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Everything posted by dslyank

  1. I never said they should have stayed. I have no idea why they left, other than assistants move around all the time as they try to move up the later. And IF they honestly reported the incident, of course they are not in any trouble. However, IF they did coverup the incident, like some on this blog are saying/indicating [and I did not point a finger at you or anyone else], moving will not protect them. If their current employer or subsequent ones find out they were silent or dishonest, while a student athlete was assaulted, I doubt they will be in that job very long. I am absolutely NOT saying any of those who left are guilty of anything. AND I do not begrudge them for leaving UA for whatever reason. But I am simply disagreeing with those who say the wholesale departure of assistant coaches is indicative of DK's guilt. I have said several times on this blog IF DK guilty & Benson covered it up FIRE ALL INVOLVED. I have also said, I do not believe Fiz"s allegations. Like everyone else I believe I am entitled to my opinion. Not saying those who disagree are wrong, but I have only pointed out a number of reason {which I will not list again here} why I think Fiz's story/claims do not hold water for me.
  2. YES. A couple million reasons to FIRE Benson. And I’ve said more than once; if depositions support the claims absolutely fire DK and ALL. Agree Benson least effective AD ever; but find it a stretch that he is stupid enough to think he could manage a coverup. I’d fire Benson for jaywalking across SEFCU/Broadview parking lot. My post was just trying to point out many on this blog & in the press are trying to hang the whole UA out to dry; without ANY significant proof of wrong doing. Some are saying the coaching exodus is 1 proof & 2 exempts them from repercussions. Everyone welcome to their opinions but IMHO those who say this are 100% wrong on both 1 & 2. No proof whatsoever that anyone left because of Fiz issue; and if the shi// hits the fan & Fiz accusations of assault & coverup are proven, those who departed “in silence” careers, could absolutely be in jeopardy.
  3. Do you really think; by abandoning ship these guys are exempt from career ending/changing penalties, if they had knowing covered up an assault on a student athlete. If Fiz's allegations are true {and like I said I do not think so}, ANYONE/ALL who knew about an "assault" and did not come forward will be black-balled or worse, by any institution of quality. Was everyone in the locker room that day--players, coaches, water/towel persons, etc. involved in a giant conspiracy to protect/cover-up a delinquent coach, who with malicious & forethought assaulted a student athlete to"fire him up." Even DT had/has detractors to debunk his conspiracy theories. You think DK is more powerful/convincing than trum$.; not a single person in that locker room has come forward to say the incident was more than an accident in a warm-up circle?????????
  4. Disagree whole heartedly. 1. Do not believe DK the type to maliciously push a player into a locker and assault. 2. Do not believe Benson stupid enough to cover the incident up {Benson always covers his a$$, would be unlike him to go out on a limb for anyone IMHO} 3. Do not believe assistant coaches and or players who witnessed a coach "maliciously assault" a student athlete would not come forward [if true you are implying a conspiracy of large proportions.] You are welcome to your opinion, but I will stick by the assumption of innocent until proven guilty and await the resolution of the depositions. ps how long to you think the "fleeing" assistant coaches will still be working anywhere if they lied or covered-up an "assault" on a student {it would be career ending}. Again, I'm trusting in the courts and the honesty of most people to come forth, be a whistleblower if you will. And so far I have not seen a single knowing person come forward to support Fiz's claims
  5. Do not know if this is NOT true. This is still the story and ON RECORD until somebody proves differently.
  6. This was a "claim" by a Fiz lawyer. Writing this stuff in the paper and here, it should be made clear if it's an accusation or a fact. Agree with 96, the depositions under oath; especially those that collaborate are ALL that is important at this point. Get the facts--move on from there
  7. I wonder if the witnesses confirmed "struck in the face". If so, DK should have been let go immediately. If indeed a cover-up due to black community involvement then both should be let go NOW. If Fizulich is exaggerating or lying about the incident because he cannot find a school that will take him now {and IMHO that is the case}, then UA should move forward with their defense. If the witnesses collaborate UA that it was non malice shove in the excitement of the pre-game; then no harm done in my opinion.
