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Everything posted by dslyank

  1. Actually overall I thought UA played pretty well. Offense will be as good or better than ever {final four year excluded.} Defense as usual will be the BIG question mark????????Ramos looked good after his slow start; even spectacular @ times. Two or three others used, all made some tough saves and tough to tell if goals allowed were their faults or not. But other than Ramos, all the goalies seemed to have issue with their clearing passing. BU was a monster of a team and when I commented they had to out weigh us 20 lbs per man, a father I was sitting next to said maybe 30. This initially caused some issues with UA's clearing game; but when UA stoped trying to run threw & over them, UA was much more successful. UA was definitely superior to BU, passing, making plays and finishing. BU scoring was a lot of one on one and brute force. Like last weeks alumnae game, UA seemed to be making a conscious effort to NOT slide defensively. I am sure this caused some goals in both games; I am NO expert but I think working on sliding less or at least when to and when not too will benefit UA's defense in the long run. Regan looked very good at the X; except he appeared to be favoring a leg a couple of time running off the field [looked like cramping maybe]; but one point he had to helped off with looked like a knee injury {but he did return later.} #27 & 36 both took a lot of FO's with mixed results. 27 appears very quick but is small and gets beat up physically and had numerous face-off faults (maybe he is too quick for the officials?) As mentioned in my other posts he had back to back 30 second penalties in the second game. The starting attack and second attack if you will were awesome. The midfield seems deep with a lot of weapons; some issues with clearing; but once on offense they can score and pass. #22 Jacob Moran was very impressive, as were a number of other of the new middies. Did not see Peter Salit at all who often started last year. The real question can any of the middies play defense and help the in-close guys who appear in need of a lot of HELP. #41 Winky-Wade a 6'5" attack might be fun to watch. Don't think he played much early; but in the second game they were feeding him high [almost like Ali-ops in BB]; he fanned on a couple but also nailed a couple in.
  2. Well @ least we won the STATS: Total Yards 231 308 Pass Yards 182 151 Rushing Yards 49 157 Penalty Yards 3-27 4-45 1st Downs 15 18 3rd Downs 1-10 2-14 4th Downs 0-1 4-6 TOP 25:00 35:00 Coach has been complaining about turnovers and penalties. No TO's at all this week. And 45 yds in penalties NOT awful {fyi last week UA only had 29 yds in penalties to Villanova's 110 yds}. My point, the kids have been playing their hearts outs and except for 3rd down efficiency have been improving what coach has been complaining about. IMHO coach/staff is just NOT giving them the calls/plays/tools to be effective. I did not see yesterdays game [I was @ Lacrosse @ Affrim's]. IMHO you can argue is there enough talent on this team to win? If there is or not, blame still falls on the coaching staff; for not giving them the right plays at the right time with the right people. I.E. FIRE THEM ALL NOW. AD included/especially--all he has done is bring mediocracy or worse to every single sport on campus. {perhaps excluding track--but even there cracks seem to be appearing??}
  3. Anyone know why UA scrimmages are always closed & always a SECRET? While lcc scrimmages are called exhibitions, charge admission & reported on in TU??
  4. Games were played @ turf fields outdoor @ Afrims. Game 1 UA vs BU. Side by side was Vermont vs Marist. In game 1 UA fell behind immediately 0-5; but got going and qtr scores were 3-5, 4-3, 6-3, 3-5; for a 16-16 tie. I actually had the score 18-17 UA. In game 2 UA again immediately fell behind by 4 and lost by that exact amount to Marist—2-5, 5-3, 3-5, 1-2 =11-15. UA did use a lot of 2nd & 3rd string in game 2. Also, gave up 3 straight goals in the 3rd period because of 2 straight 30sec face off penalties. On the other field Vermont beat Marist 18-7 I think. And then BU beat Vermont by 3 or 4 I think. Will write some comments & highlights tomorrow and hopefully others @ the game will also!
  5. ++. How short sited is that. I spent many a night swimming and relaxing in the pool in my days @ UA. While I would not say it was packed with people; there was always a nice crowd; even got/had a couple dates by being at the pool. Maybe kids now a days don't swim anymore?? Seemed having a pool was a good selling point for prospective students. Not a deal breaker for sure; but in this day and age with enrollment issues ALL over the country, seemed to me a nice perk.
  6. I am more concerned about Lacrosse than football. More & more schools in the Northeast & Midwest have or are building indoor lax fields because of the cold & unpredictable weather. Pretty hard to compete against the southern teams when practice begins early January and the season early February. Even late Feb. and March in the Northeast can/is brutal. If UA ever hopes to recruit the talent needed, and get the required work & practice needed, to get back to the final four: THEY ABSOLUTELY NEED A FULL SIZE INDOOR facility
  7. What is the point of making it 80%. If you cannot make it regulation for football, lacrosse & soccer why build it at all. Serves almost no purpose. I know can practice in it --"sort-off." IMHO if you cannot make it regulation size WHY bother spending the money???????????? Better off spending it elsewhere IMHO.
  8. Interesting that something is happening with the renovation program. I recall {probably incorrectly} that it was suppose to be completed by NOW??????? Anyone remember or know what else is ON the renovation program and TIME LINE?????
