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Big Purple Fans
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Everything posted by dslyank

  1. Had to laugh at the Monmouth announcers saying "the Big South" and the caa are the class of the FCS. Later amended their statement to add the Missouri Valley conference. Said the Big Three conferences in the FCS were like the Power 5 were to the the FBS. IMHO & I HOPE I'm wrong; yesterday's game was two equally BAD teams battling it out. One of the teams is a BAD team in a good conference and the other team is a bad team in a BAD conference. The bad/bad edged out the bad/good yesterday. In other words throw out conference affiliations, when BADS collide you get what you get.
  2. AGREED! But it will take more than winning to start filling Casey again [winning will cover up a lot of evils.] Also NEEDED better "Game Day Experience", better marketing and promotion, and most important IMHO start being more WELCOMING to fans, community, et ALL. UA alienated donors, season ticket holders, walk-up customers; pretty much everyone by their past practices and in many ways little has changed today. I know you can't please every segment, but you sure as hell aught to try, when you are trying to build something.
  3. Dane96 is RIGHT ON! I would go so far to say this should become priority one and proceed any existing cap improvements. For a reasonably small investment you would get the MOST bang for the buck and effect the MOST athletic departments and participants. Don't get me wrong SEFCU needs something and quick and pretty much every other sport facility also. But with money always tight, this is something that is very cost effective and more than likely could be done with general maintenance and normal athletic department funds; without a major fund raiser and NYState appeal/begging.
  4. God I hate to sound like a broken record; but the "committee to make the game day experience" better, scre#$% the pooch again. OK that they ran out of food again. It happens; even at the wedding in Cannan (but there they had some guy turn water into wine or at least smuggled it in for you nonbelievers .) But the combining of GDAC and Field Club was/is a BAD idea! First of all the letter advertising the new configuration was very vague. Is/was the GDAC buffet available to Field Club members? One attendant said yes, but as it became obvious food was running low, I heard a second attendant start asking people which party they were in? Now I'm a GDAC and think it would be rude to not invite Field Clubbbers to the buffet, especially since we are now using their area/facility. But you sure has heck should have enough food to make the invite. That being said, the real problem IMHO is that the two should NOT have been combined in the first place. With the closing of the beer area near section 101, there is NO place for the casual or walk up fan to enjoy a libation. If you are a GDAC sitting in the upper deck (best place to view the game, according to many--OK Bob87 I gave you plug), you have to walk a mile to get a beverage. The Field Club is the worse place to watch the game. Unless you really are just there for some serious drinking, you might as well just hang out at the City Line. I am a gold seat GDACer and also a NON drinker, but I sit in the only place where you can get a good game view and a quick beer and not miss a significant chunk of the game. IMHO by combining gdac and field club, the "committee" has not only negatively affected you poor upper deck gdac souls; but more importantly once again has proven to be UNWELCOMELY to the general public and community.
  5. From web site above: "The biggest cost components of Yeadon domes are the dome fabric, doors, lights, and the HVAC unit to provide the air supply. They can vary significantly based on your needs and preferences but as a rule of thumb, they combine to cost about $9 to $15 per square foot." "A fraction of the cost of brick and mortar" According to the site, Marquette put one up a year or so back. OK anyone know or want to estimate the dimensions of Fallon Field, bleachers included?? Then maybe we can start a go-fund me page. Count me in for at least a square foot or two.
  6. Danny Mastropaolo, out of Riverhead LI, 2019: not shown/pictured. I thought he was there on an earlier version???????
  7. brook and hampshire both played multiple DIII teams in the past. 2 or 3 per season. not sure who is doing what now but cw corrects all/most AmEast teams still play @ least one per year.
  8. I do not think an across the board move to the caa is a good thing. And OK hammer away; I think the move to football was and still IS a BAD one. I am NOT a Johnny come lately, I said this when we made the move and believe it even more so now. Six years in the caa with nothing to show for it except increased expenses. IMHO other programs have suffered because of the move and I do not see where or how it gained us anywhere/anything. If we had stayed in the NorthEast conference, more than likely would have made at least 2-3 ncaa appearance in the past 6 years and minimally would have at least competed year in and year out. I know I'm in the majority (maybe the only one) but I do not see one positive thing the caa has done for UA. Maybe a small attendance jump (but I doubt that also) more than negated by increased expenses--recruiting, travel, # of schoolies, etc. Better "EXPOSURE" in the caa you say. I say to WHAT? and at what cost? OK. Hammer Away!
