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I think we may be overreacting a little on the scholarship front for football. Albany is in a position where for the instate player the tuition is already pretty cheap compared to other states. Plus most non-BCS schools use back channels to get money to those athletes via Merit awards and what not. The scholarships I would imagine be focused on out of state players or top class recruits from in state in which we compete with other FCS schools for. Remember this is FCS or D1AA football, 60 scholarships isn't gonna guarantee a playoff appearance. When we beat Delaware I don't believe we had 30 scholarship player on that field or 1 for that matter. We have a good coaching staff and they had a knack for finding that quality player in odd places *cough* Rashad Barksdale *cough*! Despite the scholarship number I'm supremely confident coach Ford can put a quality team on the field. Me Im just looking forward to being able to at least compete for the playoffs which will be a refreshing chance. Can't wait for the season to start, finally get to back see some games this year.

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But without 56 scholarships it's nearly impossible to get a game against an FBS team, which we'll need both for the cash and for recognition by the public that we play 'real football'. At this rate we won't reach that level until 2030.


Time to leave the NEC when the contract expires, if not sooner (if there's any place to go).

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Out of the NEC as fast as we can. I'm assuming we need a stadium to do this though. I still have a hard time believing that a major state university can have such a pile of $*(& for a stadium. Get the stadium done and move to a new conference if one is available. What about going independent until one opens up?

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The topic starter referred to making the playoffs for which I believe is to become a distinct possibility by the time 2010 rolls around due to the AQ. That was the crux of my argument that even with 40 scholarships we can most definitely make the playoffs considering we went into Delaware and won with very limited if not no scholarships. Going to 56 scholarships won't magically bring us FCS championships. Albany has to build as system of winning and namely better facilities first. Until that stadium goes up I see no reason to leave the NEC.

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Sorry...going to call you out here.


ALL WE NEED IS A STADIUM AND 63 RIDES...and we will be a perennial Top 20 team. Ford has built a fabulous system and reputation. When he does, in fact, retire...if we have a stadium and full rides it should get us a great up and coming coach.


I suspect Albany will sign a 1-2 year deal at 2010...see what happens with the CAA, Big East, etc...and then...if the NEC doesnt go to 56...move on out. We are leaving BIG $$$ out on the table right now.

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As much as I love Albany...we will not be a perennial Top 20 team without a stadium...even with 40 rides. It is tough to do year in and year out...SEE THE PATRIOT and IVY.


Believe me...40-56 is a big difference. Plus, getting, oh, I dunno...300k a year for five years...bank it...then endow it...average return, 9%...over 20 years...you do the math and see how many scholarships that endows.

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As much as I love Albany...we will not be a perennial Top 20 team without a stadium...even with 40 rides. It is tough to do year in and year out...SEE THE PATRIOT and IVY.


Believe me...40-56 is a big difference. Plus, getting, oh, I dunno...300k a year for five years...bank it...then endow it...average return, 9%...over 20 years...you do the math and see how many scholarships that endows.



I agree, we need the scholarship numbers as high as possible.... and then we still can add funds through back channels.


What we need first and foremost is the stadium. That will be the selling point for the better recruits.

I don't believe Dr.M is putting his eggs in one basket. I think there are alternative plans if the funding gets axed again, which will be the sign that stadium funding just isn't going to happen ever.


Again, how about Wellington Mara Stadium.... with 100m donated by the giants for lifetime naming rights.

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Honestly...it boggles my mind that the Giants havent bucked up 1-2m for us. That is chump change to them. Add that to whatever we got...then we can go to the city and state and say "Hey...look we got 4-5mm (I am making this number up) pledged...plus the tagging of the Giants to the stadium for a long time....give us something."

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2 scholarships a year until 2013 makes no difference to us. None that I can see at least. That's gives us 4 half-scholarhship kids. Great.


Does nothing for playing counter games. It does nothing for raising the profile of the program.


Sounds like we lost in this battle.

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Our contract with the NEC is only thru 2010, so let's hope something else shakes loose by then.



I'm interested to see this is "announced" at the golf outing. Whether it is looked at as a positive or whether its just another step towards moving somewhere else.

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