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RACC Rowdy
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Everything posted by GreatDanes06

  1. http://www.albany.edu/sports/stories.htm#golf05aetwo Very upsetting for the team. Hard to believe they have the best team round all year and miss it. Congrads though, 2nd is nothing to be upset with. Would have been sweet though for back to back AE Championships. You cant ask for a more perfect score for 36 rounds. Sometimes in Golf, you have a good day, while the other guy has a great day...Congrads to the Team on 2nd however. Likes to see what happens with this team since i believe 3/4 of them are seniors. Hope it stays around and finishes 1-2 like it has the last two years.
  2. yea thats a old article...i read that a few days ago...it was good to hear that. What ive been seeing alot lately is Gundmunson on TV on the evening news. He seems to be getting more action then Campbell is from the press...maybe thats because hes in state with Buffalo.
  3. let us just realize when it comes to awards, the AE screws us every time. They did it to Hutchinson this last year, they do it to us some how every year.
  4. Here is the confirmation that Sigger has signed: http://www.fox23news.com/sports/local/stor...09-75C58288997F
  5. CALL US TOMORROW AT 442-4242 (AREA CODE 518)...vent about ualbany lacrosse or anything ualbany athletics related...hell you want to go Mets, Red Sox or Yankees, will do it also. WE WANT YOU GUYS TO CALL...YOUR PART OF OUR FAMILY!!!! CALL US TOMORROW DURING THE SATURDAY SPORTS SPOTLIGHT BETWEEN 12-3 PM
  6. i had a feeling it would be like that...i have a feeling that Spring Stomp is going to have bad attendence tomorrow because of the weather. i hope it doesnt, because this team deserves the crowed it had last year at Spring Stomp x 5...
  7. i cant make it, because ill be covering the game for WCDB with Craig. So brng your walkmans or boom boxes if you got them and listen to us as the game is going on. Brian let me know about the sweetshirts...i want in on those
  8. what the height and weight of this guy... So the Class is looking like Siggers, Covington and Connolley?
  9. im not out to get anyone. I just found it very interesting. 10:45 at night and they are practicing under the lights. Everyone around campus can see them. I actually think its a good practice idea...they gonna have to play under the lights etc on that field, why not practice in those conditions. Exactly, im not finding out information and reporting it etc that is not known. 1,000's of people saw Coach Brown walking around with the kid, i was the only one who took it to heart so i figure i tell you i saw Brown. I have no clue who the kid was, but i saw him walking with him. Im not allowed to say that? Who cares...i know people on Tennessee Vols boards that have connection with parents of players, and posts stuff on the board when stuff happens. Nothing happens to them. I dont post stuff like that. I work for WCDB and cover the sports games, and the number one rule is if its extremley vital, like interviews etc goes threw the Athletic Department. If im wrong, then Alumni72 and Dane96 and anyone else who has so called "insider information" is just as guilty. How am i wrong in any of this. I love this athletic department. But i dont see how me posting about a practice at 10:45 at night, which i think is a brilliant coaching move on Scott Marr's part, or posting that i saw coach Brown walking around campus with what looked to be a basketball player is wrong at all? And if all of you think im wrong, then ill stop doing it from this point on.
  10. Hall is all over the place. There was a article in the ASP this week that talks about him going to the bars to meet the students and see how they act. He knew there was underage drinking going on, but he realized it was part of the university life. But hes trying to understand why the students are doing what they are doing...thats a good President in my book
  11. http://www.packers.com/news/stories/2005/0.../8/?draft_nav=1 Short, yet very interesting. I didnt realize he ran such a sick 40 time. If he didnt have such a injury filled career here, he probably would have been a 5th or 6th rounder.
  12. im so excited its not even funny. Im happy for Campbell and Geir, for Bob, for the University for everything...THIS IS WHAT IVE ALWAYS WISHED FOR THIS UNIVERSITY...ITS GREAT.
  13. The refs blew the game for Albany. Missed the goal that would have tied the game 13 all. Didnt call head slashes and trips...a 14-13 loss to Syracuse. Best loss in UA Lacrosse History...a BS finish...UAlbany should have won this.
  14. talking to Craig with WCDB, he told me Hutch was looking to play overseas and then maybe hook up with a WNBA team after she see's what happens
  16. hahaha...i havent even graduated yet (dont for another year), and i already get letters from the University asking for Alumni donations...HAHAHA
  17. see what i dont get is, i think this Project Can be done for less and with alot of the things not changing. You dont need to replace the baseball stadium. You have the open area to make that work already. To me, rip up the last football field and build a parking lot. WERE ARE PEOPLE GONNA PARK FOR THIS NEW LACROSSE FIELD...INDIAN QUAD PARKING LOT? You can barley park for a baseball field now. Rip up that field, make it a parking lot, and build the stands for the baseball field on the dirt road they have leading to the park right now. Then you have that Natural hill you can use beinhd the visitors dugout. You rebuild the soccer field next to that parking lot. What other teams do they have that need a field? Field Hockey and Lacrosse is covered. The only other fields needed in Soccer. You can put in new turf on the current field and move it over so you can build the new football stadium. You dont need 4 more soccer fields etc... like this plan shows. You need two at the most, not 4. I think if they downsized the plan a little, the fundings would be fine and you still have a really good finishing product.
  18. to me, its clear they are gonna go JC with this last scholarship
  19. im gladd i can see how the Field Hockey and Lacrosse Field is going to be set up. The way they have it set up for Phase I is kinda like how Cortland's Football Field and Track and Field is set up (i've seen it)...bleachers in the middle, and a big press box, and all u have to do is walk over to the other side to see the other part of the field...i like that set-up. I dont see where they are gonna get all that open field behind the baseball stadium, but if they can, by all means. I'd like to see the plan thrown out on the Athletic Website as an interactive plan. I'd like to know when the plans for the baseball field will begin. To me, that should be part of phase 1. Adding bleachers and press box is not that hard fo a process. You get local companies to help with that, you can then start taking in more local/HS baseball games. Plus the team wouldnt have to worry about having cancelled games all the time. Im very excited about this. I only wish i wasnt graduating next year.
  20. they did this last year...i did it and it was alot of fun. i was gonna go with WCDB since we are covering the game, but i got to get how for the Passover Holidays. If you have the time, go. Just the fact its the Carrier Dome makes it awesome.
  21. to me thats all based around the stadium and the funds to move up. The funs will come, i know it...but at this point, i say screw building a new stadium, keep the practice fields, and just build within University Field right now. You have the Geography to make it work. Add stuff into the hills on the far side, get a new scoreboard and move the stands closer on the home side...You can build within that. Im willing to give that up... My other dream scenario is Campbell gets drafted, becomes a star and donates the money to help pay for it...hahaha
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