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State of the Program

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Just my .02 cents:


I truly believe that the program is not headed in the right direction. Hopefully, this team will prove me wrong, and I will be watching them come March versus a major powerhouse program.


However, if you notice, the program is shifting away from what we had success with a few years ago. For one, Brown is seemingly recruiting the more flashy/athletic players - not the ones who are outclassed (as was posted in an earlier post), or the guys who are mentally strong and willing to put it all on the line. As a program ascends, it should increase the quality of players it recruits, but I think the mental makeup should always be there. If you look back at some of the questionable players the last couple of years, in terms of recruits or those who have left the team, you can obviously see that is not there.


In terms of Will Harris, the only critique that UVA fans had on him was that he seemed to mentally check out or not give it his all in games. They all stated he was very professional and a nice guy, but claimed he never lived up to his potential. THIS IS A ACC PLAYER - he should be dominating the AE. NO QUESTIONS asked.


I feel that UA making 2 consecutive NCAA appearances is a lost cause. It is no longer the marketing tool it was a few years ago. Too much time has passed. We never truly ceased the opportunity from it to transform yourself into a program like Wichita St. or another mid-major powerhouse over the last couple of years.


And the proof that this program hasn't changed simply lies in the fact that everyone says "the real season starts when conference play begins". NO. That is the logic of a losing program, which is content with mediocrity. I understand that winning at UNC or a similar program will be EXTREMELY difficult, but checking out until conference play begins just shows how much this program has NOT grown. We should approach every game as though it's winnable, regardless of the outcome, and come out with the same level of energy, even if we are totally outmatched. Until we start winning some of these OOC games, and perhaps steal a win here or there from a better team, we will be stuck in a vicious cycle. Going into Conference play, being well under .500 is not exactly a mental boost for the players. Regardless of wins or losses, the effort should ALWAYS be there.



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As long as you are requesting thoughts:


It would have been difficult enough for UAlbany to grow beyond what it is with Siena in the same town. Too many sports fans in the Albany market are set in their ways --- 7-10 thousand a game at the Pepsi arena. So maybe the play is to do as well as possible in the A-East, try to grow through the season and win the tournament and do something in The Show. To me, there is nothing wrong with that mentality.


Just my 2 cents, too ...

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Just my .02 cents:


I truly believe that the program is not headed in the right direction. Hopefully, this team will prove me wrong, and I will be watching them come March versus a major powerhouse program.


However, if you notice, the program is shifting away from what we had success with a few years ago. For one, Brown is seemingly recruiting the more flashy/athletic players - not the ones who are outclassed (as was posted in an earlier post), or the guys who are mentally strong and willing to put it all on the line. As a program ascends, it should increase the quality of players it recruits, but I think the mental makeup should always be there. If you look back at some of the questionable players the last couple of years, in terms of recruits or those who have left the team, you can obviously see that is not there.


In terms of Will Harris, the only critique that UVA fans had on him was that he seemed to mentally check out or not give it his all in games. They all stated he was very professional and a nice guy, but claimed he never lived up to his potential. THIS IS A ACC PLAYER - he should be dominating the AE. NO QUESTIONS asked.


I feel that UA making 2 consecutive NCAA appearances is a lost cause. It is no longer the marketing tool it was a few years ago. Too much time has passed. We never truly ceased the opportunity from it to transform yourself into a program like Wichita St. or another mid-major powerhouse over the last couple of years.


And the proof that this program hasn't changed simply lies in the fact that everyone says "the real season starts when conference play begins". NO. That is the logic of a losing program, which is content with mediocrity. I understand that winning at UNC or a similar program will be EXTREMELY difficult, but checking out until conference play begins just shows how much this program has NOT grown. We should approach every game as though it's winnable, regardless of the outcome, and come out with the same level of energy, even if we are totally outmatched. Until we start winning some of these OOC games, and perhaps steal a win here or there from a better team, we will be stuck in a vicious cycle. Going into Conference play, being well under .500 is not exactly a mental boost for the players. Regardless of wins or losses, the effort should ALWAYS be there.




100% agree with you. This program is fluttering and to say that the real season begins during conference play. That logic is ridiculous and gives you a losing mindset. So those people out there saying OOC games dont matter, it is ok to enter league play 0-15 and win the conference tournament at 16-18 or something. I've said it before the 05-06 and 06-07 teams were all on Jamar Wilson's back. He carried the team and obviously it was not a reflection of Will Brown's coaching. That is why we have gone no where the past 2 years and this year is looking like a sub .500 season.


