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Should Coach Brown care about the $iena game more?


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After not showing up to play last night, I am concerned that Coach Brown doesn't approach the $iena game the same way $iena approaches it. I think his 5-game losing streak and 1-7 record speak volumes about how he seems blind to the fact that the $iena game is as important as any conference game.


Yes, I know that Albany is pretty much a slave in that rivalry between $iena refusing to visit the SEFCU and that Jennings/Albany County whined to not make us walk. However, watching the last several years McCaffery and the $iena student body seem to take the game as seriously as if we were a MAAC rival. Brown looks at $iena as they were some major conference money game. Something about that is very, very wrong.


Am I nuts, or do I have a valid point? Vote away!

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If he really cares about the NC game, will we win it?


Somewhere lost in all this moaning and groaning is the fact that Siena is really good. They didn't get top 25 votes and all those preseason accolades for nothing. I'm not saying we couldn't have done better, or it was a tremendous effort, but we were a long shot at best. Without Ubiles, and shooting very poorly, they were in the GTech game until the very end. There's a long way to go, and we're a mont away from out first conference game. We've got a transfer and several freshmen getting major minutes. I'm going to give them a little more time to grow into the responsibilities.

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Just one person's opinion, but after last night's performance, I'm beginning to think that UA had experienced unusually close games that we had no right to be in. Coach Brown was able to come up with strategies that made the games much closer than they should have been. We simply are no match for Siena; that school simply has too many advantages over us year in and year out in this game.


The same goes for us in sports like volleyball and field hockey. Siena has no "right" to win those games.


The comment that Coach Brown doesn't care about the Siena rivalry is absolutely ludicrous. Does a father whose son contracts cancer care less about his child than a father of a healthy child? Is it the father's fault the son has cancer?

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I didn't see the loss as having anything to do with a lack of intensity by the coach or the players. The sad reality is there is a wide disparity in talent level between Siena and UA right now. R. Moore is a great point guard. He brings the ball up at 100 mph, and finds the open man without turning the ball over much. He makes everyone else on Siena much better. It looked like Will decided to pack in the defense and give up the outside shot in order to deny Rossiter and Franklin inside. Not a bad game plan (Siena doesn't shot the three that well), but Jackson was hot early, we were turning the ball over early and often, and Siena was off to the races.


The bigger concern was the inability to get good looks at the basket on the offensive end. Again, alot of credit goes to the unrelenting defensive pressure from Siena. I know the scoring problems have been hashed out at length here, but in our best years, we shot almost 40% from three as a team. With the current group of players, everything looks like a struggle, no baskets come easy. Recruiting good mid- major DI talent is an art, not a science, but something has been missing the last few years, and it seems we have squandered the recruiting opportunities which came from the NCAA years.

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but something has been missing the last few years, and it seems we have squandered the recruiting opportunities which came from the NCAA years.


Yocum, Anderson come to mind...we should have come away with more from those trips on the recruiting trail then we did. Opportunity lost....although I have to say, I really like this recruiting class.

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but something has been missing the last few years, and it seems we have squandered the recruiting opportunities which came from the NCAA years.


Yocum, Anderson come to mind...we should have come away with more from those trips on the recruiting trail then we did. Opportunity lost....although I have to say, I really like this recruiting class.


Doesn't change the point..but Yocum and Anderson committed before we won our first AE Title..Yocum was actually at the championship game.

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By the way..South Carolina lost today to major instate rival Clemson for the sixth consecutive year.


"In a big game like this just to see him struggle was a surprise," South Carolina coach Darrin Horn said. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncb/recap?gameId=293400228


Is it because Coach Horn doesn't care enough about the game?


I know there is massive hate between South Carolina and Clemson, but neither has the mass arrogance of the $iena base and that matchup is at least equitable. They at least alternate home court and if they did do a home and home the other would reciprocate. Also, I seem to remember that South Carolina beat Clemson at football a week earlier which kind of erases the sting especially in the football mad South.


A rivalry between two cross-state public universities is quite a bit different than a cross-town rivalry between a public university (seen by the provincial locals with indifference or as a "tax hole") and a small private college (where 90% of its alumni are locals which have an arrogance level matched only by Duke). The "MBB-Uber-Alles" state of the MAAC doesn't mean the "sting" from this eases away on our end because there in their mind this game is all that matters. Siena could choke the rest of the year in all else but the way things are set up this one game is made to be important than all others.

