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Everything posted by dslyank

  1. The "cloud" can be both a cause and at least a partial effect of the failure this year. The two things are intricately connected. It most certainly had to affect the coaches ability to coach and had to have an impact on the players. It was a major distraction minimally and IMHO at least one of a number of causes for the past disastrous season.The list is long: bad coaching, bad players, injured players, sefcu renovation, bad administration (men's basketball far from the only UA team falling on hard times--Volleyball also first time ever NOT making the AmEast tournament.) To equate UA's BB year 100% on DK's shortcomings, some actual & some perhaps only perceived, is disingenuous IMHO. I personally would like to see what he can do with the "cloud" distraction lifted from his shoulders and with a healthy lineup, a quality freshman class and some help from the portal. We all have seen what the portal can do for teams; why NOT for DK & UA?? ps As for him leaving, with the support he's gotten from the UA administration (which has been cover your own a$$ at best) and lack of support from most of this community assuming guilt {without proof or a shred of evidence}; YEH I for one could see him leaving and I, would NOT blame him,
  2. Fiz lawyers claiming a victoryšŸ˜œ. Will be bringing discovery statements to NY civil courts soon. Pretty sure they are barking up a tree. If they had anything, why did they NOT present it in Kentucky? Can they even legally present anything new now without notifying DK & UA lawyers; and without having presented it the "criminal" trial? Guessing NY also dismisses the case; probably DK will not even have to wait a year for that part of the dismissal.
  3. OK, I'll make a few comments about yesterday's game; even though you are absolutely correct "indifference" seems to prevail. Though, we all know that indifference is NOT limited to lacrosse. No need to restate Benson's failures extends to ALL SPORTS. Teams that dominated the AmEast are not even play-off consideration, etc etc blah blahšŸ˜‚. So anyhow, back to yesterdays game: UA played well in all aspects. Granted UmassL is pretty bad, but NOT as bad as many may think. They are young and very quick and their quickness did give UA some issues at first. But surprise what GOOD in game coaching can do; a couple switches were made on defense and UA was off and running. The offense shot much better than previous games and did have more movement & passing which DID result in a good % of the goals being assisted. Silas besides his four goals, had an assist and Hogg had his first two assists of the season. Pfeiffer got quite a few minutes and Kesselring [who I mentioned seemed to be getting pushed around a lot] did not play at all [injured??] Salit got the start at attack and played well, even though the no goals, he did get two assist and in watching the replay, it seemed he was all over the field in constant motion, which I think helped in ways not often seen in the stats. Two way middies Decker and especially Moran [who the commentators on the replay also called out] played extremely well. Reminded me of some of our excellent two ways of old {maybe not as quick?}; Both can score and Moran very tough on defense. Speaking of Defense, got to disagree with the statement that Gash needs to dial it back a bit. I will agree that I did comment to my friend at the game, Gash could be going for the all time penalty recordšŸ™„. Of course, penalties can and often are costly; but IMHO Gash's play and toughness seems to have inspired and is reflected in the UA Defense overall. Being honest, last year I did not think Gash had a very good season. This year he seems to be a MAN on a mission and the entire D seems to have picked up on it. Yesterday, he got penalized and righty so for hammering a much smaller player 3 times. It was almost like he was saying, you may be quicker than me, but you are NOT going to get threw me no matter what; or I have a job to do and knocking you silly goes with the job. Right now, the whole team especially the D, seem to following his lead. Can too much toughness/roughness cost for sure; but I for one hope the whole team BRINGS IT next week vs VT, when the real test begins.
  4. I respect your opinion and am in no way trying to compare family situations. Like I said I know nothing about the Beagle family. But based on Jonathanā€™s announcement & family discussion & his stated aspirations (which did Not seem modest), IMHO absolutely think Beagle needs to go HIGHER. And the TUā€™s usual biased lcc reporting is a crap shoot at best.
