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Everything posted by dslyank

  1. Interesting OPINION article IL. Author seems to support that a cut back in athletic spending will actually help Lacrosse. He even suggest schools with lax should reduce the 12.6 schollies they have now. With average of 47 players per team, second most in college sports and less schollies (12.6) than all other major sports; Lax players and families have shown a propensity for paying to play. {Not sure where he is getting his numbers--thought track and rowing would have more players per team; perhaps only talking about "major sports?} Anyhow, he claims this willingness to pay to play is supported by major conferences NOT getting on the lax bandwagon as aggressively as lesser conferences. Also, the fact that many DII & Dlll teams compete at a very high level in lax. {he did not mention Ivy League and other none scholarship lacrosse competes in lax at very high levels, which would have supported his premise.} Anyhow, with college enrollment down and predictions for greater decline in the 20's to come, expenses UP, with an ever greater increase in ONLINE learning [given the unexpected jolt to it's expansion from covid19]; lacrosse gets "PAYING" athletes ON CAMPUS and the growing popularity of the support helps with student applications and enrollments overall. If he is right and IF I understood his premises, free tuition in NY should become an even bigger incentive to play & pay lacrosse in NY. I'd welcome ALL thoughts and opinions from anyone who finds the time to read the article!
  2. I have NOT seen anything new since 518Lax posted the above; and the goalie from Utah committed. Most of top kids on the portal have committed or strongly tied. UA does not seem to be getting much interest from top transfers??
  3. Not saying you are wrong; but as I recall, the Ivy left the one year extension up to each individual school. Yale said NO to the extension, withdrawal--reapplies, and grad players. As far as I remember Cornell has made no such announcement yet??
  4. TD has been quoted saying he would play for Yale or no-one else! If he has a change of heart; my money is on Cornell.
  5. "Prior to Utah: Did not see action over two seasons at Rutgers (2017-18) … U.S. Lacrosse 2016 High School All-American as a senior at Yorktown HS … 2016 Journal News Hudson Valley Player of the Year … all-section and all-metro … 62.7 save percentage as a senior, recording double-digit saves in 12 games … 180 saves with a 58.8 save percentage as a junior, recording 27 ground balls and two full-field assists … recorded double-digit saves 10 times in 2015, including three playoff games … Yorktown won a New York State Championship in 2014 and finished runners up in 2016 … helped Yorktown win five Section I championships and was named Defensive MVP of the 2016 game … team captain … played five varsity seasons after being brought up as an eighth grader … also an all-league hockey player, scoring over 150 points." {from Utah bio page.} I think they brought this kid into start. Nat probably out (don't know if before or after Cunningham announcement.) But Cunningham a flat out STAR in high school. Had good, but not great numbers @ Utah; ( newbie program and probably did don't get a lot of help from young team.) Don't know what happened @ Rutgers probably played behind a very good goalie and also looks like redshirted a year? On video, Cunningham looks a lot quicker than Nate, but we all know highlight videos are just that "highlights." Also, of note Cunningham went to Marr's high school and I think Scott's brother is still coach there.
  6. I wonder if this means Siekierski is not using his senior year exemption?
  7. Two articles in today's TU addressing why low and mid majors NOT going after freshman. Both express the transfer portal and expected no sit rule change. Greg Marshall now of Wichita State was noted as a "Program" builder and says he is now forced into being a "Team" builder. Article is from AP "Transfer portal causing headaches."
  8. Per IL article games they had circled in 2020. Also, interesting article by Quint on the transfer portal and senior extensions. Too long to quote; but a couple things caught my eye: one top level assistant coach and recruiting coordinator said most/many coaches are checking the portal EVERY 10 MINUTES. Another top level assistant related; his team rarely gets involved with the portal because it is mostly troubled and "bad" kids. My bet this was someone from a real top program or someone really behind the times; as even in non-covid 19 years; the portal seems to have really taken hold across all sports?? To me it sounded like a real snobbish comment and I had trouble believing him. [THOUGHTS & OPINIONS about this comment or the articles in general.]
  9. Tehoka is only a junior. According to canceled season accommodations; I believe he has two years of eligibility remaining. Unless he goes pro of course. I might have it wrong, but I believe all spring sports athletes are being granted an extra year of eligibility. Seniors have some additional benefits and some of the accommodations are school and/or conference options. I might have it all wrong but I think the rule states seniors can return for the 2021 season without affecting # of schoolies and max player issues. In subsequent years, students (like Tehoka) taking advantage of an extra year of eligibility will count against scholies and the such. If I have it wrong, please correct me. I won't take offense.