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I have no way of knowing how much Coach Brown cares about the Siena game or any other game. If he doesn't feel the intensity of the added media and a loud, near-full local arena then he's not in the right job.


I'm very disappointed. He's been outrecruited and outcoached and this is not where we expected to be at this point in time. Yes, we are a young team, but we were not just outplayed, we were pathetic.


Look back a few years at all the predictions of the demise of the MAAC and similar private school conferences and the ascendancy of the large public school conferences. Never happened. Siena has thrived and we are terrible. The MAAC has become increasingly better while the AEC runs in place.


The conference tournament is obviously the road to the NCAA tournament, but is it asking too much to hear Coach Brown at least acknowledge that there is some historical significance attached to the Siena game? I don't live in the area and admittedly don't follow as closely as most who write in here, but I can't remember Coach Brown ever truly tipping his hat to the alumni who comprise a significant part of the fan base.


The interview in the T-U with Will Harris during the weekend, was very telling. Asked to describe Coach Brown in one word, he responded, "sarcastic". When that is the one word anyone uses to describe a coach, or a teacher, or a father, or a leader - that is a problem.


IMO the problems at UA basketball are deep and disappointing.

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I have no way of knowing how much Coach Brown cares about the Siena game or any other game. If he doesn't feel the intensity of the added media and a loud, near-full local arena then he's not in the right job.


I'm very disappointed. He's been outrecruited and outcoached and this is not where we expected to be at this point in time. Yes, we are a young team, but we were not just outplayed, we were pathetic.


Look back a few years at all the predictions of the demise of the MAAC and similar private school conferences and the ascendancy of the large public school conferences. Never happened. Siena has thrived and we are terrible. The MAAC has become increasingly better while the AEC runs in place.


The conference tournament is obviously the road to the NCAA tournament, but is it asking too much to hear Coach Brown at least acknowledge that there is some historical significance attached to the Siena game? I don't live in the area and admittedly don't follow as closely as most who write in here, but I can't remember Coach Brown ever truly tipping his hat to the alumni who comprise a significant part of the fan base.


The interview in the T-U with Will Harris during the weekend, was very telling. Asked to describe Coach Brown in one word, he responded, "sarcastic". When that is the one word anyone uses to describe a coach, or a teacher, or a father, or a leader - that is a problem.


IMO the problems at UA basketball are deep and disappointing.



This will probably be the Kiss of Death for Will Brown- but really this thread has to be the dumbest thread ever ( at least up there) Do you think WB wanted to lose that game? Open your eyes- not a single Albany player would start for Siena WB has done a great job the last few years keeping the game close despite the obvious talent differential. Siena played well and Albany didnt- put them together and you have a blow out - Siena will blow many teams out this year- had Albany won this game it would have been a huge upset


As for the predictions of the AEs ascendancy and the MAAC demise- they were misguided at best- the MAAC is a better conference than the AE- plain in simple was that way 5 years ago 10 years ago- 20 years ago when Siena dominated the AE( then called the NAC) and will probably be that way 5-10-15 years from now. Doesnt mean you cant have good teams and good years in the AE- its a pretty good conference-with a lot of competitive balance. But the fact of the matter is Siena is going to have a talent advantage over UA almost every year as long as UA is in the AE


In closing you guys might have some issues with Will Brown but to say hes no good because he lost to Siena is the height of hypocrisy- I guess Iona doesnt care cause they have lost 7 in a row- or Niagara doesnt care because they have lost 6 of the last 8… and the coach at Ohio state and Vanderbilt must really not care to lose in the NCAAs to Siena



UA isnt the North Carolina or Duke of the AE enjoy your team watch them grow and hope for the best

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Brown cares, he just can't get the job done and gets waxed in this series every year. UA needs a better coach to bring in better talent. UAlbany is floundering right now and they really need to get their act together quickly under CB to even have a chance at the AE title.

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Brown cares, he just can't get the job done and gets waxed in this series every year. UA needs a better coach to bring in better talent. UAlbany is floundering right now and they really need to get their act together quickly under CB to even have a chance at the AE title.


What makes you think a new coach would bring in better talent? Maybe he brings in talent not as good. Who do you think UA should be recruiting against in recruiting battles?

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