  8. YES absolutely meant how they played. Don't care how many D2s & 3s they play; as long as they play WELL with the pride & boise of a D1. OK possible for a D2/3 to beat or almost beat a ONE. But it should be the exception and not the rule and usually happens when one or two of the D2/3 players has an insane game. But in ALL 3 UA's games, IMHO it was "disgraceful" play by UA and not exceptional play by the opponents that made the games close.
  9. Sorry I blame Benson (what else is new). Renewing the "cup" should have been home & home ONLY. There is no way MVP/TU/PEPSI could/can ever be considered a "neutral site." Stickers on the floor are only one more reason why UA gets burned by a half ass contract with lcc/mvp. I know DK was overly enthusiastic about bringing back the "cup" and he thought by doing so he was building community involvement. D'Argenio & Belber have been laughing all the way to the bank for years at UA's expense.
  10. +++ The under DI portion of the schedule was/is a TOTAL DISGRACE. The TEAM, Coaching staff, water/towel person, All Involved, need to acknowledge and hopefully FIX IT.
  11. DK officially back Thursday @ St. Joe and for rest of season.
  12. FIRE THEM BOTH. Not going to happen though. Rodriquez has enough other problems--enrollment, budget and program cuts, NANO {seems this is dead or on the back-back burner??}, academic standing and ratings, etc. No one in control of athletics except Benson himself? Only hope, he fires Gattuso to silence critics, so he can keep his fiefdom relatively peaceful. However doubt he will fire Benson even with all the critics; he doesn't seem to care what other's say or think. Attendance down across all sports, performances down across all/most sports, assuming donations from small to medium donors [the regular blue collar guy/fan/supporters of this blog who love UA sports and gives what he/she can] DOWN. The only up or + in his box, is he seems to have a pipeline of large pocket donors/advertisers?
  13. Agree 100%. Plus OK to experiment and look at a lot of guys early in the year. But this is NOT the game to do it in. He needs to figure out WHAT/WHO he has, and live and die and coach the hell out of those into the best they can be. Some should just sit permanently {As I often say, I'm not a coach; but it's pretty obvious who are not DI ready.} I know he is a new coach and we must give him some slack; but last year I felt he spent too much of the year experimenting with line-ups and NOT really coming up with a consistent offense or defense. And as you say NOT making the necessary in game adjustments. Being INCONSISTENT with long draughts both O & D, pretty much defined UA BB last year. So far this year, I'm seeing the same thing??????
  14. MY 2¢. First if all I was 2 miles away @ the Albany Symphony. A very pleasant and relaxing evening with my wife. ON the way home, I caught the last two minutes and the first thing I heard was UA blew a 16 pt. lead after a 9 ½ minute scoring drought {what else is new 😉}. At home I decided to watch the first half to see the good at least. First thing I noticed the stream was so choppy, I thought my tv/wifi/something remiss. Glanced @ the blog found out it was not me. The second thing I found out {already knew of course} THIS WAS NOT A NEUTRAL SITE GAME! This "revelation" came when the lcc announcer, announced to the color man that even though UA has had some success lately, when he played for lcc, they regularly kicked UA's a$$. Don't know who was the a$$ kicker was; I muted the "unbiased neutral" site announcer. So really have nothing new to add, other than what is already written here. On a positive note only 12 TO's in a very HOSTILE, I mean neutral atmosphere.
  15. Thanks for posting the email. I also have made "my annual" football contribution and recently did basketball and always add a few more dollar during Lacrosse season. What concerned me about the email was: "restructuring the GDAC program". As for re-seating the arena, of course they would have to do so, since the configuration is different. But IMHO seat preference's should be based on "ownership" and duration and IMHO should have nothing to do with GDAC donation amounts. Like you say we'll see what happens.