  5. Agree the maac has pulled ahead of the AmEast (sorry Bob). But it still is NOT enough of a jump to accomplish the goals of getting better against tougher competition and looking at a pro career. Not saying cannot be done; but neither the AmEast or maac are stepping stones to the pros. Plus, another stated goal is play in the "tournament". Both are still and probably always will be ONE BID conferences. lcc finished fourth with two senior BIGS and Stormo all league [not sure what level.] They are far from a lock on the show, even if Beagle were to go there. HE NEEDS TO GO HIGHER........ And for playing close to home for his parents, is nonsense. This is a kid who went away for his last two years of high school to get better at basketball. Plenty of DI legit teams within driving distance. Look at Kevin Hueter, Shen kid to Maryland for two years then pros; his parents hardly missed a game. Southwest cheap flights to Baltimore and drive is reasonable. Philly, NYC all basketball hot beds; easy travel options. No idea if Beagle's parent have travel/financial/heath issues, but assume if they could afford two years of private/prep schools, they more then likely do not??
  6. ps. Does Beagle going to lcc make any sense at any level at all. If trying to escape a house un-fire, donā€™t you get as far away as humanly possible? And if itā€™s to get more exposure & better competition & better pro prospects, donā€™t you step up as far as possible? Lcc & the macc, may not be as ā€œlowlyā€ as some think (sorry Bob); but it most certainly is NOT major or even a much of a step above the AmEast.
  7. Curious? Old transfer rules allowed team losing a player to block the transfer for one year from going to another in-conference team; and I believe also a within a geographical radius. Anyone KNOW if still the case or is the Portal now just absolute FREE range??
  8. AGREE 100%. But the reality is Beagle 99.9% gone; DK more than likely gone or about to be. And more than likely we get to keep the rest. HOPE HOPE HOPE, Iā€™m wrong; but where are/is anyone powerful enough to get rid of Benson etc. No offense to anyone & all on this blog, but we have been for years screaming about the failureS of the current athletic administration, with really NO one listening. Sorry to you ALL, but wish one or a couple of you had some power to get something done.
  9. I also would like him to stay. But without besmirching anyone, blame the too many minutes if you'd like; but not only are his shooting stats not outstanding, but his turn-overs [and I don't have the stat to prove this] made his offensive #s even LESS a factor. UA lost at least two winnable games down the stretch by turning over the ball 2 or 3 times and or NOT getting a shot off in the last minute of those games. He was the culprit in many of these situations. Of course, with little or no support, and NO true point guard to handle & distribute, and 38-9 minutes under his belt, he had to be the go to guy. So, I agree with 99, I'd like him back and believe he'd be a good piece. But, also agree it should not be that difficult to recruit someone over him as a 3-5 option?
  10. In the past if there was a Lacrosse game scheduled you could not park at Broadview/Sefcu lot. If no home game you could park there for free. Since UA men are @ bingo on the 29th, I assume you can park at Broadview lot for free this year. This is an UN-OFFICIAL & UN-PAID ANNOUNCEMENT/reply. Would not surprise me if Benson put up the toll booths. šŸ˜‰
  11. These "reliable" sources have been known to be wrong before; aka Samurai recently. Just more "Fake News " if you ask me??šŸ¤Ø IMHO DK will be UA's head coach @ Broadview Arena when it opens next fall. {unless he is convicted in another to be "proven" fake story.}
  12. In earlier comment on strength of schedule; forgot to mention Drexel getting top 30 votes after they beat #10 St. Joes. Umass out of top 20 but still getting votes. So officially every opponent played so far this year top 30 minimally; and other than Drexel top 20 with 2 in top 5.
  13. No loss here. As I said in a previous post: heard a couple interviews where he praised HIS game while criticizing the team overall. Ketner next to go--see rolling eyes comment in same previous post.
  14. Silas got shut-out vs Maryland. First game without a goal & has no assists at all so far [seems to be a team wide issue--Hogg also with 0 assists;] but I agree Silas is going to be a good one. Not sure about Kesselring. I keep hearing how fast he is and what a good dodger; but has only 3 assist and no goals, even though he gets A LOT of minutes as the fourth attack. Also small and @ 135lbs gets pushed around and down a lot. Hopefully, in AmEast where the D's should not be as strong as what we've seen so far, maybe he will shine??
  15. Princeton beat Yale for Ivy championship. Yale not in. Not NCAA but EJ Gallup has Fulton Montgomery Community College in National Jr. College final four.