  10. Got to disagree with you here. EVERYONE EVERYWHERE{sports, plays, etc.} is refunding and it as you say it is no ones fault. It is NOT about the money.. I already give more than the GDAC requirements and have max benefits except for courtside in BB. I spend well over $1000 per year on tickets and donations and on an inflation adjusted amount have for 47 years. When Scott Marr asks for some $s for locker upgrades; when Coach Brown ask for cancer funds or HP funds I send a little more; in spite of the fact that I give to many of these funds yearly already. So, if they want to refund my season tickets less three games played in absolutely miserable weather--FINE!! so be it. BUT to say they will "pro-rate" a refund for next season's season tickets, I take some exception. If I'm willing to say SURE , I'll continue my support of UA athletics and LOOK to the future, to be told for their part they will only pro-rate my investment in the future, that is a slap in the face and nit-picking. IT IS NOT ABOUT THE MONEY. IF they need the money for the 3 games I saw fine; you say it is not their fault the season was canceled; but it certainly is not the fault of the fans either.
  11. Just sent the following reply to Great Danes Tickets: Your email does NOT specify the pro-rated amount and whether the amount is the same for option 1 & 2. IMHO there should be an incentive for accepting option 2. No guarantee Syracuse will be included next year, and the three 2020 February games were NOT prime for weather reasons and otherwise. In fact you REALLY should offer a FULL ROLLOVER OF 2020 SEASON TICKET HOLDERS FOR 2021! I was at all three February games and I guarantee you MOST season holders missed all or some of those games. Personally, I find it insulting that you want to pro-rate those games from those of us willing to keep our monies in UA hands and committing to the future by NOT asking for a refund (option 1)
  12. THIS IS DIFFERENT THEN WHAT I RECEIVED: season ticket holders are only receiving a pro-rated refund or rollover. Not only that but they did NOT indicate the pro-rated amount; nor indicate if the pro-rated amount was the same for option 1 and option 2 ????? They really should give an incentive for option 2, as there is no guarantee of getting Syracuse next year and the 3 February games were certainly not prime for reasons of weather and otherwise. A more fair offer would be get a pro-rated refund (option 1) or a FULL ROLLOVER for 2020 SEASON TICKET HOLDER FOR THE 2021 SEASON (option 2) OPTION 1: REFUND Season ticket holders will receive a prorated refund for the remaining value of their ticket(s) and parking. Please fill out the REFUND FORM to start this process. *The deadline to request a refund is April 30, 2020. Please note that if no action is taken by April 30, 2020, you will receive the prorated credit to the 2021 UAlbany Men’s Lacrosse season. OPTION 2: PRORATED CREDIT TOWARDS THE 2021 MEN’S LACROSSE SEASON Season ticket holders will be given prorated credit, for the value of their ticket(s) and parking towards the 2021 season. *There is no action required by you for this option.
  13. From Inside Lax article today. “I’m not going to play anywhere else,” said Ierlan, a 2019 Tewaaraton Trophy finalist. “If I play again, it’ll be at Yale.” So let's move on. I did 2+ years ago--NO TD. Have two very highly touted fogo's coming in and I saw some good things from Danny Mastropaolo. IMHO Jones and Altamari need to move on also. Go with the future.
  14. I'm betting or maybe just hoping that fall-ball might be expanded. Perhaps even making it a mini-season of sorts. Compensate for nearly a whole season missed. I recall college baseball in the northeast tried/experimented with a split fall-spring season. Don't remember why it was disbanded and I am pretty sure tennis and golf also have used such a format before. Anyhow, an expanded fallball season would help teams get in game shape; after barely getting any real game experience this spring. I know practice is important; but nothing is like actually playing other competition for a teams development. ALL thoughts, opinions and objections welcomed!
  15. I already donate plenty [more than enough to qualify for Gold seating in football & lacrosse, Chairback--but not courtside for basketball and Sefcu parking all around.] Not looking for a refund; but some $s applied to next years seating seems appropriate to me.
  16. Jayden Stone, a four-star recruit from Australia; from above article. Does UA have a legitimate shot at this guy (4 stars)?? Has UA ever landed anyone higher than a 2 star?
