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Big Purple Fans
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Posts posted by Eli

  1. Why not make an off-topic sub-forum like virtually every other forum I've ever been on where all the other 'garbage' goes? That way people like BDSH can not get in a tizzy by never going to that section.

    I can talk NFL other places, yes, but I can't talk NFL with THESE people in those other places. That's the part that BDSH is missing. No one is holding a gun to anyone's head telling them, "You MUST open the NE Patriots thread and read it!"...just ignore it and move on to a thread that interests you.

  2. lol...no one has to read this thread.

    Just like I ignore 99.9% of the Softball/Field Hockey/Baseball threads...this one can be ignored by anyone who doesn't care about the superbowl.

    We're all one internet 'family' here...but it's a bit crazy to demand only UA related topics.

    Perhaps we should create an 'off-topic' sub forum?

  3. Being played? Do you mean...being trolled? (welcome to the internet)

    I couldn't care less about New England...in fact, I'm waiting for the day Bill and Tom leave and you guys become mediocre again, similar to the Pre-Bill/Tom days.

    It was a great game unlike last years laugher...had me on the edge of my seat. But anyone who says it wasn't Pete's fault, was NE's masterful defense, or was Wilson's fault...is a fool.

    This was all on Pete, and Butler made a great play. Simple as that.

  4. We've all seen the commercials...I like this comment from ESPN:

    "I'm Rob Lowe and I have Direct TV.

    I'm incredibly stupid Rob Lowe and I call a pass play when I have the most powerful running back in the NFL one yard away from winning the Super Bowl for me, and I have cable. (Hey, Pete. Don't be THIS Rob Lowe!)"

  5. Please explain how he blundered the crap out of the play? It was a designed slant (that was his ONLY option) and his pass was fine but Butler made a great read. Wilson did nothing wrong, Butler did everything perfectly. There is a reason why Brady (Mr. Dink n Dunk) has made a living out of the slant pass with Welker and now Edlemen. It's like the freakin hook shot in basketball, can't defend it. Pretty much guaranteed yards. Very rarely do you see a player (Butler) make that kind of play so close to the line of scrimmage on a slant because the ball is in there so quick (as opposed to him having the time to recover on a 10-15 yard slant route which takes longer to develop). Butler knew where that ball was going, simple as that...and credit is due there.

    BUT, this still goes back to Pete C. He should have never let that play be called. So, again, thank Pete for being an idiot because without him, you are 0-3 in your last 3 superbowls and still 0-for in the last decade+.

  6. And lynch was given an opportunity on 1st down and he didn't score.

    Nothing wrong with mixing up the play calls, as everyone was anticipating a handoff.

    Blame it on their hotshot qb, the one that says he wants 6 superbowl wins. He threw the interception.

    You're telling me you're 100% certain that a runner of Lynch's ability wouldn't be able to get 1 yard on 4 attempts? That is a 4 down territory...if anything you throw a screen pass or something but not a freakin slant route. This is 99% on the coaching and 1% on Butler making a great read. They said it was for time management purposes...then freakin take a knee.


    I think every player wants to win a SB ever year...what's wrong with that? This is Lebron James (not 1, not 2, not 3, etc.) all over again. More than likely he answered a question the media asked anyway, tongue in cheek. Wilson has a long long career ahead of him. Whose to say he won't tie or beat Brady's records? Let's see how Wilson's career shakes out when he's 38.


    This was an amazing game ruined by a bad coaching decision. Simple as that. Pete Carroll bailed out your team and instead of laughing at Wilson, you should be sending a bouquet of flowers to Pete.

  7. NE can thank Pete for that gift. That call will go down in history as one of the worst. They will talk about that call 50 years from now. Totally bailed the Pats out.

    I'm a Jets fan, I was jumping in my seat when Kearse caught that crazy pass...I thought for sure Lynch would finish them off and I LOVE seeing the Pats lose when it matters (even though they are a world better than my team). Ugh.


    Like people have said in the past, they need to focus on getting the surrounding communities in to games. If it means lowering ticket prices then so be it. You can probably make back or break even with the amount of $5 tickets than the $15 they charge. You'll have more fans in the seats for sure. 4K would be nice for a Weds game against UNH.


    Getting 4k/game to the rest of the home games this season would be awesome. I think it's not too far out of reach as long as they are winning and playing well.




    Stony Brook




    I've sent my thoughts to the athletic department on this including things like "Family Night". Pick a weekend game and kids under 12 get in free of for $5 or something with paying parent(s). Pick a weekday game and get an electronic store to sponsor an Xbox/PS4/iPad/iPhone raffle for students only. Maybe school pays half the cost of the item and store gets sponsorship credit. There have got to be more ways to get people to games than hit some 3 pointers for a TV which no one seems to win. PACK THE HOUSE!!!



    Someone won that TV last game. I think the warranty expired in the last decade...hahaha.

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