  16. I also am conflicted about playing such a tough schedule; especially with a very young team. We lost by 2, 3, & 7 (within 2 twice going into the 4th qtr) against a pair of top 5's and a top 15. Line from the movie "The Natural" --"losing is a disease." The trouble with "moral victories" mentioned above, can they be the vaccine that prevents the disease from spreading down the road; or like the saying goes there is no such thing as a moral victory????šŸ¤”
  17. Maryland 16 goals 12 assisted. UA 9 goals ONLY 2 assisted. D on field way too long. Otherwise UA getting better every game. Maryland no longer invincible; but still has too many weapons for the likes of UA. Next two weeks will show if the supper tough schedule was worth it. Must not play down to the competition vs Umassā€”must dominate. And absolutely must go up to Vermont in two weeks, and show them whoā€™s boss.
  18. Native NYC people use to say, Yonkers was Upstate. Potsdam & especially Plattsburgh are straight up I87 above Poughkeepsie and they definitely do NOT say they live Upstate. North County Radio the PBS station up North [ I think they are in Ogdensburgh] has had a feud for years with the Adirondacks, who has the RIGHTS to use the term "North Country ." TU recently had a 3 page article defining Upstate. Their conclusion; no one knows or at least no one agrees where/what Upstate is. šŸ˜œ Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and even Utica sometimes deny being Upstate. Like 72 says, they cannot even agree who/what is Western NY. What does any of this nonsense mean? I don't know. Was just suppose to be JOKE.šŸ¤”
  19. Means NOTHING; most New Yorker's don't even know/agree where/what Upstate NY is?šŸ™„
  20. Maybe Samuriai like a lot of media have no idea where/what UPSTATE NEW YORK is. Heard a coach in Western/Central NY (aka Boeheim) on hot seat; mistook Western for Upstate and assumed rumor was about DK instead of Boeheim šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜šŸ§šŸ«¢. A lot of smiling faces so you get Iā€™m joking?
  21. Only lost Gbs by one and most definitely a couple awarded to mass in error IMHO. Had 2 less turnovers overall; but our D caused 12, while only 5 caused by mass (meaning most of UAā€™s TOā€™s unforcedā€”need to clean this up for sure.) Had more shots & shots on goal; granted a lot were NOT quality shots as you said. And I agree a very winnable game and agree the layoff part of the reason UA especially offensively was so poor.
  22. OK Iā€™ll join in on your conversation with yourself. Speaking of insanity, I was theire live & freezing of course and just re-watched, hoping somehow the result would be different šŸ˜œ. Also, not sure I agree Saturday will be not pretty. Iā€™m not predicting a win (Iā€™m not that nuts); but let me say a few positive things about todays game. First umass has played 3 games in the past 10 days, UA none. Umass jumps out 3-0 while UA still getting over no games lethargic. Pretty even after that lose by that same 3. Statistically pretty even overall, including only down 1 on ground balls. Even even on face-offs against the same guy who 70+% against UA last year. And if you re-watch the F/O violation at the Ā½, you will see 100% blown call (announcers will confirmā€”umass totally jumped early, UA guy never moved a muscle, umass awarded ball. Did not cost UA the game but would have flipped the f/o stat to UA +. ) Anyhow, back on track; discounting Cuse UA has played every game close against quality programs. Also, again discounting SU look at the # of upperclassmen & grad students & portal players vs UAā€™s predominantly freshman & sophomores. The Defense has gotten better every game. At some point IMHO the offense will start to jell. So maybe not a win vs Maryland, but Iā€™m just looking for the D to keep improving and the offense to start playing together Train Style.
  23. Stats definitely support your offensive assessment: Only 11 assists on 28 goals scored so far this year. And from recollection, a couple of those assists seemed generous at the time. Regardless the prevalence of one on one dodging and a lot of standing around has been very noticeable [even for non-experts like me.] Glad you pointed it out here. Seems like quite the reversal where the defense is getting some raves and the offense is lacking. Hopefully, UA puts it ALL together today.
  24. Someone seems to be mixing-up games and times: Today's game is Umass @ 3pm. Saturday"s game is Maryland @ noon BOTH are correct on the schedule, correct in my season ticket package and neither has indicated any time change. Both have been listed at 3 & noon respectively since day 1. Not sure what all the confusion is about??
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