  17. Remember the Phys Ed book like it was yesterday; but think it was second semester. But anyhow, everyone bought the book but NO ONE ever cracked the spine.The night before what was to be a written final exam; in panic mode a group of us got together in my room and read out loud to each other. It indeed was an all-nighter. But NOT because the book was all that long or intense, but because every time we came across the word "SCROTUM", we'd all break out in hysterical laughter. Other like minded terms also contributed to the length of this all night read along, but nothing else brought as much hysteria as scrotum; and you cannot believe just how often that word was referenced in that book. And no matter how many times we encountered, it brought on the usual response. Those of us who managed to stay awake @ the exam got A's, but there were quite a few B's and worse.
  18. Like I said, lived in Brubacher Hall 67-68. Back then we had a 11pm curfew (12 on weekends.) Lived on the first floor, so my roommate and I regularly crawled out the window for a beer or two. Went to O'Heanies on Ontario. Did not want to chance the short walk to the WT. Mostly townie's & bums @ O'Heanies, especially weeknights. Don't remember the price, but beer served in a 5 or 7 oz. glass. No pints or tankards there. But one or two was enough to get me pretty loupe--never much of a drinker actually; still not. By second semester, curfews were abandoned--took the fun out of stealing out for a couple.
  19. I enrolled in SUNYA fall 1967 just as the new campus was being built. I have a million stories but will just tell a couple for now. Lived in Brubacher Hall and in the winter of 68, riding the UA old green bus up to the new campus. Minus 20 something [actual not windchill--no bs] and the bus catches fire. Motor or something in the floor back of bus--no one wanted to evacuate too cold, we were all very happy to warm ourselves in the burning bus. In the fall of 1967 the Physical Education building was not fully completed. At that time Phys. Ed was a requirement. So we did calisthenics outside, led by some ancient instructor Spud or Bud (I'm sure others with a better memory than mine can tell you more about this character.) As the weather got colder we moved our exercises into the tunnels and also jogged for miles in the tunnels. I have never done a marathon in my life, but I'm sure my time in the tunnels would qualify me. Also in-spite of the warmth of the tunnels which were always steaming, Spud sadistically enjoyed taking us outside in our gym shorts an T's for "warm-up" exercises. Last story about being @ UA while under construction: There was a language requirement at that time. I was a four year Latin student in high school and did not want to try and fill this requirement with what would have been almost a graduate level course. While most of my friends were continuing French, Spanish, German, Italian which they began in high school, I enrolled in Russian I [basically equivalent to a freshman in high school course.] It was a 4 credit course (3 +1 credit lab.) The labs were suppose to be completed by the second semester; of course they were not. With barely being able to speak a word of Russian, I scored the top written score on the Russian final given the Spring of 68. I could translate, conjugate and new vocabulary with the best of them. The final included an oral part, but because the labs were not finished until late 68; the oral part of the final was waved and I had the top written score.My instructor a young woman whom I had a mad crush on said my oral score on a pass/fail bases was definitely F. Received two semesters of 4 credits x 4.0 grade = 16 x 2 =32 QPA. ps Had my ONLY 4.0 semester in 69 when finals were canceled due to the KENT State etc. Guarantee I would NOT have gotten a 4.0 if I had to take finals.
  20. Per IL, ncaa has already announced spring seniors will be allowed another year of eligibility. Has NOT yet addressed what to do about leagues that do not allow grad players or grad transfers. So as someone joked, not far fetched that TD could re-enroll @ UA.
  21. Rule change almost certain to happen; even before covid19 issues. Now I bet it is a 100% certainty.
  22. For what its worth; getting some votes in media top 20 poll and Quint has UA knocking on his top 20 door. Need to continue to get better and win the AmEast.
  23. What does 3 years probation mean? Appear to look like nothing? No schollie ban? No tournament ban? Probation = ?????????
  24. Also per TU this am. NO sit year for transfers. More than likely pass for 20-21 year. Brings basketball, football & baseball in line with all other sports.
  25. Massey smashy. Yank predicts UA runs the table in the league and wins the conference tournament. That prediction is based on which team shows up each & every game: if the team that played maryland for the last 2/3rds shows up UA WINS the league easily. If something less shows up, still wins but may need some help. In other words I don't know anymore than Massey at this point and write this kind of tongue and cheek. But let me say seriously, I think this team IS improving and IF/WHEN they play like they are capable they CAN beat anybody. Obviously they have some things to work on, and some things at this point that they can only work around (fogo), but IMHO I truly believe they WILL dominate the league this year.
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