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Big Purple Fans
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Posts posted by Eli

  1. Hooley is key. I understand he's probably under immense stress due to his mom's situation (and no one understands that better than me), but if he can get back to being the even keel presence he has been up to this point in his career, it'll help the whole team. People won't be able to pack the paint against Rowley. They'll have to think about helping on Peter which will open up opportunities for players like Singletary.

    We go as Peter Hooley goes. IMO.


    Yeah, that Columbia thing was WEIRD. That was such an awkward halftime show lol.

    What was it?



    They had this DUMB awkward/weird dance/poem thing at midfield...some sort of story or something. During this 'thing' they were doing, they also mentioned that "we all know what the real capital of NY is" or something along those lines...to which I and many other fans roundly boo'ed them.


    And then they were heckling our players/school with not-so-witty jokes (clickclack might remember some of them lol)...it was just a poor showing by them. They were getting SMOKED lol. I understand heckling if you're winning...but they weren't even in the same stadium as us. They might as well have just stayed on the bus.

  3. The only rivalry is basketball. We smoke their women EVERY year...and our men have been successful lately. As far as the rest of D1 sports...Siena can't hold a candle to us. This is why I get so angry reading their forum and hearing them state that we are the little brother in Albany. Seriously? In what alternate reality? Regardless of basketball, with football being on the up and up, I think UAlbany's name (in general) will outgrow Siena. Hell, we have LCC BB fans coming to our FB games. It's a matter of time.

  4. Wait. NJIT, the team we DESTROYED until letting up, beat #17 Michigan. As in, UM Wolverines Michigan? Tim Hardaway Jr.'s alma mater Michigan? The Michigan that produced the Fab Five? IN Michigan?


    That's even more impressive than UAlbany getting close to beating UConn or playing tough against Florida. That's a far bigger win than us beating Washington a few years ago.

  5. He did mention that the boxoffice@whatever email has had issues syncing with his email (I'm assuming he has a jamessomething@albany.edu email)...but I can't imagine that's the only way they read emails. Regardless, the guy took care of my issue and is definitely an asset to that department.

  6. Ilko

    I don't know how many tickets Albany would sell if they had a true home game vs LCC in the season ticket package , but I do know I am not alone in saying the current arrangement is unacceptable and acting on that fact.

    BTW , I really don't get the "high opinion" some of you have of LCC . To me they are nothing special . We already are playing 3 other maac teams this year as part of home and home . Even though there is nothing special about LCC, their fans being idiots Does make it sweeter to beat them than it would be to beat a similar low major . However if they don't want to or can't play some sort of home and home/ neutral series just replace them


    I definitely understand you making your stance known with your wallet, nothing wrong there.


    As for LCC, I love beating them just as much as you. When I saw fans leaving for the door with 4:00 left yesterday, I was quite happy inside.

  7. Really Ilko we didn't sell our allotment of crappy seats to a road game where LCC gets the bulk of the money . Give mr benson time to fix that and grow the fan base. In the meantime the only recourse I (and others ) have besides telling Albany how we feel (I for 1 have done that enough) is not buy a ticket for this game .

    BTW, next up is Yale; a game I am willing to travel to as long as it does not snow on Saturday .

    Hey, that may be the case. I don't know why we didn't sell those extra 30 tickets or whatever they were. That wasn't even the main point...the main point is that even at the SEFCU, our crowds are generally pretty pathetic for a team that is 'the best in town' and '4 time NCAA'ers'. We should have a much bigger following than we do. As I said before, and like you just said, that may have been on McElroy and we'll see if Benson can fix that...but as of right now, based on THAT alone (our real home games), Siena really doesn't have a reason to give us more/better tickets...we probably wouldn't sell them anyway. You're only 1 person Bob...so while you may actually pay for a better seat..can you say that if they gave us 3,000 more tickets in 3,000 better seats, that we'd sell those 3,000 tickets? Based on, again, our home games...I don't think we would and we'd be back at square one with Siena fans saying we can't fill the seats.

    The RACC when we hosted the america east championship was the loudest sporting event I've been to live to this day.


