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Everything posted by dslyank

  1. Pretty much agree. Reddish is a head case and I'm "not sure" if DK has the skills/mentality to rein him in? Roger Wyland commented down the stretch yesterday that Drumgoole is done this year and just trying his hardest to carry the team and go out strong [not sure if Wyland has all the facts right--seems Drum has another year of eligibility?] Agree Amica & Little deserve a chance. Jackson IMHO with a better supporting cast; experience and freshman jitters torn from him by this season's awful squad; is going to be fine next year and beyond {ps needs to work on his outside shot.} Everyone else & possibly Reddish good buy and good luck!
  2. UA getting votes in pre-season coaches poll: Receiving Votes: Army, Johns Hopkins, Loyola, Navy, Villanova, Lehigh, Syracuse, High Point, Utah, Vermont, UAlbany, UMass, Michigan, Air Force. In media poll only VT from AmEast got votes. Also, not sure why they were top choice of AmEast coaches; lost their top offensive player to Virginia; their goalie; and quite a few seniors on last years roster. Still have the top face-off in the AmEast. Probably top choice history only? They listed 11 seniors on last years roster [maybe some have an extra year?] On paper UA's incoming class looks stronger. UA & UMBC were both considerably younger than VT last year; and IMHO they both will topple VT this year. Too early obviously but THOUGHTS/OPINIONS??
  3. Excellent summary/assessment. I would add Patel to the under performing list. When he's hot he's hot; when he's not he's NOT. [the later more frequent.] Also like pretty much All --NO D. And speaking of two many minutes, a rested Beagle {God I hope he stays}, is going to be special. Right now you often see him winded/tired. As he matures physically and HOPEFULLY with some more support {so he can't be keyed on as much}; and someone to give him more rest, league MVP in his future.
  4. Not to pick on Drumgoole but he basically gave up 6 points in the last 3 ½ minutes. Two costly TO’s & the defensive brain freeze. In his defense he averages over 39 minutes per game. Got to be GASED; there just is NOT enough talent on this team to rest people properly.
  5. https://www.gocomics.com/inthebleachers/2023/01/27
  6. I certainly respect your opinion. Wanting DK fired for the dumpster fire season he has produced is reason enough to want him fired. But IMHO wanting him fired for Fiz incident, without all the facts [or for that matter any facts or collaboration at all] IMHO seems inherently unfair.
  7. Sorry, but this is most definitely wrong. In an interview on channel 13 news; Dr. Alice Green is the Executive Director of the Center for Law and Justice, said and I para-phrase that the alliance did in no way want to interfere in the investigation; but just wanted to insure that DK was not treated "un-fairly." Pretty sure the word fired was never spoken by any member of the alliance. And as far as I can recall no-one @ UA ever used the term or gave any indication that DK was being fired or dismissed. The only place either of these terms appeared formally were in an article by our friends from the TU; and by people on this blog. Alice Green's words were most likely political speak; and I am sure the group wished DK was NOT fired; but I am also sure they never said, demanded or such words. Only that the investigation treat him FAIRLY.
  8. Again you are assuming him quilty without hearing the facts or know what witnesses say or not say (as far as I know no one on this blog has the facts). Perhaps the suspension was simply a pre-deal so an innocent person could go on with his life? The prisons are full of people who take a deal for a shorter sentence rather than face what is often a biased system. Perhaps DK was suspended for not reporting an incident when he never felt or even knew “something happened.” Not saying any of this is the case? Only saying let’s hear the witnesses & get the facts before saying “something happened.”
  9. Agree 100%. Seems like an awful lot of money to pay for what basically was/is an untested commodity? Don’t really know at this point whether DK can coach or not. Lack of talent certainly can be blamed on someone reportedly was a great recruiter. Normally can’t blame injuries on the coach, but what he does to overcome them, certainly can be blamed. Anyhow, if going with an untested new coach, should certainly come will some financial advantages. So whether DK ultimately proves he can coach or not; can survive a player “assault “; IMHO falls on the man who hired him!
