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Everything posted by BestDaneSinceHamlet

  1. Could that be the payback? If so that's fantastic
  2. I'm going to guess that those teams have a far greater budget than UA does when it comes to sports. My biggest concern is if we jump to a bigger conference (i'm talking MAC, not CAA) , the travel costs will kill more sports.
  3. I thought odunsi was rs. Or is that this year, medical? So he's an rs soph then?
  4. YES! LOVE LOVE IT! It's amazing what a good tourney run, and a new job can do for one's online disposition, eh?
  5. Best article yet Not sure if it was shared yet http://sports.yahoo.com/news/the-story-behind-albany-s-awful--or-awesome---uniforms-004429223-ncaab.html?soc_src=mediacontentstory
  6. Now, I'd be stunned if all of today's press doesn't translate into some more asses in the seats next year. Someone start that PR machine selling season tickets NOW.
  7. I gotta admit. Puk making those shots on the end line. Wow. And, I will say this. Brown has proved to me he's a worthy coach when it counts. Maybe the team just needed a leader? Either way, UNFIRE WILL BROWN! Still eating crow, Yours, BDSH
  8. Heres the article. Bummed that they didn't refer to him by name. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/college-basketball/photos/1403/top-16-mascots-ncaa-tournament/ I misread it. They voted him #16. And also noted that we should alternately reference Scooby Doo, which I've suggested calling us the Scoobies as our version of the secondary name, like the Auburn War Eagle. Think about it this way. There are famous dogs all over the breed spectrum. Lassie was a collie, Snoopy a beagle, Goofy is a...harrier beagle..but Great Danes have TWO famous members. Marmaduke and Scooby-Doo. Ok, I'm really reaching here.
  9. Oooooh. Someone else here reads Cynopsis as well. On another if my favorite notes. Damien was voted best mascot again. This time by SI.
  10. Maybe I was wrong about the exposure. At least 6 folks texted or emailed me including three of my good friends, who went to Syracuse, Texas and one who won a national football title at Colorado. Normally they just tease me when I start talking about the Danes. All were every excited for me.
  11. Anyone know of any online video for this game? My new office doesn't have cable yet.
  12. Consider this my mea culpa to Will Brown http://www.onebidwonders.com/2014/03/17/the-anti-billy-beane-will-browns-sht-works-in-the-post-season/ THOUGH I completely agree with ClickClack on the regular season mattering. It also matters for press coverage when its not tourney time, which in turn helps get asses in seats, which in turn helps recruiting, which in turn helps a programs upward growth.. But for now, Consider me eating crow as I read the above
  13. This is fantastic info. Well done! As you know, I'm obsessed with who we are competing with for talent, so this is wonderful. (see..i don't always whine)
  14. How does it work when a coach is under contract? Does the new team but out the old teams contract?
  15. So is it a guarantee he comes? Seems like he could be a much higher profile recruit than we normally get.
  16. I don't think they do the PIG game any more for automatic bids. Looks like it's the last four at large who play in Dayton in the first round. Plus cal poly and mt saint marys are both 500 or less so irrelevant either way Still happily eating crow. Now let's build up the fan base based on this and get asses in the seats in the regular season and get the community excited season long
  17. Stigma. Pig are for weak no name teams with no real history who squeaked in. Bad pr for the conference and program IMHO
  18. Even Damien is a tough SOB. More Damien love from Deadspin who picked him as the best mascot in the tourney last year http://deadspin.com/america-east-championship-game-features-mascot-fight-1544565038
  19. I heard a ton of chanting. Great turnout by the fans. Lots of ua ua
  20. Ok, so I'd like my crow served medium rare, with a side of foot served on a bed of my shoe. That was just amazing .Resilient, tough, and a fantastic coached defensive game by Brown. I'm stunned in the best possible way.
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