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SUNY Commission


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The panel will release they’re SUNY proposal Monday. I was hoping for the creation of flagship campuses. I guess that's not going to happen. I don't see any "paradigm shifts" here but none of these proposals seem bad. If anything, it's a boat load of money and the university centers should be disproportionably benefited. I like the differential tuition, more campus autonomy and more full time faculty.



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The panel will release they’re SUNY proposal Monday. I was hoping for the creation of flagship campuses. I guess that's not going to happen. I don't see any "paradigm shifts" here but none of these proposals seem bad. If anything, it's a boat load of money and the university centers should be disproportionably benefited. I like the differential tuition, more campus autonomy and more full time faculty.





The NYT has a more in depth review:



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There is an announcement today from the governor about the report on fixing SUNY. In reading few articles, I think my view has changed a bit. Although there were some things I didn't see that I wanted to and some things I did see that I didn't want to... regardless, this report has a major impact on UAlbany.


A few more stories... but not one from the TU. I guess they don't feel $10B - $20B in spending is news worthy?





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Flagships - Albany Aint One of Them. Quoted from the Commission's Recommendations. I can't believe how little press this has gotten in Albany or the non-reaction from this board. It's HUGE if it gets implemented.




"There is no leading public higher education system in this nation that does not have excellent research universities, and one or more flagship campuses, and the SUNY structure should be modified accordingly."


"To compete effectively, New York must (1) focus concentrated efforts on improving the resources and results of its research institutions in order to position them as national leaders; (2) sharpen the distinctiveness of these campuses by identifying areas of strength on which to focus and build, and increase public awareness of their distinctive missions and strengths; and (3) tailor central oversight to reflect the specific needs of this sector as a whole and its individual campuses, to assist every campus in achieving excellence. There is no leading public higher education system in this nation that does not have excellent research universities, and one or more flagship campuses, and the SUNY structure should be modified accordingly. The Commission recognizes the progress that both Stony Brook and the University at Buffalo—the only public members of the AAU in New York State—have made in becoming major research universities."



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Not sure if anyone has looked at this commission report but they push HARD for Stony Brook and Buffalo. They push so hard that they seemly gloss over Albany even when it's rated higher in their own graphs.


Of course the legislature has to 'ok' this but I'm letting you all know the plan is to make Stony Brook and Buffalo flagships.




"The 1985 report of the Independent Commission on the Future of the State University of New York, The Challenge and the Choice, recommended that the university centers at Buffalo and Stony Brook be treated as comprehensive research centers. It was prescient


National Science Foundation academic research data for FY2005 and 2006 reveal that both universities—Buffalo and Stony Brook—are rapidly increasing their share of national research dollars."

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I've seen this trend in the budget request proposal also. As far as things are right now, SBU and UB are the largest of the univeristy centers and I think that is probably why there is such a push.


As for Nanotech, nobody really cares about it yet (outside of the UA community its not even known what Nanotech is).


SBU is moving faster then us in football as well. They have Rutgers on the schedule for 2009 or 2010 (can't remember).

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Yet we can't even get a president in place.


I'll get flack for this, but if Herbst didn't leave for Georgia... :angry:. Is college president the only position of power where it takes a long time to fill a president when an incumbent dies? It sure seems that way.


Who from SBU is on the commission? Geographically they're a little too out of the way to be a flagship and, looking at the breakout of enrollment by county that's on the State Ed website, the enrollment skews HEAVILY towards NYC/LI with less than 20% of students being from places that are even nominally "Upstate"*. Albany trumps SBU in both but seems to have nobody to fight for them on the commission.


* The "upstate/downstate" line used in this example is the Bear Mountain Bridge, which until the introduction of sprawl into Orange/Putnam/Dutchess counties was the de facto line of sorts.

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A couple thoughts. These are just my opinions


1) It looks like the commission picked SBU and UB based on one criterion. They are members of AAU and Bingo and UA are not. Might I add though, we have more research funding last year than SBU as shown in their OWN presentation. Nice of them to gloss over that fact.


2)Flagship status will affect academics and athletics. If a campus is given flagship status that will give them more funding, better recruiting and more political power than non flagship campuses. This is a very important unless you want to be 2nd tier... e.g. Kent State v Ohio State, Kennesaw v. UGA, UMass Amherst v Lowell.


It's just a proposal but it would kill UA to be pushed down to 2nd tier... officially 2nd tier no less. Just my two cents. Oh, by the way I didn't see any UA representatives on that panel other than a student whose primary concern is to keep tuition low. UA got the shaft on this deal!


Read it for yourself




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I haven't read the whole report yet, but Albany and nanoscience are mentioned prominently, in the executive summary, as an example of SUNY's research and workforce development possibilities.



I agree with you, there were some compliments paid to Albany in this report. My point is that I don't believe that the students, faculty, alumni and capitol region understands how big a blow losing out on flagship status will be. I've worked and lived in more than a dozen states. I see for myself how powerful UGA is relative to the other Georgia state campuses. I don't want UA to be a second tier school. It can mean an economic impact of billions of dollars. If UB and SBU are designated as flagships, they will inevitably receive a lions share of the funding and support. They will also grow in enrollment, which UB is already prepared to do as soon as they get the 'ok'. Since this is an athletics board, I'll tie this back to athletics. Increased enrollment and funding will only make UB and SBU more dominant in all aspects, including athletics. I think this is HUGE for Albany and not in a good way. The president of UB was on the commission. He wants this to happen and most people recognize 4 flagships are too many. The commission pays UA a few compliments and then the UA community apathetically sits back while UB and SBU take control. Georgia Southern or Kennesaw will never beat UGA in the classroom or on the field. UGA is the flagship. This example is true in Georgia as it is in Florida, California or elsewhere. We're going to be Cal State to SBU and UB's UC designation! Cal State Albany (aka 2nd tier)

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