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Big Purple Fans
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Everything posted by BestDaneSinceHamlet

  1. And as I say that..he launches another one..with NO ONE UNDER THE HOOP.
  2. THere's no motion to the offense. I love what I see from Baker, but Rowley has got to stop doing the same thing over and over with limited results. He doesnt change up his move at all. and WHY is he shooting from 18 feet?
  3. So sloppy, no passing, and when they miss shots, they miss them badly. You don't put asses in the seats by being mediocre in OOC.
  4. Little known fact about me: I was on the College Bowl travel team at UA. Even got a stipend for it. Now excuse me as I descend back to nerddom.
  5. Why the heck arent they just getting the ball inbounds immediately and not letting the press get set. They keep trying to get the "right guy" to inbounds the ball. It's beyond silly.
  6. Anybody notice that we have our second player of the year in less than 6 months?
  7. Let's leave that commentary to Fox News and keep any politics here related to UA and funding, etc Thank you
  8. At this point, why do we bother focusing on them in any sport other than basketball. Let's aim our rivalries higher with programs who are an actual challenge. Arguing about Albany vs. Siena is lowering the level of discourse for our emerging sports programs. In essence, let's be like Barry Sanders after we score a touchdown. Act like we've been there before and we'll be there again and go back to the huddle for the next play.
  9. I think Sam is trying too hard to penetrate inside against the bigs and not kicking out when he should. This is a far better shooting team on the floor then they've had in a while. He's also driving 1 on 3 sometimes which means less opportunity for an Offensive board. In general, not great decision making on his part and trying to do way too much on his own.
  10. Where was the bench the 2nd half? I dont think I saw Ennema or Baker out there at all, nor Peters
  11. Great shooter, but I'm still having a hard time when I hear Wyland say "Open Ennema for 3"
  12. Wheeler Baker is the real deal. He took a bit to get started but damn, is he smooth. A little erratic on the drive, but that will clean up over time.
  13. Uofalbany, I always went with the intention of becoming a lawyer. It wasn't a "what the hell do I do now after graduation move." I just wasn't a great law student, which is why I always recommend people take a few years off before going to law school. The maturity helps. School work had always come easy to me, but in law school no matter your powers of retention, you HAVE to do the work and have the patience to budget your time. I do use my degree in large facets of what I do for a living, as I run music for a big international TV production company and legal issues and contracts come up on a daily basis. Plus, the "helping think like a lawyer" aspect helps me deconstruct and rebuild for problem solving. Very helpful. (The music aspect may explain the free time I have with my hands and posting on this board) when i'm spending a lot of time using my ears).
  14. Amazing move by Will Brown and a fantastic move by the publicity and marketing team to get it out there.
  15. Agreed. Im a non-practicing graduate of Cardozo Law. I've only practiced about 3 months of my life, but that degree taught me a way to think that I use every day...frequently much to my wife's chagrin.
  16. Yeah, its amazing. I'm thrilled for the Clippers fans out here (especially with Sterling gone). Lakers fans were always pretty fair-weather but the defection to the Clips has been pretty quick.
  17. There's a whole grip of offers at Albany.247sports.com. Do we know other than Clancy and Law about any verbals?
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