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Everything posted by dslyank

  1. Do Not really agree. Share your concern and understand why you say this. But UA is starting to show signs of life and getting healthy. Agree with Click, we are as athletic as vt and as DP said brook basically same as last year (just playing better). Being optimistic--not counting UA out. I think our best bb is ahead.
  2. I surrender and bow to the majority. Still rather win week in and week out and be competitive every year and DO NOT think this is going to happen in the caa. {like I said before HOPE I"M WRONG!} But pretty sure I'm not wrong when I say NO ONE on this blog will ever live to see UA in a major bowl game or for that matter even a minor one FBS. {nevertheless less, HOPE you all "LIVE LONG AND PROSPER" AND HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY.}
  3. I was at the game as I am always. You are welcome to your opinion; but for me I'd rather see winning football and a ncaa game every other year or so. As far as running with JMU, I've NOT seen it. We have been a bottom dweller in the caa for years; and IMHO will be no better than mid level MOSTLY. {I hope I'm WRONG!} At least winning in the NEC, our attendance was respectable. Winning brings in fans. Since joining the caa our attendance has gone down every single year. I will follow UA no matter what league or even division; as I have since the first "club" game, through DIII to D1. You are more than welcome to abandon ship if desired. I will NOT; but would prefer to be top off a league consistently, than once in a while flash.
  4. This is also why I was/am against the move to the caa. Move up for what? One ncaa appearance in seven years; would have made at least 3 appearances in that period if stayed in the NEC. Also, less growing pains, head aches and EXPENSES in NEC. Either way, move or NOT, none of us on this blog will ever see a major bowl game including UA; and for that matter probably never even see a minor one. MOVE UP FOR WHAT??????????
  5. AGREE! I am basically a positive person and have been called a Poly Anna at times; but like 82 said, the lack of improvement {in fact regression in many senses} and the fact that UA is pretty much BAD in ALL areas; well is maddening. I've heard of the sophomore jinx {Rizzuto most definitely has it} but the whole team????? The inconsistency is even more maddening. At times their plays has me ready to get the fire hose out; but too soon accelerant instead of water comes out of the hose.
  6. Nailed It. Except I think it was 11 free's missed. 13-24 for UA; 14-16 monmouth. Speaking of sitting people: Rizzuto of course (even though IMHO feel at some point he will find his shot/game-tough kid); but IMHO send Lauderdale tp Florida or further-- can't shoot, can't defend, can't get off his feat to block or rebound. I would play him behind Luka, Hansen, French, & Hanks {even with the bad hands.}
  7. Not to split hairs but 299,000/1,700,000 = 17.5% more than what UA spends on basketball. [or another way of looking at it 1,700,000 X 1.175 = 1,997,500]. The point is that 299,000 PER YEAR is a very significant amount of money. That represents over $5,000,000 more dollars on basketball since UA joined the AmEast. $5 million more dollars towards recruiting, scholarships, coaching, whatever. {certainly NOT spent a facilities.} That being said I DO NOT DISAGREE with you at all on the state of UA basketball. In fact I'm very concerned about the state of UA athletics in general. UnLike many I am not convinced football is "back"; I'm unhappy with UA's overall athletic vision; unhappy with facilities and how revenue is allocated and generated and unhappy with unresolved title IX issues; and more. I know you share many of these same concerns. I am not disagreeing with your basketball assessment, but offering it should be looked at in a more holistic athletic approach. IMHO vt does NOT have near the breath of programing and successes and possibly issues as UA athletics overall. And IMHO it is not a fair comparison when looking at vt BB vs UA basketball as program singular vs program singular. Want to compare vt. BB to someone try comparing them to $ienna.
  8. Jimbo not doubting your #s; but curious are you counting uvm's champs all time or just those since UA joined the league. Remember they have been in the AmEast and also DI, a lot longer than UA. Also, did you find any commissioner cups for vt? I think NOT. Also, like my comment to click: I am NOT trying to knock vt's BB program [they have/had amazing success!] I am just saying it is a little unfair comparing their BB program to UA's. vt is basically a one sport program and at D1 a lot longer than UA.
  9. By your own calculations they spend almost $300,000 more per year than UA. That is nothing to sneeze @ (Almost 20% more than UA.) Also UA has more invested in SEFCU in debt and maintenance than vt. has in their facilities (which will change at some point with their new building). But vt does not have a football field/Casey Stadium/Bob Ford Field to pay for and maintain. Their lacrosse field is probably worse in the AmEast. The only one I have not been to is mass-low (which I bet is above average). Anyhow, I stand by my argument that vt. is a one horse show. I am NOT saying that is a bad thing; just it is a little unfair when comparing their bb program to UA's.
  10. Agreed 100% on both counts. I did not see the vt-ST.Johns game; but if st.J played vt. like they did against UA last night, St.J would blow vt out. Maybe not as bad as they did to UA, but by 10-20 for sure. Also, how about giving st.J some credit for yesterday! They are 10-2 overall from a power 5 conference and seem to be rounding into Big East shape. Also, as I've said before comparing UA to vt. in basketball without looking at the full athletic program; is like comparing UA to that other one sport program llc across down . Simply not fair! I asked before and have got NO responses--how many commissioner cups does vt. have (pretty sure zero); how many ae champs other bb (zero or close to). How much revenue and scholies does vt. expend on football; and don"t try to equate hockey to football in expenses. Not even in same country. ps UA SUCked yesterday most definitely.
