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University construction


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I was picking up my parking decals on the other side (closer to the Harriman campus) and it was definitely under construction with a crew pluggin away, but couldn't tell/see much. Not sure about the side closer to Fuller road (other side of the CC).


As for the suites...I just stayed at something similar in Newark, NJ across the street from NJIT for two months while I was working down there. Gotta say, for a student, it is pretty nice. I'm sure our students and staff will appreciate it.

Edited by Ilko
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  • 2 weeks later...

She's actually supporting athletes.......


How do you figure? She believes athletes are being exploited and doesn't understand the concept of scholarships, evidently. We aren't Alabama...we are not making millions upon millions off of our players (therefor, her quip about exploitation isn't really valid). These kids are getting a free education (most of them) thanks to that scholarship they got from UAlbany which, due to our size and stature as a sports program and how much revenue we bring in, is probably 1:1 or close to it (we pay your $40k for school and you make us $40k over the course of 4 years by playing for us and helping us win). And overworked? Please. Let's be honest, for every Peter Hooley, who's obviously VERY smart and it shows in his school work, I'm SURE we have a bunch of athletes taking 100 level courses and getting tutor help. Just like every other school with student athletes in this country.


I know we have some walk-on students, but the majority of our student athletes are scholarship (at least in our main sports). And even if they are an end of the bench basketball player who paid his own way, how is that any different than me? They still get the same help if needed as any other student via tutors (and maybe even extra since they are on a team). You know which students are overworked? Adult students like me. I work a 40-50hr IT day job and am taking 15 credits this semester due to UAlbany's POS night offerings (some classes are only offered once a year - this is why I have to graduate next semester instead of this one because the last class I need to graduate wasn't offered this semester for night students). Sure I could take one class a semester for the next 10 years, but it's my choice to take that load. Just like it's their choice to be a student AND an athlete. Student athletes are not overworked, I'm sorry.


At small schools like ours, they get back as much as they give to the university in terms of value. Peter Hooley might be the lone exception due to the publicity he brought us in the spring.


The only time the vast majority of these kids are overworked is when they give 150% on the field.


Sorry, little rant there...lol.

Edited by Ilko
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She's actually supporting athletes.......

How do you figure? She believes athletes are being exploited and doesn't understand the concept of scholarships, evidently. We aren't Alabama...we are not making millions upon millions off of our players (therefor, her quip about exploitation isn't really valid). These kids are getting a free education (most of them) thanks to that scholarship they got from UAlbany which, due to our size and stature as a sports program and how much revenue we bring in, is probably 1:1 or close to it (we pay your $40k for school and you make us $40k over the course of 4 years by playing for us and helping us win). And overworked? Please. Let's be honest, for every Peter Hooley, who's obviously VERY smart and it shows in his school work, I'm SURE we have a bunch of athletes taking 100 level courses and getting tutor help. Just like every other school with student athletes in this country.


I know we have some walk-on students, but the majority of our student athletes are scholarship (at least in our main sports). And even if they are an end of the bench basketball player who paid his own way, how is that any different than me? They still get the same help if needed as any other student via tutors (and maybe even extra since they are on a team). You know which students are overworked? Adult students like me. I work a 40-50hr IT day job and am taking 15 credits this semester due to UAlbany's POS night offerings (some classes are only offered once a year - this is why I have to graduate next semester instead of this one because the last class I need to graduate wasn't offered this semester for night students). Sure I could take one class a semester for the next 10 years, but it's my choice to take that load. Just like it's their choice to be a student AND an athlete. Student athletes are not overworked, I'm sorry.


At small schools like ours, they get back as much as they give to the university in terms of value. Peter Hooley might be the lone exception due to the publicity he brought us in the spring.


The only time the vast majority of these kids are overworked is when they give 150% on the field.


Sorry, little rant there...lol.

I didn't say she was right. But she's not in the same camp as anti-athletic professors either. Edited by danefan
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Perhaps you are right. I just think her posts were unneeded regardless of her stance. This university is growing before our eyes and doing real good things, she is literally, to use a modern slang term...a hater.

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I always like to share this story to people who say that spending money on Athletics is a waste of money, and that money should be spent on grants for students and to pay the professors more, etc...


In 2005 I had some issues at my job and I ended up quitting and going on unemployment for a short period. I wasn't fired, but I really couldn't stay due to certain differences. When submitting resumes and doing phone interviews with people from around the country, I found close to no value in the name of my college alma mater. No one (outside of NY) knew WTF "SUNNY Albany" was. I ended up taking a sales job and did very well for about a year.


The following year I decided to put my resume back on-line to see if I could translate my success into a better opportunity. It was 2006 and UA had just finished pulling off an almost upset in the first round of the NCAA tournament. They were almost the first #16 seed to beat a #1 seed and scared the crap out of #1 UCONN and was winning by double figures late in the second half. It was a big deal and even though UA lost - it's name was out there.


I did plenty of interviews, but this time - just one year later - people from all over the country knew what The University at Albany was. Recruiters from California, Florida, Ohio, and even one from Seattle Washington brought up that basketball game with me during phone interviews. My degree instantly changed from a BS from some unknown school to one from an institution that people recognized. I ended up taking a regional sales manager position - managing 55 reps in 13 states across the northeast - from a company and recruiter out of Texas that also asked me about UAlbany basketball during my interview.


Lesson learned: Your college education is worth the same no matter where you go - unless you went to a school that potential job interviewers recognize. I doubt that Syracuse University is a better school than UA - but I bet more interviewers recognize the school when looking at resume's.


People like this Ariella Phillipo probably majored in english, communications, sanskrit, or some other stupid major that at best will get you a $30k/yr job at a newspaper or some other dying industry and is now regretting their decision to go to UAlbany because they do not have a job - so they blame the university for not doing more to help her instead of utilizing what strong name recognition can do for a career.

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Thanks, and no worries- I get it, and I agree—lots of folks don't think enough about their degree needing to make some sense for what they're after.

Either way, I agree that its been way easier to explain Albany to people by mentioning the basketball and even lacrosse teams. It really does make a difference when someone has a flicker of recognition from that as opposed to just saying: "Never heard of it. Must be cold up there."

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Thanks, and no worries- I get it, and I agree—lots of folks don't think enough about their degree needing to make some sense for what they're after.

Either way, I agree that its been way easier to explain Albany to people by mentioning the basketball and even lacrosse teams. It really does make a difference when someone has a flicker of recognition from that as opposed to just saying: "Never heard of it. Must be cold up there."

I was traveling across Florida last week...a few days in Orlando with the kids and the rest in West Palm. No less then 3 people, one in Orlando and two in West Palm (over a course of a week) asked me where I was from. When I told them Albany, NY all three mentioned to me the UCONN game. I was floored...one of them also mentioned the Florida game a few years back. All of them knew that our mascot was a great dane. I chatted up one guy who worked at the front desk where I was staying, he mentioned several times that he keeps seeing us in the March Madness...asked me if our league was that bad or we are that good. LOL...our name is out there folks!

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