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Big Purple Fans
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Posts posted by Eli

  1. Funny, i was messaging your brother about those screens. They looked fabulous on TV. Did they have more than one? I only saw one in the corner, and it translated to TV very well. Looked really large. It immediately made the SEFCU look much better.


    Yeah there was one kitty corner as mentioned. And I definitely agree about it making SEFCU look good. I caught myself watching the game on the screen a few times. For some reason, that side of the court though (section 600 side - the side with the team benches where the visiting fans usually sit) always seems to be on the emptier side than the section 200 side. Don't know why that is.


    Lots of fun and a good crowd. Beer room packed lol, yes I know where it is. The band is great! Crowds get quite during long stretches of no O and sloppy play but over all there was excitement.


    I am LOVING the band this year. I don't know if they are connected to the audio system, but they are WICKED loud most games. I was getting concessions one game and went back to my seat via the student section (by the way, good thing they don't allow alcohol in the arena...the student sections are STEEP lol) and it seemed like they were louder on the opposite side student section than they are from my seat in 200 (closer to the actual band).



    Place was great. I love it when the arena is full and we do the defense chant. The foot stomping REALLY makes that place loud.


    Also, THEY BETTER KEEP THOSE SCREENS THERE! They are awesome. BUT I wish they showed more replays of some of the fouls, etc. and I wish it wasn't a 2-3 second delay (due to the game being broadcast from CT).

    The feed was ESPNU so it was on them to show the replays which is more than we typically get with twc, can't complain about that. Are most live TV events delayed? I'll take the ESPNU stream delayed any day over the Dane Zone live stream feed lol.


    Still wonder who brought the screens in and if it was ESPNU and not the school..we shall see at the UVM game.


    Anyone find out at the game if they were permanent?


    Yeah, I know the feed was the TV one. It was just funky to see it be on delay a bit lol. According to Click, they are owned by us...so if that's the case, UA needs to leave them there permanently.


  2. Place was great. I love it when the arena is full and we do the defense chant. The foot stomping REALLY makes that place loud.


    Also, THEY BETTER KEEP THOSE SCREENS THERE! They are awesome. BUT I wish they showed more replays of some of the fouls, etc. and I wish it wasn't a 2-3 second delay (due to the game being broadcast from CT).

  3. Since billboards have been a topic on here and I know I see them often, but not everyone does.. I'll post that I saw another one today at the 90 east 787 intersection on the electronic billboard for "1st place men's basketball" for tonights game.


    Thanks. I've only been on the thruway this week, but nice to know they are actively advertising specific games and not just "We're here, come see us play!" and throwing in information like "1st Place", etc.


    Good stuff.

  4. One more thing. There's always a player on SB that irks me. A la tommy Brenton, but there's now a new one. It's kameron Mitchell. I don't know why. Just looks annoying and his dumb leggings he wears under the basketball shorts


    Also Scott King scores 12 pt after averaging 2 a season. Has a monster alley hoop. Had like 13 points in last 12 games. Just a killer.


    That was a sick oop, I will admit. I almost jumped out of my seat cause it was so nice.


    That being said, I liked that kid. He did a LOT for them this game...blocked a shot, played good D, hit a few big shots, etc.

  5. Whoever has that contract needs to go to back to web design school. I just finished a ton of web design related classes (I've been working in IT for a decade, went back to UA to get my BS which I'll be done with this December) and if I was still writing code to look like that, I'd get low marks. They need to really hit those sites hard with better CSS, implement HTML5, etc. There are TONS of new technologies/practices that we aren't using glancing over the source code of the pages.

  6. How much longer is the contract with SEFCU?


    It expires November 1st of 2016, as we signed a 10 year deal on November 1st, 2006. So, we're almost done.


    You thinking we can get a bigger sponsor (more revenue)?




