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UAlbany Athletics- America East-
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Everything posted by dslyank

  1. My account now seems to reflect the correct amount owed. I am going to wait a few days before I pay. Especially since my required GDAC simply shows as an addition to the ticketed amount. Technically it should show as a donation to the UAlbany Foundation. In the past, paying for tickets, I was required to enter my credit card twice; once for the seats to UA Athletics and once to the Foundation. Also, the foundation payment was always allowed to be paid in installments and we were allowed to delegate the GDAC amount/s to sports of our preference. So far I have NOT seen that flexibility in the "new" program. Perhaps when I actually do make the payment, I'll see a similar breakdown. But I doubt it. Also, I got a bad feeling I'll be needing to contact Justin about "parking priority." The new system does not seem to mention it in any way? What a disaster. Like Jimbo says perhaps "the check in the mail" system is the only hope for the future. {ps. with USPS and its issues, I might recommend for those who can, try check hand delivery.}
  2. Got an email from Nate he is working on resolving the issues. Hopes to have things in order early next week????????? Nate & Erica have always been super helpful. I don't envy them trying to work with this new system. Justin Brown also. Last month Justin told me he is more frustrated than me with the new system. Pretty hard to be more frustrated than us fans; but I guess they have to deal with all of us and are saddled with this monstrosity of a program.
  3. FYI all. Got an email today saying football balance and GDAC can now be paid. Linked to my account, but did not see how or where to pay the GDAC? Also, 10% SENIOR discount not applied. I emailed Nate; have not received an answer yet.
  4. The PLL is a joke. IMHO you could not pay me to watch. Professional Wrestling, Exhibitionism call it what you like. Not my thing. Glad you enjoyed though! ps. Newspaper Sports pages (the one's I have checked at least) never post scores, schedules or standings. Even ESPN rarely if at all has anything on the PLL. USA Today, I do not see it much; but when I have nada.
  5. Was pretty disgusted with Gattuso's comment that he would NOT enforce covid vax. He trusts his players to do the right thing for the team. He is the leader and if the season is lost or significant players are quarantined, and games are lost because of this {or worse people die}, IT IS ON HIM! I get the whole liberty and personal freedom thing; but there comes a point IMHO where our leaders must take charge and mandate for the GOOD of the ALL. And I say this for leaders across the country not just Gattuso. This covid thing has gone on too long because of the feeble excuse "its my personal freedom." Not that anyone is asking anyone to cut off an arm or a leg; and the military draft was ended what 50 years ago. Jesses just asking people to get a shot to protect themselves and OTHERS and if they don't believe the SCIENCE maybe its time to mandate they comply. END OF RANT.
  6. Not that pre-season polls mean anything?? But looks like the CAA thinks the "spring season" was more in-line with who/what UA is, than the "one" good season they had in the past seven. i.e. 2019 a FLUKE??
  7. Whenever I try to link to instagram; it asks me to log-in. I tried the Volleyball link again just now--asked me to log-in. Perhaps there is a way to see the link without logging in? But I'm perfectly fine waiting for the UA athletic web page to catch up. Actually I am perfectly fine with just NOT using instagram at all.
  8. I would be OK with this, if STUDENT support was more respectable. It has been years since I've noticed any real UA student excitement about UA athletics! Those who read this blog and follow UAlbanySports.com are the ones showing up at UA events. Without us, the stands would be emptier than they are now. As Oldtimer said: "Why do we have to sign up on Instagram for the schedule??" Whoever runs the web site [UAlbanySports.com], simply needs to do a BETTER Job of keeping fans up-to-date with rosters, schedules, news etc. Then again NOT likely that is going to happen, given the state of UA marketing and communication since Voldemort {"he who is not too be me named"--for you non Harry Potter fans} took the reigns.
  9. +1. Made my $50 football downpayment over a month ago. No explanation when and how to pay the balance and when and how to pay the"required" GDAC. When you look at the portal; it looks like I'm paid in full? What a deal!
