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UAlbany plans layoffs, program cuts


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Times-Union has had two stories in the last two days on the budget cuts



UAlbany language cuts spark petition


UAlbany faculty senate blasts language cuts


and naturally Bruce Svare weighs in with another anti-sports rant

Sports not part of school mission


Since I'm in the mood to rage, two years ago I had a class with Svare. The guy is a dick!

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As long as we are in a ranting mood after last night's basketball fiasco: I sat with some player's parents at saturday's football game. They told me (and I've heard this before) that we already have more than enough money to get a stadium started and perhaps enough to get it well beyond phase I. Yet there son's (both underclassmen but both "players") would never get to play in said stadium, because the athletic department is afraid to make waves in this economic climate. Well, I say let Svare and the french teacher go get their own money. Why are we afraid of these people? When we build a stadium and the revenue starts flowing in and increased research grants that come to well known universities (universities known for their athletics and scholarship), these people will be right there with their hands out.


OT sort of: but was watching Florida/South Carolina on TV(big revenue source) saturday night with 100000 in the stands, buying a lot of concessions and sovenirs and donating a lot of money to their alma-maters. Not that we will ever get there (NYSTATE blew any chance of that years ago), but it was fun to speculate!

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Have fun watching this video.


I always think in these situations its better to let the Athletics naysayers get their feelings off their chest. Their comments are for the most part 100% unfounded and really just sour grapes and generally speaking their thoughts always turn out to be nothing more then a passing thought.

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This is why they aren't saying anything about the stadium, these people would blow a gasket.



So let them "blow"


How will that advance our cause?

I do not see how hiding in the background helps our cause. Who knows we even have a cause? I have been asked to tone down the rhetoric which for the "cause" I have done. But the fact remains we still have no stadium, and you say it is coming and I say it is LONG overdue.

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This is why they aren't saying anything about the stadium, these people would blow a gasket.



So let them "blow"


How will that advance our cause?

I do not see how hiding in the background helps our cause. Who knows we even have a cause? I have been asked to tone down the rhetoric which for the "cause" I have done. But the fact remains we still have no stadium, and you say it is coming and I say it is LONG overdue.


Like you, I also think it's long overdue. However, in light of programs being cut the best thing they can do right now is keep it on the DL. Look, based on what I've heard, Phase I is already funded. What good will come of blowing the trumpet on this and getting more people not only in the media to stand up against this initiative? Once the project starts, it won't be so easy to roll it back.


The only real benefit I can see from really publicizing this is getting donations for the project, Phase I is already funded so IMO the backlash isn't worth it at this point.

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In the past, I said speaking out loudly and boldly, with a goal and a plan.

At this point, especially considering multiple sources say 'funding' is in place, we'd

be wise to zip the lip. I'm hoping that the university athletic department is trying to hit up 'big'

sources of cash, without drawing attention to it.


We've got admit... dealing with NYS politics, including funding, is a darn ugly affair.


On the other side of the coin... how many programs does UAlbany ultimately offer - before the cuts?

Is it possible that the university just extends itself too far, and offers too many programs?


As for places like New York, Michigan, California, etc.. there are reasons why those governments are on the verge of bankruptcy. They may go begging to the federal government for 'bailouts'. There seems to be a common denominator with all of these entities.

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I don't know - if the funding is truly in place that means its locked doesn't it.


So why not generate some interest in the program? People can whine all they want but if the funding is alrady in place and the contracts signed, the state doesn't have the ability to pull the plug does it?

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Rumor and speculation has been the center of my knowledge on the whole thing.


I thought there was some lengthy discussion on this. I thought the idea was that there

was funding to the university, which hasn't specifically designated to a 'stadium'

project, that the university would use towards the stadium. And in that case, we could get pressured

not to use it for such 'projects' in times of economic trouble.


I can't specifically remember the different theories.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I stopped reading (but of course then finished) as both me and my office mate--probably one of the most wordly and intelligent persons I have ever come accross--laughed at this guy's assertation that a student cannot make his own choices on what classes to take.


First off, that is a load of $iena. Second, almost every University has a core requirements list. He seems to state that the core requirements list should be for all 120 credits...



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A also find this ironic coming from a man whose University is almost broke...and cut some seriously well known programs from oh, guess what, arts and sciences not once, but twice-- ONE WAS CALLED A RESTRUCTURING:




Was huge news here in Boston.

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