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Big Purple Fans
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Posts posted by Eli

  1. Great comments all. Food - Sedexo needs to be negotiated OFF the athletic venues. Beer, ... a renovated SEFCU should have a beer garden in the arena. Students - it takes a Growl like effort to get significant student participation -the why of that occupies many good minds on campus. Parking - free parking 1/4 mile away on a freezing night does not incentivize me to go and yes that is enough to keep casual fans away.

    It's all about the experience so lets summarize =blah food and no beer to make that not matter, half +empty seats, inconistent team during regular season with a style of play only die hard bball fans appreciate, and if first and last impressions matter - a freakin long cold walk back to the car. That's enough to take the shine off an evening and give the edge to what ever else is going on.


    I agree with this. I've started paying for parking because that walk is BRUTAL. Imagine having a game last night...I probably would have stayed home.





    People don't like facts that get in their way of complaining on this board , so watch out.



    I don't drink, so I could care less about alcohol. I was only agreeing with what was said. I have no idea what is or isn't sold in the HoF room.


    And you always post this 'complaining' tid bit. This is a fan board of anything/everything having to do with UAlbany it seems (even the off topic stuff like the Law School). If ANYTHING, the school should be reading this damn thing on the daily. I know if I was a business owner and I heard about a forum talking about my product, I'd be scopin that shiznit out to see what's being said...even if it's 'anonymously'. Every day.



    I do recall someone saying, at one point, that at least some of the Athletic Department was reading this forum. That's a start. Now get Benson, the Pres, etc. to read it.



    UA has been anti jock forever. I don't know why. It is exciting to watch talented athletes perform. A university as large as Albany should have a diverse student population. There is nothing wrong with recruiting academically qualified students who enjoy playing and watching sports in their spare time. Just as I hope the university will recruit students who like music, the performing arts and other outside activities. And, it my years on campus I don't remember a single professor who encouraged school spirit. It would help if some of the professors wore school colors and attended games and talked about games and teams before class started.


    Yeah, that still doesn't happen lol. I have never had a professor say even 1 word about sports in the classroom (and I've been doing night school at UA since Fall 2010). And my major is IT related (where many of the professors are younger/more hip to the times)...


    That's my thing too though...there isn't flyers all over the place, or things on the boards. But, you walk into some lecture halls and there is frat flyers/stuff written in chalk on the board in the corner for a frat related event. Perhaps the Athletic Department needs to work with the frats directory to sponsor 'frat nights' or something...



    Can any fan 21+ enter the hall of fame room and purchase a beer? Can they bring it back to their seat? A food truck outside is not the answer, but neither are the current food options. Given the lack of a kitchen and other structural deficits I'm not sure what can even be done about the food. Although a few years ago there were at least some tasty pizzas for the AE Tournament. Where did those go? Those pizzas were good.


    Who cares what the other schools draw. I just want to see SEFCU paked as much as possible.



    A strong recreational sports program and strong recreational facilities will attract high school students who are interested in sports. Attracting students who have a predisposition to watching sports and being fit is one way that I would go about improving interest in athletics on campus.


    Problem is unless Benson talks his superiors into doing that, it likely won't change. Right now, students need to attract other students by word of mouth. And also they need to feed these kids possibly as part of a trade off to get them in the seats. Yeah they have meal plans, but even Shabazz Napier (from UConn - now on my NBA team Miami) said he would go to bed hungry. Free food would get at least a couple more butts in the seats, I'm sure. And not just pizza, give them some soda/candy too lol.


    As a person who's a bit older and had to figure out what to do without measly e-mails. What would you suggest? Solutions are needed, not complaints. Incentives? Do you get incentives to attend or watch other events? I enjoy rooting for my alma mater, and seeing exciting sporting event. Isn't that enough? What incentives do the students at other schools get?
    I think it is sefcu. Siena only draws students because of the ability to sell booze and the accessibility to bars after the game




    Coming from another side of this...