  11. Actually very easy to do. Just go to schedule you want and click add calendar and follow simple steps. In my case, since I had already had calendars from the old site, I had to unsubscribe first. The whole process only took a few minutes.
  12. There appears to be a new web site for UA sports. IT APPEARS TO HAVE GENERATED MUTIPLE "CALENDAR" ISSUES For ME. HELP I subscribe to football, mens's basketball and lacrosse {add calendar.} This morning I have doubles of the above + track and field and who knows what else; because my calendar is now pretty much so packed, it is almost unreadable. Anyone else having this issue and how do I get rid of all the unwanted stuff. Or does anyone know who I can contact at UA .
  13. My concern and worry is the 11 (5O-6D) graduating. The fact that it is basically ½ the starting line-up, is only part of the concern. My concern is the lack of experience back-ups played this year. While I am NOT as in tune with UA football as many of you, personally it seemed to me UA relied very heavy on the 22 kids who started. Its EASY to "SAY" we have a great stable of kids coming in, redshirts ready to step up, more successful recruiting of late, and we're expecting even more of an uptick from this successful year. But we all know the proof is on the FIELD. I may be totally wrong, but like I said, I did not notice much depth this year. One indicator (but not the only one) of my depth concerns, is SPECIAL teams which has been bad to awful all year. Mont. State really demonstrated that quality teams use their special teams to not only make a difference in games, but to groom players for the future. Not trying to be negative after such a fine year; just NOT as encourage/optimistic as some of you. HOPE my concerns are wrong/misplaced!
  14. Watched first half on espn whatever. Go back to my comments after UA game 2. Lady Danes can't shoot and can't rebound. Even though UA was winning when I switched over to football; was not surprised when I checked score and saw the loss. Can't shoot and can't rebound! ps. shot 33% periods 1&2; 18% period 4; and 37% for the game, helped by 62% in the 3rd. Got out rebounded 39-35; including only 6 offensive rebounds to $ienna's 14. Oh and by the way $ienna' $ucks (and I mean NO offense by that; just pointing out UA got beat by a BADteam.)
  15. Bad loss to a Bad team. "FRUSTRATING" seems to be repeated often on this tread. "FRUSTRATING" seems to be the perfect word to describe this game and this team; unless you like DP's choice phrase.
  16. I think {maybe just hope} this team is starting to come around. I thought they played hard yesterday all game; where in other games the effort has been intermittent. With a healthy Malaci and if he played like the second half of American we win yesterday. [anyone know how serious his injury is and recovery time frame??] A healthy Lulka has to help and if Jojo is as advertised, I am starting to be much more positive about this team and season. Also ,for what its worth Doherty was more highly touted than Hutchinson, who I would rank right behind Healy as our 2nd best player right now. So perhaps when healthy he may be a contributor yet [if NOT i'm wondering if coach is thinking about a redshirt for him?]
  17. Does this mean he will eligible this Spring? Or does he have to sit a year? I though lax transfers are eligible right away?
  18. Watched replay yesterday. Like 72 said loaded a little slow. My issue was the replay had closed caption on the entire game. I never had this issue with replays or life streams and I could not get it to go off. Anyone else have this problem? Also, was NOT happy to see/hear $iena (Robert Lee) on the play by play; even though he did seem fair overall.
  19. Like 73, I did the bb/fb double header. Football weather was really not all that cold. Wind not bad and first half sun felt comfortable. Second half team play warmed the faithful. Could not see the upper deck from the gold seats; but I thought the attendance was considerably more than 1660? Must have been empty upstairs. ccsu pretty one dimensional team; scrambling qb and good run D, but not much else IMHO. I was pretty confident that once UA figured this out UA'd be fine. It took the D two drives to do so; and the O slightly longer. I for one was never worried {a little concerned maybe.} And UA responded as I knew they would, making me look like as genius. Of course the players and staff deserve ALL the credit! CONGRATS TO ONE AND ALL!!!!!
  20. My problem besides the confusion and lack of communication is; as I wrote to Justin; the GDAC commitment is NOT based on how well the team does or whether they make post season OR NOT. Parking is a perk of this commitment made prior to the season. I personally do not give more or less based on predictions of how successful or how poor the team is. I may choose a lesser seat option, but my GDAC donation is consistent and based on my support for the athletics and the university in general. I have been donating since 1972 (even was honored for being one of the longest consistently year in and year out donator {UA72 also got this recognition.}) Unfortunately, I am NOT a huge benefactor; never had that kind of money {if I had a lot of $$$$$, UA would have better facilities}. But I've given every year since 1972 and do NOT give expecting perks in return; but when perks advertised and offered they should be delivered.
  21. ps. Sent the following to Justin Brown: Justin, This is an absolute disgrace. Season Ticket holders with Sefcu and or Dutch Parking should NOT be charged for parking again. I understand the charge for post season tickets, but Parking is suppose to be a reward for a GDAC commitment and that commitment is NOT predicated on how well the team does, or on how many games the team wins or lesser, or how far they advance in the post season.
  22. This is how they take care of loyalty. If I get a parking ticket or towed, my almost 50 years of UA loyalty will be threatened!! Partial copy of my email and my response. Also, the fact that I had to initiate the question is upsetting. Like others said the ticket/parking/basketball should have been communicated to ALL; not left for each of us to find out details on our own. NO THANK YOU. I am not paying for parking again. I'll move my car after basketball if I must.
  23. Holiday weekend. Pretty nearly everything booked and full. Changing flights nearly impossible until Tuesday 12/3.
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