  16. Got an email a couple of days ago which basically said the "PRIORITY" program and SEFCU seating will be totally redone next year. It did not give any details, but basically was a plea for money. It said no GDAC "preferred seating gift" was required this year as all seats at HVCC were general admission. It did suggest that it would behove people to still donate to GDAC as money was greatly needed. It did not say, but I think implied a non donation might affect ones priority standing when redone next year. I was so angered by this, I trashed the email. If anyone has the email, I would appreciate if you could post it here for ALL to see. I have continued paying my GDAC all through covid and even paid the usual GDAC seat fee's this year even though not required. Maybe I am being too sensitive or reading too much into the announcement about re-seating and priority status for next year. But I along with a number of other "long timers" and with Justin Brown's understanding and support, were instrumental in getting longevity and history a part of the original GDAC priority program started when Casey stadium opened. Believe it or not the original program put forth by Benson was strictly how much you gave "TODAY." I do not want to fight that battle again; and like I said maybe I read the email wrong; or hopefully they learned the first time that longevity of seat "ownership" and donation history means MUCH. So if anyone has the email, please post so ALL can be aware and not have to rely on my interpretation or mis-interpretation of it. THANKS
  17. Is he due a red-shirt from last year [played in only one game] or a covid year? Or will he have used everything up after this year?
  18. Inevitable Gallagaher would have to resign. He really should have done so when Hartford declared the DI to DIII move. "MAYBE" commendable that he stuck around and fought to keep the move from happening. But ultimately he may have hurt his chances of getting another DI coaching job; by being an administration rebel; and finally leaving in a cloud of "he said--they said." Never liked him much, acted a crazy person on the sidelines, and seemed insincere in post & pregame interviews IMHO. But while you/I might admire the "good fight" he put up, ultimately IMHO he could have cut off his nose to spite his face as the saying goes.
  19. I agree with this statement 100%; but disagree with you assumption that you doubt it will happen. I absolutely think DK will employ the strategy you mention and you will see numerous players average 20-25 per game. Might be a slightly different group each game based on match-ups/injurries/player fatigue, whatever; but IMHO it is what DK plans and will do. Also agree Jackson could/should redshirt; but from what I hear It won't happen. Was post game interviewee twice already and seems to be a team leader/spokesperson of sorts. I am NOT saying, he should not be red-shirted {seems hesitant offensively and a year to mature there would most definitely help--defensively IMHO he is start ready now.} But as I said, pretty sure the plan is he will play this year even if only a few minutes per game. As/IF he gets more confident offensively, not IMHO out of the question he joins the 20-25 minute group {doubtful though.}
  20. Hutch has had back issues since game one. In the St. Rose game he wore a back brace on the bench; but only had it on a minute or so and he threw it off. I guess it must be still acting up yesterday; but I did not hear anything official on the post game report?
  21. I agree; play & see as many as you can this early in the year. My question; does anyone know why some of the substitutions literally play a minute or so [even less sometimes] and go right out?? It is almost like the coach did/does not realize who went in and for how long?? Anyone, notice the same thing and why this might be occurring?
  22. UA should be embarrassed. After a good effort yesterday, they have not shown up at all today. And what’s up with all the subs. I get it want to get everyone involved & see what you have; but some times guys come in & out in a matter of seconds???? Speaking of seeing everyone: I’ve seen more than enough of #4 Edmead. Burry him on the bench imho. 14 to’s against a DIII😂😂🤣
  23. Even e-edtion did not offer a score for either UA or lcc. Got so mad @ TU during play-offs and World Series went to re-up my Daily Gazette on-line. Get late scores and "full articles" for pretty much all games except West Coast stuff. They also had a promo $.99 for six months. Tried to re-order on-line but it would not take as I was a former customer; so I called. Talked to a nice young lady offered my a full year for $1.98.
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