    Some information about SEFCU Arena:

    • Opened: 1992 (ground was broken in 1990)
    • Official Capacity: 4,538
    • Construction Cost: $11M in 1992 dollars, ~$18.5M in 2015 dollars
    • Architect: Mesick Cohen Waite Architects
    • General Contractor: U.W. Marx Construction


  7. There needs to be a cultural shift, where students are indoctrinated to the sports programs even before they attend UA. Orientation should devote an entire day to athletics and really impress upon new students how important (and fun) attending games can be. Marketing needs to be all over Indian and State quads....flyers, email blasts, social media, etc. Have a party bus parked outside each quad before games and shuttle students to the BoFo/SEFCU/JFF in style. Set up a ticket center kiosk at Crossgates Mall as a way to recruit locals...somewhere centrally located, that also sells UA gear, hats, t-shirts, posters, etc. More (and better) in-game promotions and gimmicks. Make it feel like a true EVENT, not just a football or basketball game.

    I'm all about that post. +1

  8. (from a students perspective)

    • Solution for the emails: When a student enrolls, have a questionnaire on which they can check off things they are interested in and add them to those 'mailing lists'. For example, I couldn't care less about these brown bag or internship emails I get once a day from my department...but I'd definitely check the box for a football and basketball mailing list. If a student doesn't fill out the questionnaire, then default to sending notifications of big events such as BPG, homecoming, etc. (simply send those emails to the entire school and not a mailing list). Problem is, at least in the IS department, they have one mailing list for everything. I do agree that there are a ton of emails flying around, and your point definitely is yet another suggestion that has serious merit.

      I know we can do this on our season ticket profiles, but I don't know of a way to subscribe to certain mailing lists as a student.
    • Solution for apathy in relation to sports: Not a condition of hiring lol, but unlike high school...professors/teachers do not 'own' rooms. For example, in HS, Ms. Smiths room was always *insert location*. Every year. At UA, as far as I can tell (I've had some repeat professors), they get a different room for their particular class each semester. They might always be in the LC, but one semester could be LC 4 and the next LC 20. So, because they don't 'own' the rooms...allow the AD to post posters and/or signs on the doors of said rooms or even in the corner of the black boards at the front (similar to how some frats post a flyer on the board). I'd rather see a game poster there than a frat party. That way the kids who care about sports, will notice them, and pursue the 'information'. The kids/teachers that don't, will simply ignore them as I do with the frat posters.


    I agree that there is no silver bullet, and I will have to look for these billboards as I haven't noticed them (to prove my point or eat crow and stand corrected), but I do think more could be done from an area-wide marketing perspective. That is my $0.02 and we can agree to disagree. IMO, they are not doing enough. Obviously the budget is finite, but this is why I said that if UA athletics (meaning Benson and co.) truly desires to be bigger than they are...they need to start ramping up their efforts. Who knows, maybe Benson is working on a plan to do it. Maybe that plan is already being rolled out in segments (such as with the addition of the basketball show to go along with the football one). But up until now, it's still lacking. In my opinion.


    At the end of the day we all want the same things for our program. That we can agree on.

  9. Yes a very dead horse.


    Everyone has opinions and that is what we all post here. But opinions not based on fact are..well ehh...how can anyone take those opinions seriously. And if stating facts that contradict someone's opinions on here is condescending then I guess that's what I'm being. I'm fine with that.


    And ...787 northbound on the lefthand side next to Huckfins is a UA billboard. So if you drive 787 and don't see it..well I dunno as its there. And the electronic ones change every min. So they change all the time, but I def see UA ones on 90 west heading to 87.


    Whatever horse is dying and dead. And since you nor I aren't going to apply to the marketing position we'll just leave it at that.


    Well if it's the one that changes maybe I've just been unlucky...cause I would notice something like that. I'll look for it next time I head north.


    Also, condescending has to do with HOW you post, not WHAT you post. FYI.

  10. Beating a dead horse here...



    Heads up...long winded posts.



    All these ideas either significantly increase costs and/or decrease revenue. While advertising and promotions certainly often costs money..spending tens of thousands of dollars week in and week out to blanket local media and advertising just isn't realistic for a department that has had significant financial issues recently.


    The university/athletic department has to be more creative than simply outlaying loads of money in hopes of generating interest and attendance. If it was easy then it would've been done already..by us and the 100+ teams that average attendance figures below us. Benson was obviously brought in to do just this..including generating multiple/new streams of revenue. And just like a new coach..it may take a year or two or three to see tangible results.


    As "die-hard" fans..we also have a role. Buy season tickets..attend games..bring friends..donate..etc.