  10. Luke isn't the issue here, it is UA and DK DISAGREE 100%. Luke is absolutely the issue for many reason. If he WAS assaulted in any meaningful way he should have reported right away. I can list other reasons like no corroborating evidence & more. Also the statement that DK was ready to be fired has NEVER been confirmed by a single source. If Fiz had an issue with the coach, team or school why wait months to report. And only AFTER he assumed or found out he had no future at UA. Spoiled grapes 100 % . I hope he doesn’t det a dime and hope UA & coach are exonerated. (Everyone except Benson of course. )
  11. He has always been very approachable at games and easy to talk to. Spoke to him several times at Volleyball games when he first arrived. He was very approachable and would always make a point to stop by & say hello to 87 & I. Never felt it was my place to complain about athletics as he was just getting to know the UA and I’m sure he had/has bigger fish to fry. Did have a nice conversation with him about his family in Porto Rico after the hurricane disasters. Not saying it will accomplish anything, but still plan on writing him when I get back next week.
  12. ps. I always thought President RodrĂ­guez had enough issues on his plate; and I never wanted to write him directly. I am out of the country until next Thursday. The first thing I do when I get back, is to write President Rodriguez. And I urge everyone on this blog to do likewise. If people feel a letter campaign to some other individual more effective or appropriate please supply your suggestions
  13. +++ Regardless of what happens in the Killings case. Benson must GO NOW. Let the courts and the new AD decide what to do with DK. UA should absolutely NOT allow Benson to be the arbitrator or be involved in any way. He is complicit minimally and/or incompetent in handling the incident from day 1
  14. Anyone heard anything on Reddish? In TU or gazette coach said a decision on his status on the team to be determined early this week??
  15. Missed game had another commit. Starting to feel like it is a lost season. As the season progressed, thought at times there was some hope for respectability. At times I was just kind of mad & disappointed in how bad this UA BB was; but tried to stay hopeful if not very positive. Now the best way to describe my feelings can be summed up in one word. SAD 😞😓
  16. Anyone know/hear about any winter scrimmages? First game less than a month away. Friday 2/10 @ cuse, time tbd?? Thought I read or heard somewhere that the cuse game was @ noon; kind of an odd time for a weekday game?? ps. then 2 home February games & a 1st week in March game; the last time this happened the whether was BRUTAL for all three and then the season was canceled due to covid. HOPE history does NOT repeat itself. Pretty sure covid won't be an issue; not as optimistic about avoiding BRUTAL weather this February😝🤨.
  17. I got a tremendous sense of positivity out of UAlbany’s fallball. Culturally, everything feels like the vibe you’d expect from the Great Danes. They were young last year, and it showed with helter skelter play. This year’s team is big and physical and has an infusion of really talented freshmen. Graydon Hogg has been on a new level in the fall; there’s as much depth as ever offensively blurring the lines between midfield and attack. Look for Elijah Gash to play LSM, a move that could unleash his athleticism.Casey Vock Photo From Inside Lacrosse article: Matt Kinnear January 13th, 2023 9:00am Don't Sleep on These 10 Men's DI Teams in 2023
  18. OK. I'll concede that I'm wrong. D1 for 15 years, got it. Still IMHO in any way you look at 10 or 15 years still "relatively" a newcomer. I also get the transfer portal can make anyone improve/develop quickly {and I admit I hate the transfer portal making it so easy to transfer.} But still IMHO Bryant is far from being a DI power and their homey announcers were over hyping their team; especially since their pedigree is the NEC and only major sport where they exhibited even a little success was lacrosse.
  19. DK on post game Reddish coach’s decision discipline benching
  20. Also they have been in the Northeast Conference a conference that most on this blog have blasted for years. Whether you agree with sentiment or not; NEC does not exactly qualify Bryant as D1 powerhouse. I do acknowledge that as DII they were a major soccer power and may even have a national championship or two (maybe women’s?) Also I maybe wrong but pretty sure some of their sports continued to compete in DII even after 2012. Anyhow I maybe wrong on all of this & not trying to start & argument; but I found these announcers very offensive in the short time I listened, so it was my prerogative to not listen. ps of the 30 “NEC” conference championships 15 from swimming, tennis & golf. Only ONE (last year) was in basket & 0 football. For a school with almost zero athletic admission standards; IMHO does not make the DI power those announcers were extolling
  21. Not to knit-pick but Bryant “In 2012, Bryant became a full Division I member.” From Google.
  22. Why can’t UA cover a corner 3? 3 this ½. Must be 8-9 for the game. Wide open.
  23. What did you hear? Did you catch a reason? I missed first few minutes—stream issue. Also watching mute. Homers too much to take. Make Bryant out to be more than a relatively new D1. Interesting I watched UA vs Bryant in volleyball this fall Bryant announcers for Volleyball were very humble and acknowledged Bryant relative in-experience in D1. I guess BB guys didn’t get the message their successful sport’s history was pre-D1
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