    Some people aren't sports fans. UA isn't a sports school, so when kids in highschool apply, they aren't applying because they want to watch football or basketball. If I live in NY and I'm a huge college sports fan I'm going to apply to Syracuse ( I don't like saying that but it's reality). Many alums I know just aren't sports fans and never were in school either. No matter how much you advertise or entice some people just don't enjoy sports. At some point highschoolers who apply for colleges may know UA as a sports school, and then maybe we'll see in increase in students coming to game, but you can only do so much. You can't force people to come to something they might not enjoy.


    Not saying they aren't doing enough, but I do know they do try.



    ***This is all my opinion, people can disagree with me if they want***




    Well, weren't they doing a 'come to the game, get free pizza thing' last year or the year before for basketball? Why not keep that going for, say, half the games (hasn't happened this year as far as I know)? They already do the thing where if you swipe your ID as you come in you get 'points' which are used for who knows what (I don't use my ID because I'm a season ticket holder).


    Obviously I agree with the general sentiment that if we can maintain consistent success we'll attract not only students but regular fans but still.


    The way I see it as, at least with football, MANY MANY kids go to friday night HS games with their friends just to chill. Hell, I've had friends who don't know the first thing about ANY sport come to two UAlbany FB games already just for the 'environment' (because I talk it up so much). There is no reason why these casual HS fans can't maintain their 'just going to have fun with friends' attitude in college. Problem is, they must not be enticed enough to make the trek from the dorm to the court, or what have you. This is where alcohol likely comes into play once a person reaches college, more on that below. We all know kids leave home and go to school far away to get away from the parents and to party...because that's what 'college is about' (really sad, IMO).


    UAlbany, at least from my times on campus (2-3 times a week for a couple night classes), has a SERIOUS lack of school spirit. Again, as you've said, we aren't a sports school...so maybe it's apples to oranges, but I'm sure if you go to any decent sized school (not the Syracuses of the world), that also has decent sports, you'll probably see logos for the mascot etc. I don't seem to get that feel from being on campus. Maybe in the campus center, but just barely. Everywhere else, all you see is frat posters, etc.


    As for alcohol, I'm definitely sure that plays a role. Seems like all of my peers just wanna drink lol. It's all I heard about in the latter parts of HS and throughout college. Walk into a class early, and all you hear kids talking about is this party, that party, this booze, that booze. As someone who doesn't drink at all (not exaggerating), it's actually pretty freaking lame if you ask me. But whatever, that's just my opinion. At the same time, I never hear anyone talking about the sports teams. I don't hear, "Hey, did you go the game this weekend?"


    After what happened after the Siena game last year (accident), I'd prefer it if alcohol was banned from every sporting venue in the US but that will NEVER happen due to the amount of money it brings in. I usually wait for traffic to clear or try to beat it so I don't have to contend with slightly buzzed (or REALLY hammered) drivers. It's really disappointing to know that, as UA 08 says, if they sold beer many more upperclassmen would come to the games.

  3. Wow since our loss to Holy Cross, they have has lost 7 of their last 8 with their one win being a win over NJIT.


    And most of those losses aren't even close:


    @Sacred Heart - 81-68
    Hartford - 79-61
    @ Canisius - 67-48
    @ Pitt - 58-39
    BU - 75-72 (OT)
    American - 53-49
    Colgate - 74-60 (we won against Colgate 75-71)
    How did we get smoked by this team?
  4. I saw some Guilderland players at the game tonight but didn't see Platek. I think I saw Andrew Sischo. Not sure if anyone is recruiting him but he is a big lad. A

    Was he in jeans and a red Guilderland jacket? With his father? Noticed that kid too...very big. But honestly, didn't look that athletic/basketball player like to me. I thought he was actually a Guilderland linemen or something.

  5. In what may or may not be related to the need for renovations, 16 of the 18 lights above the court went out with 7 1/2 minutes to go in the women's game today. (The scoreboards and lights over the bleachers stayed on.) It took ten minutes or more before they began to relight, and another ten for the lamps to warm up.