It's time to take a step back and re-evaluate the program.


Problems with recruiting are obvious. From the 06-07 recruiting class there is only one player left and that is Gifford. That is why there is no leadership. The only players left from the 07-08 recruiting class is Billy Allen and Tim Ambrose.

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The Capital Region is full of malcontents and fair weather fans. If we start winning there will be a line around the SEFCU. I promise you that.


On a related note, the success of basketball may be tied to football. If a new Yankee Conference were to form to link the big NE FCS state universities, we could see a higher profile all sports conference emerge (aka UMass, URI, etc). 2010 will be big for football (and all sport) conference alignments.

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I am also very dissapointed in this team and Coach Brown over the past few seasons. I agree 100% that the NCAA runs were all Wilson, Jordan and Siggers and not Will Brown. UA didn't build off that success and now they are heading down the tubes fast. The style of play in Will Browns tenure has been awful to watch and I would like to see a new Coach take over the program and instill a new style of play. The OOC record is atroshish and an embarrassment. UA could have built on the 2 year tourney run and been a powerhouse of the AE conference by now and it's not happening. Big disappointment right now with the program and also not very happy with the schedule of having the team play a months worth of road games so the hometown fans can't watch the team.

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I am also very dissapointed in this team and Coach Brown over the past few seasons. I agree 100% that the NCAA runs were all Wilson, Jordan and Siggers and not Will Brown. UA didn't build off that success and now they are heading down the tubes fast. The style of play in Will Browns tenure has been awful to watch and I would like to see a new Coach take over the program and instill a new style of play. The OOC record is atroshish and an embarrassment. UA could have built on the 2 year tourney run and been a powerhouse of the AE conference by now and it's not happening. Big disappointment right now with the program and also not very happy with the schedule of having the team play a months worth of road games so the hometown fans can't watch the team.



Welcome to the board GreatDanes. I think its amazing that it took over 5 years for someone to pick the name "GreatDanes". laugh.gif

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When Dane Doggy Style aka Big Dog first suggested that CB might be on 'the hot seat' he was lambasted from virtually every quarter.


Very interesting how many are now seemingly moving in that direction.


I thought the same thing..until I realized that a large number of 'supporters' of DDS/BigDog/Jeff/etc's view are from posters who have just recently joined..and then post almost the exact same comments as DDS/BigDog/Jeff.


DDS disappears..then BigDog appears and starts posting the same thing as him..BigDog disappears..then GreatDanes appears and starts posting the same thing as him..etc, etc.


On the TU blog..Jeff posts..then disappears..then The King posts..then is called out..then Jeff re-appears and posts.


It's not rocket science.

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When Dane Doggy Style aka Big Dog first suggested that CB might be on 'the hot seat' he was lambasted from virtually every quarter.


Very interesting how many are now seemingly moving in that direction.


I thought the same thing..until I realized that a large number of 'supporters' of DDS/BigDog/Jeff/etc's view are from posters who have just recently joined..and then post almost the exact same comments as DDS/BigDog/Jeff.


DDS disappears..then BigDog appears and starts posting the same thing as him..BigDog disappears..then GreatDanes appears and starts posting the same thing as him..etc, etc.


On the TU blog..Jeff posts..then disappears..then The King posts..then is called out..then Jeff re-appears and posts.


It's not rocket science.



I don't understand why he can't just roll with one name unless of course the goal is to create the perception that a sizable chunk of the fan base is looking to fire Will Brown.


Very bush league on the part of GreatDanes/Jeff/DaneDoggyStyle/KingDane/BigDog

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I'm not so sure its a good idea to start jumping down new posters throats with the assumption they are all the same guy.


Its very likely there are a good number of people who read this board and feel the same way he did. They just weren't registered or maybe they were and just didn't post.


There are seasoned posters on here who are now starting to question WB's coaching style and the direction of the program. Maybe that's why former "lurkers" feel its OK to post their own thoughts now.



DDS's posts in the beginning of the season were premature and immature, IMO, but they weren't all that off base. It was the approach he takes that makes him look like an idiot. Not necessarily the content of his message.

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