  10. UAlbany Athletics- America East- SOCIAL MEDIA: UAlbany Facebook- UAlbany Instagram- UAlbany Twitter- UAlbany Blog- MEDIA: Albany Student Press- America East TV- ESPN3- Schenectady Gazette- The Team 104.5 ESPN Radio- The Team 104.5 ESPN Radio Archive interviews- Times Union College Sports- Times Union Sports- WCDB- WOFX 980- FALL SPORTS LINKS: CAA Football- WINTER SPORTS LINKS: College Insider- Pomeroy Ratings- Real TimeRPI- SPRING SPORTS LINKS: Inside Lacrosse- Lax Power Backup Stick- OTHER FORUMS: America East Forum- Any Given Saturday Forum- Championship Subdivision forum(1-AA Discussion) The Hen House - Siena Forum- Stony Brook Forum- Vermont Forum I think what a lot of us our trying to say: the very first thing on the top of this blog is a link to UAlbanySports.com; followed closely by Social Media links and numerous other links, that blog members may be interested in. Pretty nearly everyone looks at these links and are at least aware of them before or after or while reading this blog. Some have their favorite social media outlets; some don't use/like social media at all. Each to their own taste and preferences of ways to get UAlbany news and information. But I think everyone would agree that there is NO NEED to rehash or post event dates, scores, news that is already listed and readily available on UAlbanySports.com and many other media outlets. If you have something/s to ADD or contribute to an event, a score, a news article PLEASE ALWAY DO SO; but just to announce something that 99% of the people on this blog already know or can easily access if interested; serves no useful purpose IMHO.
  11. A fine IMHO is the least of UA's problems. Typically, the men's program will be forced to reduce the # of scholarships they can offer to bring it inline with the women's number of scholies. Could also be a penalty faze where the men may be required to have a LESS scholarship ratio for a period of time This means cutting programs OR playing handicapped with less scholar athletes for men. The alternative is of course adding women's programs; but $,$$$,$$$,$$$ you can guess how likely of that happening. I am sorry to sound like a doom sayer. This is all speculation on my part; but I'm guessing the NCAA was waiting or hoping the courts would bale them out. Now they HAVE to do something?? They cannot simply IGNORE a TTTLE IX violation indefinitely. Anyone like to add anything or disagree. PLEASE DO SO! Loved to be wrong about all of this.
  12. The way I read the ruling: The court said UA was already non compliant of title IX; the dropping of tennis certainly made the situation worse. However, no specific prejudice was applied to tennis or the coach and the court saw no valid reason to reinstate. Also, since a remediation plan was put in place reinforced their decision to not reinstate. Now it is up to the NCAA to respond to the failure to remediate; and IMHO it will be nasty. However, knowing the wishy washy nature of the NCAA who knows.
  13. But TITLE IX issue persists. Still NOT in compliance. Missed deadline for remediation: HEAVY FINES, PENALTIES & even suspensions & probations a REAL possibility.
  14. I was told Neuline was bought out and they more than doubled their cost to UA. I was told UA could simply "not afford" the new Neuline. How the he¬¬ much can a ticket service possibly cost? Besides we pay a fee/service charge every time we order tickets??????
  15. IMHO D'Argenio just blowing smoke. No mention in the article about the elephant in the room--lcc coming to SEFCU every other year. No talks or contracts can even be discussed until this issue is resolved and in the TU article sited above the biggest issue/obstacle is NOT even mentioned?? Tells me D'Argenio just looking for some press and the TU happy to provide free advertising. HOME AND AWAY OR NOTHING!!!!!!!!
  16. Looks like one of my major gripes has been partially addressed. Reset of shot clock after a legit shot will be 60 seconds. Rules committee said this was the original intent, but technical & money issues made a for straight 80 second clock. Even though 2022 is not a rules change year; the committee felt for the sake of "pace" and the original intent, the rule change will be implemented immediately. I think they are finally admitting the 80 sec. clock has NOT improved PACE; which I have complained about since shot clock day one. IMHO a 60/40 clock would be even better yet; but I'll take what they are giving at least.
