy the types of successes it has been able to achieve in the AE. - Haggyland


    My question is why do you think funding will increase if losses mount? Where will the money come from?


    I think some ancillary sports may be cut or even a major sport like Footbal could be endangered ( see Hofstra) they built a pretty decent facility for Football and now it's a FH & Lax stadium. When Hofstra went to the CAA even in their worst nightmare situation no one would have imagined them dropping Football!


    You know, it might just be blind faith. I want to believe that one of the largest and most powerful states in the union could muster up some additional funding to stop one of its university centers from becoming a laughingstock, if it came to that.


    If not, maybe the Capital Region starts showing up and supporting the quality programs that the region has been lucky to have.


    There are plenty of risks, and I would hate to lose any program, especially one that has enjoyed success through respected leadership. Still, I never thought the football stadium was going to be a reality, but that is coming to fruition, albeit in a slightly watered-down version.


    Again: blind faith (with a touch of naivety)...that's all I can believe in at this point. (It's not like the athletic's department as a whole has maintained an aggressive and vocal presence that I can rally behind.)

  5. We nickel and dime everything now, how will we finance the move?


    It seems everything facility wise we've done id half assed now?


    Fallon Field incomplete (no amenities) concessions, bathrooms, storage or lockerrooms.


    Nothing done on the Field Hockey Field


    Subpar baseball and softball facilities.


    SEFCU needs new scoreboard(s), more chairbacks, better concession area and improved Lobby


    Etc.etc, etc


    If we over extend for the CAA will we ever get the money to even complete the FB (multi purpose) Facility?


    I think before we move we should have all our ducks in a row.


    All this means is that we will probably make the leap to the CAA!!!


    Without a doubt, the most hardline pessimism against a move away from status quo.

    Are there other reasons why you are adamantly against this?


    Another way to evaluate a potential change in conference would be by looking at one of the "revenue sports": men's basketball.


    After winning the AE title last year, the men's basketball program should be one of the favorites to win the conference tournament again next year. With a solid core of players returning, and some decent recruits incoming, the team could likely win 25 or more games. By winning the NCAA autobid twice in consecutive seasons, Will Brown might attract the attention of a program from a traditionally higher rated conference such as the A10, sign a contract for five or six years at twice his current salary, and be set financially for life. If the team experiences even greater success, it is not inconceivable that a program from a high major conference looking for a change could contact him (a la Fran McCaffery and Iowa), and offer him a contract in excess of $1 million a year.


    Change conferences to the CAA, though, and you introduce additional risks:

    • Without a guarantee that the budget will be increased, you could be operating at a competitive disadvantage for years in a new conference.
    • Although last year was a down year, the CAA is traditionally a higher rated conference for men's basketball than the AE, and wins against better opponents will be harder to get.
    • The opponent is lesser known, so they will potentially be harder to scout. With eleven years in the AE Will Brown and the men's basketball program also have eleven years worth of data and scouting reports on their fellow conference members. If UAlbany switches conferences to the CAA they would have to learn the tendencies and styles of play for ten new conference opponents, while their new conference opponents would only have to prepare scouts for two new teams (UAlbany and Elon.)
    • It can be argued that because of the increased successes and exposures the CAA has experienced, that the competency level of the coaches in the CAA will be higher than found in the CAA, and the athletes will be more talented and more highly regarded. This could place further strain on UAlbany's competitive chances.
    • With a larger geographical footprint, travel and fatigue become considerations, particularly in the first year when adjustment to the new schedules and logistics is taken into account.
    • With potentially higher expectations in the CAA, the administration might not be as accepting of down seasons (even during the transition period), and future earnings could be compromised.
    • I can offer no guarantee here, but home court advantage might be greater for the schools in the CAA, because of larger arenas and more interest in the programs.

    Transition to the CAA under these conditions, and you risk losing the potential of another memorable season in the AE for the possibilities of greater exposure in the CAA, with less wins. With no announced contract in place, Will Brown and the men's basketball program might prefer a more cautious course of action. After a potential season of mediocrity in the CAA the offers from programs in traditionally stronger conferences might not be had, costing the staff hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of dollars. If the transition is longer or harder than expected, the consequences could be even more dire.


    I say take the leap and believe you can achieve the best. If the losses mount, an eventual increase in funding is more likely to come about than a step back down to a less competitive conference. I just hope that the funding is enough so that UAlbany can enjoy the types of successes it has been able to achieve in the AE.


    That is just one fan's look at the possible transition for a different perspective. What is has to do with facilities, I just don't know.

  6. I'm not sure how accurate this is.... but I thought I overheard (before the tourny pairings were announced)

    that because of unreasonable far distances to travel and the associated travel costs, two teams' travel expenses are paid for by the ncaa.

    Anyone else hear this.... and if true, I'd assume Albany gets its travel paid for.


    The following link should answer that question: http://instagram.com...tion_ref_map=[]


    (Private Jet)

  7. Today's photos: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/109125479176636089044/albums/5875763303293422833


    I was trying to get a view from the top of the lacrosse stands, and by standing directly east of the stadium on the soccer fields, but the athletics fields were all behind locked gates. I will try again next week.



    As a suggestion (or reminder), any members that want to use the google account to post pictures should feel free to do so. The log-in information is:


    User Name: UAStadium

    PW: UAUA2012 (Case sensitive.)

  8. Why does it look like the ALB logo is facing North/South instead of East/West...and why isn't it horizontally centered?



    Because that is not its final position. They unloaded it and placed it in the general area, but then will "seal" it in its final position later.


    A good example of this is the 30-yard marker, on the Northeast side. (Look at in between 12:30PM and 2:30PM today.)

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