    Agreed. That place, with 4k people, is IMPRESSIVE in regards to fan noise. That's why I'm shocked we don't have at least 1,500 students at each home game when classes are in session. We can't find 1,500 kids or entice 1,500 kids with freebies/pizza to get them to come? As of 2012, we enrolled 17,316 students. Obviously not all are full-time on-campus...but still (for example, I'm a part-time night student). I see TONS of kids walking around campus with UA sweatshirts, sweat pants, t-shirts, etc...so the general 'school spirit' is already somewhat present. We need to harness that and get butts in seats.

    Again, Benson likely has a plan for that...but right now, it's terrible. Time will certainly tell.

    I guess what I'm saying is, aside from the revenue split, I see both sides of the coin here.


    This comment on the TU article is dead on:


    "The model they should follow is the one Providence and URI used for years: keep the big arena and rotate the "home" team each year. But given how Siena keeps losing this one, perhaps a change of scenery to SEFCU might help them."


    Why not do that? That makes the most sense. The City of Albany wants the game at the TUC. It's the biggest venue/best money generator in the area. We'd be dumb to move it to tiny SEFCU.


    1) Alternate the home team and thus change the colors of the court, etc. (or make it a neutral court like just the standard blue NCAA one they using during March Madness).

    2) Split everything 50/50



    EDIT: By the way, for a bunch of adults, their site is FILLED with some really silly people...


    I keep hearing comments about the court. The court can't be easily changed. However, the court can be covered-up with decals. Brand this thing, and get big "ol "Albany Cup" decals with a big-time sponsor.


    The UA court can't be brought in either; it's not a floating floor, it's built into the arena.


    I am sure Benson is having the following conversation with Coach: "Coach, I'm gonna go in and be strong. However, I have to know what's more important to you: Playing at SEFCU, making this a neutral court game where in all years the ticket revenue (not the tickets themselves) is split equally), or "home court" game that rotates each year, and only in that year does that school keep the revenue".


    Each of those items are distinct, and come with a different tact for negotiation. You have to remember, the Coach's job is also to produce revenue for the program. So, as much as I think Coach does truly want to make this a home game at SEFCU, I also thinks he gets the economics. If this thing is a neutral game with 50-50 revenue split, he'd go for it, in my opinion.

    And frankly, that's what should happen.



    I agree with you. 100%.


    I can't believe some members on that site...they are some utterly rude and classless people online. Droppin f bombs, etc. I'm glad our forum (which isn't perfect) doesn't have any of that going on.


    The only point that I will agree with that was stated by a Siena fan is that we didn't sell out our part of the tickets...that's not good and gives Siena some ammunition. Our fans, aside from the ones on this forum, are pretty freakin terrible. Majority aren't very loud during the games. You only hear the same 8-9 people yelling at the action on the court (not necessarily at the refs but even to the players...'good shot Peter!', etc.). Our students are pretty lackluster as well. We have a pretty large enrollment, how are the student sections (when school is in session), not completely maxed out? You know how loud that place would get with a bunch of 18-22 year olds with great vocal chords making noise? Along with the stomping of the feet on the stands? Forget it. Place would be unbearable for opposing teams.


    That is my only issue with the state of UA...we don't have good fans/a good fan base. I can see why Siena looks down on us, as far as that is concerned and doesn't want to give us more tickets or a 50/50 revenue split. Frankly, our fans don't deserve it.


    Again...as we've all stated before, this may be something that Benson will begin to fix and we'll begin to sell out SEFCU...but right now I totally see their point of view on THAT issue.


    To be truthful over the years I've gotten to know some of those guys. They aren't all terrible humans. Lol


    The Tony guy is the one that brought up the point I talk about above...but that guy is crazy (based on the many pages of post I've read just about the last this game) and has the audacity to say Will is one? The same Will Brown who signed that JP kid out of charity to bring attention to his story? #noclass

  9. This comment on the TU article is dead on:

    "The model they should follow is the one Providence and URI used for years: keep the big arena and rotate the "home" team each year. But given how Siena keeps losing this one, perhaps a change of scenery to SEFCU might help them."


    Why not do that? That makes the most sense. The City of Albany wants the game at the TUC. It's the biggest venue/best money generator in the area. We'd be dumb to move it to tiny SEFCU.