  9. Team did well in first tournament. Lost first match 1-3, won second 3-1 and lost third 2-3 after taking first two sets from host Omaha. Seemed to just run out of gas, should have really beaten Omaha. Nebraska is noted for good volleyball; so pretty good showing by UA overall. Curious about a couple of things: last years AmEast rookie of the year Andersen Vaughan played only sparingly. Freshman setter Malea Stanton played well, did Stanton beat out Vaughan or is Vaughn hurt? Also Tatiana Tiangco and Courtney O'Connell (jr & sr) did not play at all. Tangco was one of UA's best players freshman year, but hardly played last year (had an injury I believe) and O'Connell got a lot of minutes last year. Anyone in the know, I'd appreciate an update on Vaughan, Tiangco & O'Connell. Thank you.
  10. Not to be a nag; but does this mean Skidders and Salit are in house?? Or are you saying yo do not know their situations?
  11. Also, NO Sacks. O-line could not open much for Mofor; but did a good job protecting Cuff. Some of Cuff's over throws may have been rushed, but overall the line gave him time.
  12. I have a lot of issues with Mr. Benson, but parking is NOT "really" one of them. I say really, because if I have an issue at all with parking; it is, I feel {and have said so over the years} that the parking and routing is a distraction for the casual fans. We drive people away by making it so complicated and confusing getting into UA. I have more than once mentioned the Dome as being far worse. Go to a game at Marist and you'd kiss the ground at Dutch February or not. Bob87 has been to more away games than probably anyone else on this blog and I'm pretty sure he would agree Dutch is a much easier walk than most other campuses. I understand the need for loyalty and rewarding season ticket holders and donors etc. but believe it or not I would gladly switch from SEFCU to Dutch, if UA had a program that WELCOMED and ENCOURAGED people to UA (say FREE parking, first come first served and no 2.5 mile loop to get into a spot.) That all being said, the policy in place now rewarding donors, season ticket holders etc, using a priority point system is as FAIR as any. If you have an issue or feel there may be an error in your priority status, Justin Brown is very accommodating.
  13. summary: Yaquinto definitely gone. Altamari?? So looking for official status: Salit (2019 or 2020); LaCalandra & Skidders @ UA or not?? Fan2018 or Lax518 or anyone in the know, updates appreciated.
  14. The roster is obviously a work in process. Freshman photo's not up and bio/stats incomplete. Also some players reportedly transferred {Yoquinto(goal) and Altamari ??} still showing. So does anyone really know the deal with Skidders? And are Yoquinto and Altamari still here or NOT?? Also, Richie LaCalandra and Peter Salit not listed.
  15. Jimbo, You've been holding out on us. Didn't know you were in the QB mix. I know the six year search for a QB has been far and wide. Sorry you did not make the cut. But never fear, there is always next year.
  16. Only 4 home OOC {only 3 DI)?? You would think by now, we'd have a balanced home/away OOC schedule?????????????????????????????????????????????
  17. First game or not; this has got to change. Was a major issue last year and if NOT addressed/remedied, my optimisms for 2019-2020 will dwindle quickly. Also, expected more from Malachi?
  18. Anyone have the link stream or stats for tonights game. I believe I saw the link on an earlier post, but can't seem to find it.
  19. The league is a total SHAM. Philly and Albany who played for the championship are owned by the same people. Even have the same GM and players are basically assigned to one team or the other before the season. Last year there were only four teams; expanded to 6 this year with I believe another of the original four bought a second franchise. Went to one game last year (none this year). Thought the league was a joke 20 years ago and am even more so convinced now!
  20. Anyone know if some or any of the Canadian games will be streamed? Or if Live Stats will be at least be available?
  21. Do you think he will beat out Jones as the starter @ FO? Is Altamari still in the picture? Come 2020 (2021 playing season) with Endres and Rodriguez on board who is #1. Others beside 518Lacrosse welcome to prognosticate.
  22. 7. Connor Fields, PLL, Chaos Is there a greater success story in lacrosse than Connor Fields? He played the better part of two seasons at Albany with what amounts to a peg leg. Dude was [figuratively] a pirate that almost stole the Tewaaraton. Now he runs with the power of two fully functional lower appendages and is the talisman of the entire Chaos team. He would be much higher on this list were it not for his turnovers, but with the way that his team plays, turnovers seem to matter less than his role as the leader of that deadly offense. Expect Field’s assist totals to increase once the attack spots around him begin to crystalize. From Inside Lacrosse article Top 20 players in MLL & PLL. [note Lyle was #2.]
  23. With Endres and now Rodriguez both highly touted/recruited committed for 2020; does anyone know the status of Mastropaolo 2019. Not listed on Inside Lax recruit page still??
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