    Benson was in the house to witness it.


  6. Does anyone else think it's beyond stupid for the locker rooms (for teams that play at BoFo) to be in this proposed field house? I know I hate that walk. Why not build a small building at the other endzone (behind the scoreboard) where the football teams will have a visiting and home locker room. Boom, done. And then, when we expand BoFo, build seating on top of that building. I realize this would make the current purple ramp useless, but having the players basically go from the Dutch Quad to the Stadium is dumb.




    The only bummer tonight, we don't have a game for over a week. The way we're playing now I wish we could schedule someone sooner!


    Nice scoring from Singletary plus he had 5 assists. He's really coming on.


    Season-high in blocked shots for Sam tonight.


    One of the things we were talking about tonight is Ray Sanders is guarding without fouling now and keeping himself in the game.

    If I recall correctly, one or two of Sam's blocks were from hustling back on defense and sprinting into the play to make the block. Very nice to see the aerobic fitness and hustle like that in December.



    Two. He had three total by my count.


    One or two of his three I believe is what he's saying...



    I know. I said he had two of the 'chase down' variety and three total...

  8. Singletary's hot hand leads UAlbany past Fairfield - Troy Record


    “Schematically, I gave these guys too much too soon,” Brown said. “We’ve simplified some things and made our defense much more vanilla, just focusing on basics, guarding and competing. We’ve got nine new guys and five of our top nine are freshmen and sophomores so I wanted to make things a bit more basic, less thinking and just competing and grinding. They’re starting to figure it out.”


    Singletary saves best for last - Times-Union


    "It's all about fit," Brown said. "We have great kids in our program and that is never going to change. We do our homework. When you get a junior college kid, I look for guys who I think can really help us for two years. You have to be smart about it. Evan was one of the best point guards in the country at the junior college level a year ago, and you get a lot of freedom. A lot of 110-106 games, a lot of matador defense being played. I told Evan when he came here that he had to be an extension of the coach, and I think that scared him."




    The only bummer tonight, we don't have a game for over a week. The way we're playing now I wish we could schedule someone sooner!


    Nice scoring from Singletary plus he had 5 assists. He's really coming on.


    Season-high in blocked shots for Sam tonight.


    One of the things we were talking about tonight is Ray Sanders is guarding without fouling now and keeping himself in the game.

    If I recall correctly, one or two of Sam's blocks were from hustling back on defense and sprinting into the play to make the block. Very nice to see the aerobic fitness and hustle like that in December.



    Two. He had three total by my count.

  10. while the record isn't where anyone wants it to be, having 9 new kids playing does need time...."hopefully" we are starting to see TIME beginning to pay off!!!


    Honestly, I think this is what we're seeing. It's like when my Miami Heat put together the big 3 and went 9-8 the first month or so of the season. People said they were a HUGE disappointment. And then 2 years later they won 27 games straight, getting the best from everyone, every night (opponents). It's all about building chemistry with your teammates, etc.


    Definitely takes time. Especially now since the kids are traveling less and have more time at 'home' and for practice...not surprised to see them start to make a turnaround. We all, me included, sometimes forget those little details during losing streaks...


    What was he suspended for? Don't have time to go read their forum.


    This hasn't been answered yet...timing may suggest grades but there is a rumor he got married 3 weeks ago. Not sure really...



    From the T-U blog


    "This was done with Patrick and our team’s best interests at heart,” Siena head coach Jimmy Patsos said in a school news release. “It wasn’t one incident; he just needs to take some time away from basketball and refocus his priorities. It’s not an easy decision to make, .... There are standards and expectations everyone is expected to meet.”

    Siena said Cole is welcome to return to school when classes resume on Jan. 12."


    Earlier this year pool sat out because he punched another team member...Wolfe was run off...that program is coming apart at the seams.




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