  9. I went to the alumni scrimmage last night. Not much gained to report. Played in a downpour mostly and players wore different numbers than the roster indicated and some #s used for multiple players. First observation #6 Regan Enders won every face-off he took--obviously he is definitely an upgrade over previous Danes at the X. #36 also took some face-offs but with mixed results. Will Ramos was introduced with the graduated seniors from the covid years in the pre-game ceremony . Scott gave a nice speech & introductions; but could't the university provided him a mike?? Only younger goalies used; Ramos did not play at all, plus being introduced with the graduated seniors--not sure what that means for this year?? NO DEFENSE was played what-so-ever which is pretty typical in a game like this.[at least no-one was needlessly sliding.] Passing was perhaps the worse I've ever seen--which is/was expected from the alumni; but even this early, is a little unsettling from the regulars. Offensively, #23 or maybe 24 nailed a couple really long range shots and #0 Pessemeti (I think) had some nice goals. Hogg & Tucker each had at least one. Did not see Yunker at all; not even sure he suited; but with number switching hard to tell. Scott did mention next weekends Fall Ball tournament. Boton U, Marist & Vermont I think; but did NOT offer any info on TIMES & PLACE?? Anyone else there last night want to ADD/DISAGREE/WHATEVER greatly appreciated!
  10. B4B {before Benson}: Dutch was ALWAYS FREE for Home Coming/Parents Weekend. I guess $Ben figures parents & alumni did/do NOT pay enough along the way.☹️
  11. 2018. As always, thanks for your insights and assessments. Have you heard any more about the alumni scrimmage? Is it still this Friday, and time/place??
  12. I have not heard or seen much. Guessing Doles gets the start @ the 3/4 over Neeley. Don't see true freshman get starting roles upfront @ UA very often; but with the new regime who knows. But still think Doles get the start, because with only one true center (Newman), pretty small in the middle. Maybe find out a little more this Saturday @ Purple Gold scrimmage?? Anyone know if it is still planned? Advertising and communication @ UA like always POOR. Killings seemed at first to be sending out lots of emails and his mentality posts. Not much since practice started for real. Don't blame him he has his hands fill coaching and building a team; but Benson and his "marketing"/"advertising" staff, I guess are too busy putting trying to justify/defend their football program.
  13. SAD for the kids. Hopefully the final straw for Gattuso & Benson. Less than 2 pages of posts. Like Clack; I missed the first half mowing the lawn. Wish I was 20 years younger; would have mowed my neighbors and missed the second half also😏😏
  14. 2022 Roster NOW up. Looks like stocking up on middies? Reading Bios, no one stood out as a "future star" {maybe Winky-Wade?}. Interested in your comments, seems you have/know more incites on recruits? Interesting, brought in another grad transfer goalie? Seems we could use HELP on defense; but I did not notice much there?? Hope I'm wrong.
  15. Has JU regressed to the mean? Throws an int in red zone & almost another.
  16. Agree 1000% RANT ON😖! Another of my pet peeves and I have plenty with this administration. Marketing, Communication and Promotion awful in all sports. About the only thing they do consistently is ASK for money. With the new ticketing program, they do not even do that well. {I paid for basketball without having to make my GDAC seat payment--I'll let them sweat awhile before letting them know I owe🥲.}
  17. Bob87 missed you @ Volleyball. lcc better than I expected. Perhaps UA women underestimated them also? It was a struggle at times; with UA seeming to turn it on when they needed to. It should NOT have been that close. I will say this lcc had great servers.
  18. We have a geographical recruiting disadvantage in the CAA; add in: Inept COACH & AD = IMHO cannot and never will {"maybe occasionally"} win in the CAA.
  19. I agree with all you say and LIKED your post. My argument is that the CAA does little or nothing to enhance UA “name recognition”. Nobody cares about FCS football. I doubt 10 people out of 100 could tell you N.Dakota State has won 8 of the last 10 FCS champs. And even if I’m wrong about 0 interest in FCS; what do you think UA chances are of ever winning the CAA or for that matter the FCS champ. My argument is spend the money on our AmEast squads where we are competitive and compete well and have many champs & NCAA appearances. I would NOT go DIII football; but go somewhere where we can save money & be competitive. The only option I see is the NEC; unless the north CAA teams split & form their own league. Anyhow thanks for your post.
  20. Full Fall Ball schedule posted on Inside Lacrosse: Oct. 23 — At Fairfield: Fairfield, Holy Cross and Manhattan (M) — At Ohio State: Central Michigan, Cincinnati, Kent State, Niagara, Ohio State and Pitt (W) — HEADstrong Men’s Colleluori Classic at Grove City: Cleveland State, Grove City and Seton Hill (M) — At UAlbany: Boston U, Marist, Vermont and UAlbany (M) Interesting Headstong Classic 10/17; UA has NOT been invited since we hosted (3or4 years ago) and IMHO Benson botched the thing by not allowing Casey or Fallon use.{Just Saying}
  21. I get lambasted every time I suggest getting out of the CAA {and that is fine; I respect everyone opinions & I am fine with being disagreed with.} But what UA & NYS budgets/allows for athletics, we will never be able to compete in that league. Go back to the NEC, spread the savings around IMHO.
  22. Issue is not getting the tickets INTO the APP; now that they got the account registration bugs out. The issue is getting the tickets OUT of the APP and into Appple Wallet or Google Pay. Also transferring tickets to another individual (coming separately or just giving tickets away) still also has/had some issues.
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