    1) Alternate the home team and thus change the colors of the court, etc. (or make it a neutral court like just the standard blue NCAA one they using during March Madness).

    2) Split everything 50/50


    EDIT: By the way, for a bunch of adults, their site is FILLED with some really silly people...

  10. This post on their forum made me LOL:



    Not too late to go out and finish your Christmas shopping by picking up a few things for Coach Patsos. Here are a few suggestions:

    1) Coaching Basketball with the Coach's Clipboard Basketball Playbook

    Coaching youth basketball and high-school basketball is fun, and always a challenge. The Coach's Clipboard Basketball Coaching website and Basketball Playbook are here to help! This free basketball coaching website was designed as a resource for youth and high school basketball coaches and players.

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    2) A large mirror that will clip onto the back of the bench to allow "Coach" Patsos to watch the game in progress while he squats and berates players and coaches on the bench,

    3) A compass/GPS unit to orient the coach - e.g., North-South - the common main direction of movement on offense (assumes baskets are in the North and South pole positions), and East - West - the cross court motion that leads to the locker rooms!

    4) A book of matches to enable him to burn the motion offense playbook left by a former Siena HC - it didn't work then and it ain't working now

    5) A MAAC calibrated ruler to enable him to measure Siena vs the teams that count in the MAAC - throw away the AE/UAlbany ruler, it's giving you bad data.
  11. Good game! Nice to see Singletary and Peter play well. Let's hope the slump is over. And they shot well from the line! I love to hear that there were play at sefcu chants.


    Agreed. Those two were the difference today.


    And I joined in on the students (our band) chanting Play at SEFCU. Felt so right. lol. Too bad it was after the game and most fans had left...they should have done it during the game.

  12. Ah, so they're generally still a bigger draw I guess. Do you know if they do more promotion in the area than we do? I'd imagine they have more money to spend.


    I regularly see a billboard on I-787 near Menands (heading south) with their stuff on it. I have only seen a billboard with UA stuff on it ONCE and if I recall it was on I-90 near Exit 5.

    UA does not market at ALL other than possibly in emails to students/alumni. The only other time I ever see anything about UAlbany is on the sports segments of the news (YNN seems to run stories about us the most).


    Like Dane96 says, lets give Benson some time, but the previous guy did CRAP for us marketing wise. Our marketing department needs a MAJOR overhaul (which I'm sure Benson will do) and we also need to get GOOD PRODUCT into peoples' hands not the stuff I bought (and returned yesterday) from the UAlbanySports store (sad excuse for jerseys if you ask me). I told the girl that took my return at SEFCU last night basically that (much nicer) and she thanked me for my feedback and said that that's the kind they want to hear. Not sure if it'll get anywhere...but if more people made a stink about the low quality stuff they sell us, maybe we'd get better quality stuff.


    Most of us are working adults with decent livings, I'm sure we can afford to spend $100 on jersey every 5-7 years...we spend that much if not more (yearly) on season tickets. I think I pay ~$260 a year for football and basketball.


    Sorry for going off topic a bit lol...anyone who reads this forum frequently knows I've been ranting about the lack of product for a long time.


    The more people that wear our gear out while going to get food, filling their gas, going to a movie, etc. the more interest we will garner from strangers passing by.


    I'm sure Benson has plans for marketing, product, etc. Like Dane96 said, we just need to be patient. That being said, I hope we HULK SMASH them tomorrow.




    So in summation,


    - The cup is now sponsored with Siena getting all proceeds

    - Our cheer and dance teams have to pay their own way into the game?



    Win and boycott the trophy presentation! Leave the trophy on the court symbolizing the end!



    THIS. Someone needs to talk to Brown and suggest this idea.


    If fans need to pledge money in order for the school to realize the deal is unfair, that's a problem.


    Agreed. Our AD should be doing a lot more to get this fixed. Us fans shouldn't need to do that. It's blatantly in LCC's favor (the deal).



    Brown doesn't have an option with this game it's an AD thing. And how do you/we know what Benson has and is doing? Give the guy a season to get it fixed..we are legally bound this year. I'm sure wheels are turning that this board doesn't and shouldn't know about right now until the decisions are in place.


    I was referring to accepting the trophy. I know it'll never happen, but for 5 minutes it was a great laugh and idea.

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