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Everything posted by dslyank

  1. I am not sure what UA should be ranked at this point. But definitely NOT 56. Look at the teams ranked and many ARE there will multiple loses and with ALMOST WINS. Close absolutely enters into the rankings especially this early in the season. How is UA 1-4, really that much different than hopkins 2-3. If in the same league UA would be 1 game behind. Even Quint acknowledges that hopkins is only there because of history {"the NCAA playoff hunt. [ 2 -3 ] History alone gets them here".} Obviously the polls this time of year are pretty meaningless; maybe more so this year than ever with all the "upsets" and no one really standing out. Also, through 5 games few if any teams has played a more difficult schedule than UA. ps. For what its worth Quint hates UA period. I don't know why; maybe goes back to when he and Marr played together @ hopkins, maybe fought over the same girl, competed for the same coaching jobs; who knows. But Quint rarely has anything good to say about UA; and even when the situation dictates he say something positive, it is like he is choking on his words.
  2. Of course it is now all about WINNING. Not sure at large totally out? Win out (including a top 5 win over Yale--assuming they are still top 5); finish 9-4. Win first game in AmEast (10-4). Even with upset in final 10-5. Look at current 10-17 poll, every team except Georgetown already has at least 2 loses, some even with 3. Four new teams entered or re-entered top 20 this week. Even 1-9 ALL (except Ohio State) have at least one loss. ALL 1-20+ as league and tournament play begin will add to their loses. I know it is far fetched, but in this topsie-tervie year, UA can climb into at large ranking. Obviously win AmEast outright and not left to fate and discretion. Regardless, it is all about winning period.
  3. Anyone know anything about these two? Could either be a solution @ the point?? Curious about the praise for Jerotic. Diamond in the rough or just coach speak? Also, Flory still getting some coach speak? IMHO hope we have not given up on French. I like his hustle and given some experience and maybe the weight room over the summer, I think he has more of an upside than Lauderdale. Good rebounder and only big without stone hands.
  4. Not sure I've ever seen a year where as soon as a team gets to number 1 or 2, they get beat. Also so many upsets by "upstarts." Makes our 10 week run as number 1 last year pretty remarkable
  5. Think you are right. Probably NOT the same Hill. My apologies to which ever one plays for UA; and to the other Hill if I misinterpreted his comment. Seemed to be critical of Marr who went out on a limb and always does to protect his players.
  6. Syracuse lacrosse parking now up to $15. Was 7 when I first started going out there for lax, maybe 8-10 years ago. General admission now also $15. Likewise $7 when I first started going to UA -cuse games. But I agree for an AMEast team to charge what we do for parking is bad; except if cuse ever does comes to UA, I hope we charge them double/triple; as Scrooge says a "lot of back payments" their.
  7. I am not sure exactly what Hill is saying here? Seems like he is criticizing Marr for benching Nanticoke and/or is he stating Nanticoke is going no matter what. Either way, unless I am miss interpreting Hill's comment he needs to go to BENCH too. I am having a hard time accepting the "fact" that Tehoka is a detriment to the team. If he is not helping the team or if the team is better without him, then he should sit period. If it goes deeper than that and he is a total distraction, than cut him loose now. Personally, IMHO Tehoka has to decide whether he wants to be a member of this TEAM or not and than act like it or more appropriately demonstrate that he does. And by demonstrate, I DO NOT mean he has to perform better. Maybe/Probably I am reading this whole affair wrong and am totally off base??? Don't really know what to think actually--should probably just like "state", keep my mouth shut.
  8. Fire his a$$. Eat the contract if need be. He has done a terrible job. I have been on the fence concerning Benson. But as you can see I jumped off. Can Not think of one positive thing he has done {I am sure there must be some.} But without listing them, IMHO there are many negative things {we all have our lists & opinions of things he has done poorly/badly.} And the bottom line for me is simply the program has not gone forward during his administration and in many ways has regressed.
  9. Anyone notice Gleason's $ienna team beat St John's today. St John is the only team to beat High Point who is now 6-1 with wins over Duke & Virginia. Also pre-season #5 hopkins has 3 loses. What a screwy season so far.
  10. Defense played better but simply ON THE FIELD TOO LONG. UA shots were one and done or off the pipe and long ricochet to the terps. Pretty sure HOf correct we did cause 4 80 second violations. But also mary had multiple resets giving them 160 second of possession at times. Not positive, but I am pretty sure mary actually had two resets on the same possession. If a time of possession stat was kept it would have been 3 full qtrs. mary, 1 UA. The shot clock was suppose to prevent this and also help negate dominant face-off discrepancies. Today the shot clock did not help UA {IMHO}. Speaking of face-offs what happened to Altamari. He went from being anointed #1 and was the higher recruit out of high school, to NOT even given a chance even though Jones HAS struggled against only average rated competition?????? ps. I don't believe the Tehoka "story" out because of hit in the face??????? IMHO there is more to this whole now 2 ½ games not playing. Maybe I've watched too many Area 51 and Kennedy assassination conspiracies??