  17. OK. I made a $50 deposit. My usual seat was listed; but NO total price was listed and NO required GDAC amount specified. I'll play their game; but how lame is it to request a deposit without specifying the actual sales price??? Also, as I recall GDAC runs on a fiscal year beginning 7/1, so any GDAC donation made now will be only credited to 2020-2021 season and NOT meet requirements for 2021-22 season. So if you were thinking about making a GDAC payment along with your deposit, I recommend you wait a month or so. or at least until the final ticket amount comes due [whatever that amount is??????????]. Update sorry: Found total price by clicking on General Public Ticket sales.
  18. YES. Did NOT get the email. Ticket portal still screwed up and GDAC & points also. I have been in contact with Nate & Justin Brown on several occasions recently. They both HAVE my correct email I assure you. Last contact with Nate--"optimistic" portal up by June; Justin NOT at all optimistic about portal being synced and correct priority {seating assignments, parking, etc.} Justin says "don't worry", they have the old files manually in the office. Well I worry twice as much when someone tells me don't worry, especially when there appears to be NO paper trail to look at/confirm. As far as tickets portal June 2, we'll see?????? At this point I would be very skeptical about laying down $500+ bucks for GOLD seating priority or whatever. Even your email link cautions about where you might be seated? How lame is that? ps. As skeptical as I am, just to let you know I paid my entire 2020-2021 GDAC GOLD requirements/pledge without seeing a single game, except for sneaking behind the fence for lacrosse. Also, still have rollover $s from lacrosse seats from Spring 2020. I firmly believe in supporting UA Athletics, but my patience is running thin on the in-competencies in the athletic department and that starts at the top (you all know my feelings there.) We are a year and ½ into covid and starting to come out hopefully; HOW FREAKIN LONG DOES IT TAKE TO SET UP A TICKET/DONATION PORTAL; and don't get me started on communication issues and scheduling options and alternatives?????????
  19. $25 -$60+ for Friday; $45-70+ Saturday; $40-60+ Sunday. I can't wait until the PLL folds; when people come to see it for what it is: ex·hi·bi·tion·ism; aka WWF. One owner league with NO home team or allegiances. Barnstorming went out in the what 30's 40's? At some point NBCsports streaming is going find some real league to spend their money on. Perhaps I am 100% wrong, but I would not pay anywhere near these prices to see the PLL. Don't/Won't watch them on TV and that's free more or less. ENJOY those of you who do go!!
  20. I agree with you 100%. Cheer should BE a Varsity Sport and receive the respect they earn by the athleticism and dedication to their craft. My negativism was @ the NCAA, not at you and not at cheer team at all. Sorry you took it wrong; was being perhaps a bit too tong-&-cheek when I said it should not be discussed on a SPORTS blog.
  21. 2 more old guard protections and really biggies: Scott Marr with a lot of agreement across the country has been trying for years to get a later start date for the season. Un-official guess 70+% of teams support this. ACC cannot do; it would cause the season to go beyond Memorial weekend and TRADITION dictates. How lame is that. Ncaa again caves to them; even though multiple other sports compete into June. Also, as an alternate many northern schools have asked for expanded Fall Ball. ACC strongly against; especially Duke who has some “FAMOUS” pre-season prep program they do no want to change. They rarely have scrimmages & think others should also not I guess. Think I’m making up this “famous” system. Look it up. Anyhow IMHO blocking enhanced fall ball is just another way of blocking the little guy.
  22. Cheer is not a Varsity sport per the NCAA (@holes). Many schools UA included have petitioned for years to have it included; especially to help with title IX requirements. Ncaa says no-no-no. Another example of only helping the BIGS & power conferences. Henceforth no reason to have it included on this blog or UAlbanysports.com. It is NOT a sport. Don’t like that; contact the ncaa & good Luck with that!!
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