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Everything posted by BestDaneSinceHamlet

  1. Exactly. That's how they let so many teams back in. If you're up by 20. Fine. But not up by 8. That's how Lowell won and yet he coaches the same scheme, time after time after time.
  2. What a shock. Barely beating a bad team who we keep letting back in the game. If you disagree with me and my attitude about this then you're doomed to the Smalbany mentality. Sorry.
  3. But if Syracuse is consistently getting killed by playing zone, they change the defense, even if they don't have the horses for it. At least they attempt to change schemes. In football, if you are a run first team, and the defense keeps stopping the run, you change things up, go with play action, etc, or you end up in the broadcast booth.
  4. You are defending a coach for never being able to defend the perimeter? Doesn't that show a flaw in their coaching? Mid-major basketball is all about shooting, unless you have that rare monster inside. That's like defending a coach for saying he's a bad recruiter but does well with what he has. If your teams are historically bad at something, you probably should be looking at your methods and adapting.
  5. WOw..another huge lead blown because Brown doesn't adapt the defense. We are never going to grow as a program with him. Blown leads, blown defenses. If teams keep beating you time and time again with the three, wouldn't you change your defense, say maybe, after 5 games? Nope..after 18, same issues.
  6. Well..the big complaint is that team can't hold leads. If you eat poorly, you are poorly conditioned, if you are poorly conditioned you tend to break down at the end of games/seasons. Perfectly relevant. A business partner who was not happy with my CEO's actions once told me "A fish starts rotting from the head." Ok, maybe a slight stretch, but still..
  7. What about SoCal. Such a great breeding ground for skill positions. And who wouldn't want to trade sand and surf for cold, foreboding grey skies penetrated by cold and foreboding white towers? I kid, but I'd like to see more skill kids out if the urban Jersey areas. Traditionally huge skill position ground there.
  8. Maybe its conditioning. Ever read about what Will Brown eats on the road? Not exactly setting a good example
  9. Remember the dreams of 06 07 of the Danes growing year after year into a mid-major power? Now we are just ok with whoever is center and just trying to stay competitive in a mediocre conference.
  10. Who is going to start at center next year? They lost the 7 1 guy and all we have is Shengalia who gets more off the ball fouls than I've seen in a long time.
  11. Look at the first line below. Similar comments as to a loss last year..chronic issue.
  12. I agree. This is a bad loss. Blowouts happen to even great teams. You have one bad game from time to time...but this was to a team you should beat by 20 every time you play them. At least. Think about the one defining characteristic of Will Brown's teams. Usually play well during non-conference and then mediocre during conference play. Now think about all those games that they were up in non-conference play, that they either had to hold on, or lost. Now think about the fact that this has been going on for SEVERAL years. That's what happens. We go up on a team and have ALWAYS let them crawl back in. This year: Holy Cross Quinnipiac UML Last year: BU and a bunch of others I can't recall off the top of my head. And of course, there's UCONN...ok, that was just a joke But still, we don't hold leads and its been a problem as far as I can remember with Brown. He simply doesn't adjust his gameplan in game. I know we were all up in his jock about winning the tourney, but let's be honest, we don't have that winning culture that they have at Vermont or that is building at Stony Brook. We've had 2 great years with Jamar, and one year where things fell our way and then mediocrity. Will Brown = Andy Dalton
  13. Can I ask another question? Why don't we ever recruit from downstate NY or urban NJ? Based on tonight's heartless performance that Christmas party will feature a tree that would make Charlie Brown's look like the one in Rockefeller Center. And we just lost to that tree!
  14. The AE is considered really awful this year. Brown saved his job last year, I think. May have been bad for the future of the program. Sorta like having a mid-level quarterback. You're not good enough to win the big games, but they aren't bad enough to suck. This program will be .500 barring an amazing recruit. They won't win it on coaching. Say what you want about a coaching style like Patsos, but those guys are starting to play better and I'm pretty damn sure that guy will not accept complacency.
  15. Oh and by the way, they were milking the clock starting at about 4 minutes. Totally took the team out of its offense, killed any momentum and was a very different game than they played all night. They should have been pounding it in, rotating. Instead they stood around waiting for Evans to drive and kick...something he's not great at. Bad coaching.
  16. Another bad decision by Evans. He's just not a leader/point guy. He'd be a great sixth man off the bench.
  17. As much as we're thankful to Will Brown for his three trips to the NCAA, he never adjusts in game as quick as he needs to and he never gets his guys to get consistent play. A good recruiter, but there's no fire and no discipline, other than free throws. Oh and btw, that's what may lose this game for them.
  18. There's no glue to this team on the perimeter. Too many drives into traffic, too many dishes to nowhere, and way too much waiting for someone to make a play, vs. movement without the ball. They beat UMBC in OT, UNH (who is terrible) is destroying them now.
  19. Haas seems lost. Like a kid who invited a bunch of better kids to play at his house, but can't figure out what to do other than dribble far around the outside.
  20. And Shengalia really needs to stop moving his screens. That's two fouls there. And Evans just ran a fast break into severe traffic and got it stripped. Cremo plays the point?
  21. They have SO many sloppy, ball handoff, off the ball fouls/turnovers. Bad discipline and no real point leader. I like Evans, but he's really a small 2, not a true 1.
  22. There was a big current OC who started out as a DC, or vice versa. I'm forgetting who it was. Anyone?
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