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Big Purple Fans
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Posts posted by Eli

  1. Yeah, that definitely is progress. But not everyone watches that...however many people (I'd assume) watch the news live in the evening. We need stories during those segments, IMO.

    We also need billboards which highlight things like the fact we are undefeated, etc. We should be on the majority of bill boards in the area. I take 787 from Albany to Cohoes at least once a week and take 87/90 from Selkirk to Schenectady every day and don't see anything UAlbany related. And none of that UA UKnow nonsense either.

  2. I think for the casual local fans, many still think LCC is the premier program. We need not only things like surveys, etc. but we need our local news stations to cover the team a bit more for the sports segments on the nightly news programs. I don't always watch the news, but the only time I ever see UA on the sports news is typically on YNN (or whatever it's called now). I rarely see WTEN, WNYT, etc. run a story about us.

    Going to the other thread, hopefully this new VP can get our information out there. I work for a company who's CEO is CONSTANTLY being interviewed for stories due to what he's been doing for the community, etc. If our PR department can accomplish that, a huge institution like UA should have NO ISSUES getting a news crew on campus.

  3. Yes, they do, to an extent. They go from the main podium into the old gym, and you come out right near the doors for the football lockeroom, or near the pool. From there, you can go up to the old gym, and out the doors to SEFCU. So for non-parkers, there is no excuse for getting to games.


    Hmm...I'd test this out but sounds like they are off limits to me, the student.


    I use the tunnels every day in the winter, no other way to get around campus if you're someone like me who belongs in the Florida sun lol.

  4. We should just get rid of SUNY period...convert all schools as has been suggested before. Just do away with SUNY period.


    Cortland University

    Oswego University

    Albany University

    Stony Brook University

    Binghampton University


    (or change those to University of * - similar to University of Memphis, University of Miami, University of Houston, University of Louisville, etc.)


    Etc. They can all be part of one system for accounting/state management reasons behind the scenes. But the names on degrees, websites, clothing, etc. needs to be individualized and not a 'system' name.



    SUNY Albany and all it's name variations carries a lot of history... some might say baggage. Rebranding is expensive and not a cure all but I think it's necessary if we want to grow beyond the boundaries of the 518. It's not like UAlbany hasn't changed its name several times in 150 years. At least 4 times?

    Six. It's been 29 years since the last official change. The longest any name lasted was 45+ years.


    New York State Normal School, May 7, 1844 - March 13, 1890

    New York State Normal College, March 13, 1890 - April 30, 1914

    New York State College for Teachers, April 30, 1914 - September 1, 1959

    State University of New York College of Education at Albany, September 1, 1959 - October 16, 1961

    State University of New York College at Albany, October 16, 1961 - August, 1962

    State University of New York at Albany, August 1962 - Fall 1986

    University at Albany, SUNY, Fall 1986 -






    LOL @ these:


    State University of New York College of Education at Albany, September 1, 1959 - October 16, 1961

    State University of New York College at Albany, October 16, 1961 - August, 1962


    University of NY College? LOL WUT?

  6. THIS IS AWESOME and just what need.
    Here is what I'd, personally, like to see happen:
    1) Officially, at MINIMUM in sports sense, we be known as UAlbany or just Albany. That's it. No University of/at Albany, not Albany University, not SUNY Albany, etc. No one says "Miami University". They say "Miami". Same for "Syracuse"...almost no one puts "University" at the end when talking about the school's sports teams.

    Too bad, as mentioned above, we'll never her the ability to call ourselves the University of NY. UF, UK...and UNY. Ahh, would be nice.
    Personally, I think the UA UKnow chant is dumb. It sounds like something a typical teen would yell...followed by a nice loud "YOLO!" lol. I'm in my mid-20's, but to me it sounds dumb. I much prefer the U....A chant that they used to do on opposite sides of the student sections a few years ago.
    2) We get some REAL, legitimate merchandise to spread the image. Meaning, real jerseys for at least football and basketball. Better hats, coats, etc. for the people that are into those things. Our lack of official Nike/Adidias/whoever apparrel is sad.
    3) We start posting more posters, etc. about our athletics in all parts of the campus. The lack of material on chalkboards, bulletin boards, etc. related to sports is insane. It's non-existent.
    4) PLEASE UPDATE OUR WEBPAGE. That thing looks like it was created on Lycos in 1992 (for those who remember what Lycos was). A great example is www.towsontigers.com. Also, if possible, change the domain name from UAlbanySports.com to something like www.AlbanyGreatDanes.com or www.UAlbanyGreatDanes.com.
    5) Fix our video feeds. No better way to bring in out-of-town fans (such as our alum who live in other parts of the nation) than to have a properly well developed video/audio feed. Many of us have complained about DaneZone in the past.
  7. No offense to the community, but I disagree. Students are known to be loud and into it.

    Do you know how many times I've been screaming my lungs out only to have the majority of the rest of my section sitting almost bored-like (people behind in the rows that are behind mine - the immediate group I'm in is pretty active)? I even had one lady tell me NOT to sing the "One Way" chant I sometimes do for the refs. Seriously? You want that place to be loud? You need the youngin's to be there. In my section, hardly anyone jumps up on a big play, etc.


    Also, I think students, even if it's for four years, have more riding on it than the average community fan. What is it? "School spirit" Some of our fans didn't even go to UAlbany (or worse yet, went to Siena). What is their incentive to get REALLY into it?


    I didn't get season tickets until I became a UAlbany night student...and honestly, my desire for all things UAlbany increased tenfold once I became a student.

  8. I don't remember that...from what I remember they were on UNH's side of the floor about to go back on offense. He didn't take him out right after Baker hit the FT's...Baker played that defensive possession, there was a foul, UNH guy went to the line, and Dallas came in. If it was right after Baker made FT's, I'd understand that...but this is why I'm not sure why he was taken out because we were about to get the ball if I remember correctly.

  9. Hartford is not going to win out.

    Baker to bench for defensive reasons.

    4 is the number if you assume New Hampshire finishes fourth.

    Last night we slowed things down too early and gave fouls too early(should have been just over or at mid-court) IMHO

    But a win is a win and today is a new day!!


    I believe he took him out while UNH was shooting free throws or had just turned the ball over and we were about to go on offense.

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