  11. Need a BIG win to get confidence and mojo back. Not sure if "good effort" or close is enough. Maybe I am overreacting, but Saturday could be "turning point' of the season, one way or another.
  12. Eli GREAT assessment/post. Maybe this conversation needs to be moved to General Danes Stuff. As cw pointed out, there has been other high level and successful coaches threatened by Benson. Maybe nothing or maybe just the usual administration-coaches-players knocking heads and purposes. But as you point out, Benson seems to be falling short in many areas.
  13. Tehoka finally on Tewaaraton 50 watch list. Finally getting some recognition. Our competitors certainly ARE paying a lot of attention to him, so far this year.
  14. Getting back to the game: man-up -- man-down has been an issue since last year. Yesterday mass 2-3; UA 0-5; minus 7 discrepancy. Two years ago our man-down D, #1 in the country. Last year not even close. Even with our final four appearance last year our man-up efficiency was not good. Might just not have the manpower anymore or coaching flailings?? Thoughts??
  15. Agree "Coaching Staff Flailing". Would go so far as to say Failing. Also, felt at the time the loss of Gleason would be a big issue. But I wonder if administration and BUDGET and BENSON, need to share in the blame. I have no inside information, but I wonder what UA has budgeted for assistant coaches compared to other final four & top 20 teams?????? I sit @ SEFCU and see the same thing; a loyal and successful coach praising his all alumni assistance (who ALL maybe or maybe not doing a good job) and I wonder "maybe that is all he can afford" ?
  16. Got to disagree. Stand with the coach. IMHO Nanticoke would be on a long suspension if coach did NOT stand up to them. Perhaps Scott was a little too abrasive; but compliance/ncaa are the true bad guys here. STUPID RULES, SELECTIVELY ENFORCED. UA and especially lacrosse have been been treated unfairly or at least unequally time and again. Whether it be seeding or travel or whatever; how is the coach suppose to know they MIGHT overlook this incident. Personally, I think the ncaa would have come down hard on UA, if Scott had not stood up so forcibly. The only mistake coach made {in my opinion} is the way he attacked contributed to the TEAMS distraction. But make no mistake the distraction was there even before his "over reaction." Also, the ncaa comes out "looking" like the "good guy" here; but IMHO they are NOT!
  17. No energy at ALL at start; and only brief spurts thereafter. Coach & Team Both seem uninterested. Seem to simply accept they are missing something and everyone seems to be satisfied to I don't know WHAT--waiting to next year--?????????
  18. GLAD he is back! Some as is your right seem to question whether he helps this team or not. He had 50 goals and 32 assists as a freshman; 3g & 1a so far this year in limited time and under trying circumstances. IMHO I want him and think the team needs and benefits with him in the line-up. Agreed sometimes he holds the ball too long and sometimes he lets his temper get in his way; but the O in general has been error prone, careless with the ball and passing. And given the beating he takes and the ref's seem too disproportionately allow, I'm not sure being aggressive back is such a bad thing.
  19. Wonder why not moving inside to Afrims?? With the cold and time slot, seems not too many able to make game. Wonder how many Afrims can hold?? Saw the Colgate scrimmage there and thought 400-500 maybe. Anyone know?
  20. Only saw a few minutes of yesterday's game. Was watching LAX and then had an engagement. But say what you want about Hartford and its five seniors--IMHO they are going nowhere. A first round AmEast knock out, not out of the question; but two wins noway. 5 guys played 180 out of 205 minutes yesterday with a sixth man getting about 20 and the seventh 5. Cannot win like that against good teams vermont, brook, umbc, and maybe even umassL. I'd even bet on our youngsters, if we happened to meet up with them again somehow.
  21. So, it maybe/is mute; but do we win yesterday's game with Tehoka in the line-up. He had to be worth a goal or two or three???????????????
  22. Cornell is GOOD!!; but we gave them too many chances by poor defense, UNFORCED TURNOVERS and silly mistakes. Really should have won this game. Siekierski probably had his poorest game, but he did make four incredible saves in the 4th qtr which allowed UA to make a run and tie. He only had 6 saves total through 3. but let's face-it Cornell shots were well placed and shooters wide open pretty much ALL day. On the other hand, not to take anything away from an inspired UA offense, cornell's goalie was pretty awful {and IMHO will probably prevent them from becoming a final four team.} Also noteworthy, we did win the ground ball and face-off battle pretty handily.
  23. Wondering what the rule is on this? Is it a save if the goalie catches the ball inside the net before it hits any net or the ground?? Did the official just miss the call and if so why did no one override the call? Definitely looked to be past the goal line and like you said, even announcers saw it that way. Anyone know what the rule is on a situation like this??
  24. A little confused about who's #1 @ face-off? Altamari coming out of high school was more highly touted {Ranked the #6 incoming faceoff specialist in Class of 2017 by Inside Lacrosse... } and I thought I heard before the cuse game he was named #1? Jones seemed to do a little better in the cuse game, but certainly not dominant or anything. Altamari definitely did not do well @ drexel and no way of knowing if Jones would have done any better. I am not sure why some are anointing Jones as our savior at the X. {NOT saying your wrong, hopefully he IS; just wondering the reasoning??]
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