    All of my rants regarded to this topic come from two sides: season ticket holder and student.

    I have provided some ideas and yes, while some of them involve paying some money upfront, it needs to be done. If we aspire to be better/bigger than we are...we don't have a choice. You get what you pay for.


    Word of mouth can only do so much. Forget the billboards or area marketing for a second. The school is TERRIBLE at marketing the sporting events to it's own freaking students. Usually you get an email a couple days before a BIG game (such as BPG). For example, SBU tomorrow night is A HUGE game and not ONE email has come out about it. Not one. They don't even consistently email students about lesser home games. I know this for a FACT (*glares at Ms.GDG* Happy?) as I AM a student on campus. I've said it many times and others have corroborated...there are almost no posters, ads, etc. in the classrooms or hallways advertising our teams. And within the tenured faculty, there is a huge apathy for sports. I get it, we aren't a sports school, but the fact that our own school store/Athletic Department doesn't sell much nice stuff related to our sports teams (and the Alumni folks have to do it) is telling enough. Our Athletic Department needs a serious overhaul on procedures and technology/methods of reaching the masses. The only thing that (to me, a die hard fan) that jumps out is when I see an athlete decked out in UA clothing with a book bag that usually has their number on it. For example, Drew Smith used to show up to my class a few years ago wearing his UA sweats/hoodie with a bag that had #10 on it).



    Yeah, that definitely is progress. But not everyone watches that...however many people (I'd assume) watch the news live in the evening. We need stories during those segments, IMO.

    We also need billboards which highlight things like the fact we are undefeated, etc. We should be on the majority of bill boards in the area. I take 787 from Albany to Cohoes at least once a week and take 87/90 from Selkirk to Schenectady every day and don't see anything UAlbany related. And none of that UA UKnow nonsense either.


    I drive 787 to 90 every day from Guilderland to downtown Albany and see UAlbany billboards every single day. There is one near Huckfinns and the electronic ones often have UA ads up advertising games and or alums in the area.


    So you complain we don't get coverage, Bob and I state that we actually do get our own show and you say not everyone watches it. I get you might be frustrated but again facts are facts..we do get stories. I watch the news a lot and see them all the time. The 6pm news has a small segment on sports thats why many news channels have their own sports shows later at night. You can't force people to watch the news or even read stories in news papers. People have short attention spans. But I must say I do see progress in the UA Weekly show..I think they are really good.


    Did you apply to the VP Marketing position yet? ;)



    Here you go with your condescending 'facts are facts' speech again (also, see 'did you apply for VP position yet?' comment as further evidence). Why are people not allowed to voice their opinion? I know about the TV program. That isn't my point. My point is it's implemented poorly/not well enough to bring people to the games.
    I will venture that a TINY percentage of the total sports fan market we are in watches the weekly show. Why? Because it's on at 11:30AM on SATURDAYS (when people are likely out and about running errands). Not everyone has DVR or knows that it's archived online. Also, its on a sister station of our NBC affiliate. We need the CASUAL fans to get exposed to the program. How do you do that? Put in highly visible areas for them to see it instead of tucking it away in a remote area of the TV channel lineup. Again, that is my opinion and a fact (that it's not highly visible to the casual fan). Since, you know, you like facts so much.
    As for the billboards, I prefaced my post with the roads I travel and that I don't see them THERE (technically, I don't even think there is a billboard from Exit 22 to 25 of 87/90 but I certainly haven't seen one on 787 North or Southbound and I travel it's entirety). I think I saw a UA ad once near Menands heading south during the football season (near that new jumping park complex thing). So, not sure why you're getting on me about that lack of 'fact'? Of the 4 major highways/interstates (87, 90, 787, and Rt. 7) we have running through our area, only 1 has a billboard with UA stuff on it? Yeah, that's certainly going to reach the masses. Lulz.

    No I have not applied (neither have you, clearly, as all you do is complain about people complaining lol)...but if I was the VP, I'd certainly have an intern reading this forum for discussions such as this and reporting back to me anytime a new flurry of 'ideas' hits the web. As stated in other threads...the Athletic Departments job is to seek out MY opinion. I should not have to go to them.
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